A different kind of cool car that won’t pass the requirement. Girl not included.

California’s latest requirement for the auto industry — advanced window glazing to keep vehicles cooler — could prevent drivers from making phone calls, listening to satellite radio or using garage door openers.

It also could lead Chrysler Group LLC to stop selling its soft-top convertible Jeep Wrangler in the Golden State. The standard for sunroofs is so tough that automakers warn the glass would have to be “effectively black.”

The California Air Resources Board has adopted a new “Cool Cars” regulation ordering advanced glazing of windows to block the sun’s heat and reduce the need for air conditioning. Windows must be coated with microscopic specks of metal oxide to reflect sunlight.

Advocates say the requirements will reduce the temperature inside vehicles, saving gasoline and cutting greenhouse gases.
They noted that “ankle bracelets for parolees,” along with cell phone calls and laptops, “may be adversely affected by the metallic reflective standard” because the signals “must be able to penetrate the glazing in vehicles.”

Garmin’s initial testing said the signals from GPS devices were degraded.

Major automakers, led by the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers and Association of International Automobile Manufacturers, argued for a different standard that would “absorb” rather than “reflect” energy and wouldn’t risk wireless signals.

So goes California, so goes the nation. Eventually. Especially with an environment President in the WH.

  1. bobbo, well, there are two types of people in the world says:

    All the negatives sound like positives to me. Can’t come soon enough. Yea—CALIFORN – I – A !!!

  2. Special Ed says:

    [deleted for violation of posting guidelines –ed.]

  3. W. Kirk Crawford says:

    Is this the way they are going to get us from using cell phone while in a car?

    The car need to know if it is moving or not.

  4. sargasso says:

    Nail polish acetone on an Enzo. She is going to be so dumped.

  5. Mark T. says:

    I wonder if it will affect radar guns. I want my whole car painted in this stuff. It sounds like something off of a stealth aircraft.

    Silly bureaucrats. First, windows tinted by their owner’s are “too dark” and making cops nervous. Banned. Now the bureaucrats want windows darker to cut “green house gas emissions”. Global apocalypse averted. Make up your damn minds. Which is it?

    What next? A ban on factory installed air conditioners in automobiles? Everyone will be required to drive with their windows open at all times.

    California is bankrupt but they keep coming up with new regulations to make life in the Golden State more expensive and a general pain in the ass. Unintended consequences be damned.

  6. dusanmal says:

    @#5 Actually it will increase your radar/laser/… reflection, making it easier to detect your speed from further away.

    I don’t care for side effects. This is simply eco-nuts gone beyond mental. Energy savings done this way are something that could come from either an asylum or sub-third grade.

  7. Mark T. says:

    dusanmal, yep, I think you are probably right. I didn’t think it through. If it is designed to reflect the Sun’s ray’s then it will probably reflect radar just as well.

    Maybe this is a surreptitious means of increasing Cal State revenue by increasing the number of speeding tickets issued.

  8. the haunted sheep says:

    California is simply ridiculous. Just what they need more laws and restrictions. The automakers should just stop selling there if their legislature is going to insist on such idiocy. Typical liberal attitude, better living through more legislation.

  9. chuck says:

    I think that using a GPS, radio, air-conditioning, etc will also have an effect on the range of the new electric vehicles.

    As for “ankle bracelets for parolees”, why not go back to the old-fashioned ball-and-chain?

  10. Bob says:

    So they want something that absorbs rather than reflects the radiation? My high-school physics finds a couple problems with that:

    1. Absorbing the same percentage as the current windows reflects will cause effectively the same problems

    2. Absorbing the sun’s radiation will have the opposite of the intended effect. The windows will become heat radiators rather than reflectors.

    Like I said… High school physics. If someone knows better than me, please correct me.

  11. smartalix says:

    This is a patently stupid complaint. Mount an antenna or two on the outside of the vehicle for the internal GPS, cell, and other systems. Ditto for aftermarket radar detectors and stuff, put the damn antenna on a magnet with a ribbon cable.

    At least complain about real tech issues, this lame-ass whiner shit with no tech understanding is pathetic.

  12. Special Ed says:

    #4 said, “Nail polish acetone on an Enzo. She is going to be so dumped.”

    I agree, I said if that was my car I’d kick her right in the [deleted for violation of posting guidelines –ed.]

  13. HeeHee says:

    Dave said, “Especially with an environment President in the WH.”
    The haunted sheep said, “Typical liberal attitude”.

    This is happening in California. In case you guys haven’t noticed, California has a republican governor.

  14. Steve S says:

    The California legislature never met a law it didn’t like. They pass an average of 600-900 new bills a year here. Does any state really need an additional 600-900 new (or changed) laws each and every year? Talk about the inmates running the asylum!

  15. Steve S says:

    I forgot to mention. The public is not very happy with the state legislators either.
    Even Hitler had better ratings at the end of the war.

  16. bill says:

    Try opening the window…
    Or, better yet don’t drive at all!

  17. Cursor_ says:

    “A different kind of cool car that won’t pass the requirement. Girl not included”

    That was a girl?

    I thought it was a German transvestite.


  18. Toxic Asshead says:

    Gotta love eco-tards.

  19. jjax says:

    #4, that’s the F50, not an Enzo. I hear ya, though.

  20. Steve says:

    They don’t want to do it, or anything else that may be difficult or cost money. As soon as they have to solutions will emerge. Once its done even those bastards will admit its a good idea.

  21. qb says:

    The girl or the car?

  22. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #4 – That was my second thought too.

  23. MikeN says:

    Why aren’t they banning big screen TVs that use hundreds or even thousands of watts?

  24. MikeN says:

    They should also be restricting acceleration.

  25. Steve S says:

    MikeN said,
    “Why aren’t they banning big screen TVs that use hundreds or even thousands of watts?”
    They are working on it. http://tinyurl.com/lywp9n
    California’s new slogan:
    There’s a law for that!

  26. deowll says:

    If the nation goes the way of CA we are all heading for national bankruptcy, massive unemployment, business flight, and a falling standard of living.

    When CA does something I want to know what it is so I know to do something else.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, doill,

    Didn’t you also suggest we would go to hell in a handbasket if we didn’t pass the Patriot Act, Invade Iraq and remove the WMDs, elected more Democrats, elect a black man as President, …

  28. Rich says:

    How hard would it be to design “smart glass” that would reflect infrared radiation from without and pass RF radiation both ways? Make it switchable so that in cold climates during winter it would pass the IR to the interior.

  29. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #28, Rich,

    It would be a lot harder than simply installing an integrated antenna outside the vehicle.

  30. Joie says:



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