Come on… you know you’d want to. Now get those kids off my curb!!!

  1. Mark T. says:

    I knew a guy that did this when I was in his truck only it wasn’t water but slush and it was around the mid-30’s at the time. I was appalled but got a little inner chuckle out of it. I guess I will burn in hell for that.

    Anyway, is there a back story? How is the guy in hot water? Is someone pressing charges or something?

  2. McCullough says:

    It happened to me on a motorcycle at a red light with cars behind me and nowhere to run. I saw the gleam in the truck drivers eye as I braced for impact…..

    I laugh about it now, but I was pissed at the time.
    Oh well, it was raining and I was already soaked, but still.

  3. ArtSpot says:

    Yea, someone did that to me while I was a student at Cal. What cha gonna do? It ain’t illegal to be a jackass and a jerk.

  4. Gasbag says:

    Oh so wrong but I still laughed 🙂

  5. skitsbox says:

    My friends and I use to do this when we were in school to people we went to school with. Being from Florida we had plenty of opportunity to do this. The next day we would laugh with them about it. Usually the person would feel dumb for standing next to the puddle not for getting splashed. Everyone who walks in the rain or right after a rain knows its going to happen so you avoid puddles like the plague. Or like myself sometimes welcomed it because it was so friggin hot out side and you just wanted to cool off.

    We also pulled each other down the flooded streets on rafts behind trucks as well so where I come from its a little redneck. I think some people need to just grow some balls, have some fun and stop whining about everything.

  6. deadpixel says:

    why are you promoting this sort of behavior john?

  7. deowll says:

    Why do people record themselves doing things that bleep?

  8. sargasso says:

    Kids, find some scrap iron and barbed wire, put it into a puddle on the side of the road, and wait for this jackass.

  9. Mark T. says:

    Thanks, KMFIX. I rather expected as much from nanny state UK.

    I guess the Brits aren’t always polite.

  10. xjonx says:

    I don’t know how may times I was splashed walking home from school in the rain. The high schoolers had a easy target as there was a sidewalk on only one side of the road. It used to really piss me off!

    So now that I know that it’s such a crime, WHERES MY CHECK FOR ALL THE PAIN AND SUFFERING IT CAUSED.

    Give me a break. It’s a part of growing up.

  11. green says:

    It’s a dick move.

  12. Greg Allen says:

    Drivers can be such jerks.

    My friend and I where standing at a cross walk sipping on “big gulps” (or whatever) and this Corvette, with the top down and a couple dressed for clubbing pulls to a stop.

    This quaffed woman in the passenger seat looks at us, just a couple of blue collar teens, with disdain and flicks her cigarette butt in our direction just as the light turns green.

    The ‘Vet peels out but my friend, who was a great athlete, quickly catches up with them as they stop for the next light a long city block away.

    They didn’t see it coming, as he nailed the woman squarely in the back of the head with his drink!

    She let out this perfect scream and my friend got clean away. I, a block back, had no problem losing them either.

    I don’t condone that sort of thing. It’s totally asking for a fight.

    But it was sweet.

  13. Greg Allen says:

    I guess they have a low standard for “brilliant” in G.B.

  14. Thinker says:

    So its Juvenille behaviour from a juvenille…

    If that guy does it twice, who’s to see one of the kids tossing something in front of the car?? They get wet, he’ll have to pay for a car repair…and damage. (not to mention if they hide something in that puddle and hit tire hits it)

  15. amodedoma says:

    Drivers have been doing this since the invention of the automobile, and kids have been getting drenched since the invention of the school bus. Anybody who grew up in the burbs where it rains and had to wait for the school bus has had this happen to them at one time or another. No biggie, they did seem to be driving to fast for conditions though.

  16. ECA says:

    2 times in my life.I was happy to be pushed to the BACK by Bossy Other kids..
    AS a TRUCK or car came by and SPLASHED them adn I was behind them..
    I could hardly hold it in, as they were SOAKED and they had been my protectors..


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