He was gone 3 days. Last evening he showed up and he was hungry. Today we had the big rain storm and he was staying in his new tree most of the day but he heard me talking outside and he came up to me in the rain. I took him and his squirrel hive I made him inside and he has a warm dry place to spend the night.

  1. Father says:

    Now with rabies!

  2. Alex says:

    And then he ran onto the road and he was hit by a car and some guy stopped and turned him into a hat and his head was warm from then on.

    The End.

  3. Poppa Boner says:

    Rarely do you see a baby squirrel, think about it. I was sitting outside one night and watching the critters crawl all over my bird feeders and there were these little, red eye creatures that moved at supersonic speed and could cross great horizontal distances. I went the next day and bought night vision equipment and waited. They were baby squirrels. So cute!

  4. Alfred's Mom says:

    Hopefully he wasn’t covered in duct tape.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    Did you check his breath?

  6. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Jesus Christ! I’m crying now and blowing snot rockets.

  7. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    WTF Jäg! What if he has dick on his breath and it ended up being a gay squirrel?

  8. SparkyOne says:

    we have tapes of da squirrel’s “trip”. prepare small, unmarked bills, nothing over 100, totaling twenty large and drop it as instructed in our next correspondence

  9. Bob says:

    Crazy old Marc Perkel and the squirrel that gives him wood. Har!

  10. Heinrich Moltke says:

    Usually when I find a story I want to overlook, I overlook it, and nothing else need be said.

    This ongoing story, however, about this stupid squirrel, is so annoying and so moronic that without even reading it or its thirty other stupid posts, I feel I have to comment.

    Enough with the (&(^&(*&$#^% squirrel! Are you a man? Or are you some sort of walking vagina? Are you so removed from nature, civilization, and reality that the cutesy, wutesy ‘lil bitty squirrel bullshit is so compelling that you choke on your own cotton candy vomit and post this stuff three times a week? For God’s sake, and all the gods back to the Babylonians, the Sumerians, and every extinct god ever under the sun, enough with the bloody squirrels.

  11. qb says:

    #10 Heinrich Moltke

    I am not sure if I caught your drift. Are pro or con on the squirrel stories?

  12. rcool says:

    I like the squirrel stories, but that’s just me.

    Too bad you can’t tag him with a GPS and monitor his travels!

  13. Marc Perkel says:

    I wish I could put a little web cam on his head and watch what he sees.

  14. billabong says:

    They are called roof rats where I come from.

  15. chuck says:

    The mighty Ganesha has returned!

  16. duddits says:

    Pet Squirrel? Yes, sounds like it. NO! It may be tame but it is wild. Good entertainment sometimes. Chipmunk vs Squirrel is a hoot until Feral-Cat Referee shows up: BlueJay Bookmaker gets a pile of acorns.

    That said:
    #2 Lucky me wife didn’t hear that.
    #3 Thanks for the tip.
    #6 Would offer my hankie but it is in the microwave getting dried.
    #10 I have read only two being late for this brunch. I sense you have a middle left felling about the stories.

    My rule for fur bearing critters that can’t eat me:
    Be kind and helpful if they allow — give thanks to Mother Nature’s self preserved food & clothing store when they are supper main course — Don’t name ’em that is wife’s job.

    Marc Perkel: Nice story I may search for more.


  17. mr show says:

    What a cold-hearted lot we have here, save for a few. Funny that you find compassion so damn irritating. If these stories bug you that much that you have to post a reply…skip it in the first place and spare yourself some grief.

    Anyway, keep the “real news” coming Marc…it sure beats the hell out of most of the real news out there.

  18. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I’m overnight-ing some wadless panties for Mr. Moltke.

  19. kyusoath says:

    please stop posting this stupid shit about a squirrel . this is not your fucking myspace page.

  20. Mr Diesel says:

    To all those who don’t like the squirrel posts, fuck you.

    If you don’t like the posts skip them and save the rest of us the grief of listening to your incessant whining about them.

    A few years ago I mowed over a nest full of rabbits and didn’t hit a one of them. I left the area alone for weeks until the nest was empty. The next time I mowed I managed to kill every one of them. They had hidden in the tall grass right next to the old nest. Pretty upsetting.

    I like reading about Ganesha.

  21. deadpixel says:

    the squirrels that come by for snacks where i live are pretty fat now.

    they barely fit under the fence anymore :Þ

  22. Thinker says:

    Neeeet! 🙂 Keep posting! Perkel

  23. LibertyLover says:

    He must miss his tummy rubs.

    Where’s my Genesha Cam!?!?!

  24. Angel H. Wong says:

    Maybe Ganesha will move back in and live in the basement while wasting away playing WoW now that the lil’ thing saw what the real world is.

    Don’t forget to scold it and ask it when it’s going to finish college.

  25. chewy says:

    It’s a rat with a fashionable tail. Keep the updates rollin’.

  26. Great American says:

    Here’s Ganesha enjoying some of Angel H. Wang’s nuts:


  27. sargasso says:

    You know, with a geotag and a Google Maps API, Ganesha’s web site could attract Adsense sponsorship.

  28. DJ says:

    aaahhhh. Before you know it he’ll have chewed into your attic, gnawed the insulation from your wiring and crapped all over your ceilings (been there)… You are SO lucky (idiot)

  29. Nevadascott says:

    Seriously… start your own blog. who gives a crap about this dumb ass squirrel?
    I come here for relevant info about the world, not some dumbass crap about a squirrel!

  30. vw says:

    Heh Squirrels and Windows Mobile Bashing


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