A different kind of cool car that won’t pass the requirement. Girl not included.

California’s latest requirement for the auto industry — advanced window glazing to keep vehicles cooler — could prevent drivers from making phone calls, listening to satellite radio or using garage door openers.

It also could lead Chrysler Group LLC to stop selling its soft-top convertible Jeep Wrangler in the Golden State. The standard for sunroofs is so tough that automakers warn the glass would have to be “effectively black.”

The California Air Resources Board has adopted a new “Cool Cars” regulation ordering advanced glazing of windows to block the sun’s heat and reduce the need for air conditioning. Windows must be coated with microscopic specks of metal oxide to reflect sunlight.

Advocates say the requirements will reduce the temperature inside vehicles, saving gasoline and cutting greenhouse gases.
They noted that “ankle bracelets for parolees,” along with cell phone calls and laptops, “may be adversely affected by the metallic reflective standard” because the signals “must be able to penetrate the glazing in vehicles.”

Garmin’s initial testing said the signals from GPS devices were degraded.

Major automakers, led by the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers and Association of International Automobile Manufacturers, argued for a different standard that would “absorb” rather than “reflect” energy and wouldn’t risk wireless signals.

So goes California, so goes the nation. Eventually. Especially with an environment President in the WH.

  1. Joie Dennis Jr says:

    My name is joie dennis jr and you better believe it!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Dalton Rupe says:

    That Car is Sweet!!! The Girl Sound cme with it!!!!!
    And Joie Is my best friend


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