Big Pharma… working tirelessly for the benefit of man/womankind… What are these idiots thinking!!!

  1. echeola says:

    Creepy! This stuff freaks me out, but men apply rogaine to grow hair on their head, so why not?

  2. Hugh Ripper says:

    Why would a real doctor prescribe this crap? It can change your eye colour???

    Medicine in the US is out of control.

  3. Rick Cain says:

    I actually have to cut my eyelashes because it interferes with the clear vision in one of my eyes.
    I guess a desired thing by one can be another person’s liability.

  4. brm says:

    Who cares? Side effects are enumerated. Use at your own risk.

    We’re all still adults, right?

  5. jccalhoun says:

    Just think how successful Brook Shields could have been if only she had thicker eyelashes…

  6. brm says:


    “Medicine in the US is out of control.”

    omg! medicine should ONLY be used for things *I* dictate appropriate!

  7. Uncle Patso says:

    # 5 jccalhoun:
    “Just think how successful Brook Shields could have been if only she had thicker eyelashes…”

    And brown eyes…

    Another not-too-abnormal condition made into a disease so we can spend hundreds of dollars on a drug for the rest of our lives.

    Corporations have gone beyond charging money for goods and/or services — what they do now is more like industrial-scale money mining.

    No doubt once they get a few million hooked on their product, they’ll start selling futures. Then they can get into where the REAL money is: derivatives, speculation and market manipulation!

  8. Jim says:

    *scratches head* This ad has been out for months and months. And months. But ok, I guess you can complain about it when you want to.

    And months.

  9. Hugh Ripper says:

    #6 brm

    So you think its OK for the drug companies to use their vast marketing resources, including psychologists, to convince people that their eyelashes are inadequate in order to sell a dodgy drug that can discolour eyelids and permanently change eye colour?

    Thank Cthulhu that we have regulations in Australia that forbid the marketing of proscribed drugs direct to the consumer. Most drug companies have the morals of a psychopath. I concur with a healthy distrust of government, I trust the drug companies less.

  10. Glenn E. says:

    I’m waiting for the drug that makes one’s pee smell nice. Then public bathrooms (and old peoples’ homes) won’t have that disgusting urine odor anymore. Hope they try for a spearmint or floral scent.

  11. brm says:


    “you think its OK for the drug companies to…convince people that their eyelashes are inadequate”

    Are these people not adults? Is it not obvious from this ad that the drug carries risks?

    Do you seriously think that people who *never* think about their eyelashes are suddenly all, “I MUST TAKE THIS DRUG!” after seeing the ad?

    Chances are they’re already unhappy with their eyelashes. Whatever. Do I care about that shit? No. Should most people? No, but some do, and if they want to roll the dice and take a pill for it, fine.

    If an eyelash lengthening pill backfires on you, well… ridiculous consequences for having ridiculous desires.

  12. Hugh Ripper says:

    #11 brm

    I take your point, but I’d rather see the snake oil salesmen run out of town than watch them prey on the public.

  13. Dallas says:

    Another huge advance funded by the $500 kidney disease pain pill.

  14. RTaylor says:

    The growth of eyelashes is a side effect of this drug. It has been used for years to reduce interocular pressure. They just obtained a FDA approval label for a known off label use. No comment about the cosmetic usage, but if you ever had a mote in your eye you know lashes are there for a reason.

  15. KevinB66 says:

    Has anyone ever known a person who lost their hair, eyebrows, and EYELASHES to CANCER? It’s not that hard to find a good reason for this drug.

  16. MijMagawa says:

    My wife was prescribed this to reduce her eye pressure. It seems wrong that this drug is being marketed to people because of a side effect.

    It’s not surprising however since it’s all about making money. Long term health effects be damned as long as these people make money now.

    Re: the cancer statement. Yes I have known people who have lost their body hair due to cancer. That has nothing to do with the marketing of this product

  17. Benjamin says:

    This is probably marketed toward women. What do women think of this product? I see lots of women’s products and think they are scary/painful, but women really like them because it makes them feel better about themselves. Is that a bad thing?

    Most of us are men here and I think we would do good to hear what a woman would say about it.

  18. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I love women that sport a unibrow.

  19. brm says:


    I prefer a unilash.

  20. brm says:


    “It seems wrong that this drug is being marketed to people because of a side effect.”

    What if it were an eyelash drug first, and the eye pressure thing was the side-effect?

    You really don’t have a problem with this. You just don’t like that someone would take a pill for their eyelashes.

  21. RTaylor says:

    If a pill had a 50% mortality rate, but grew another 4 inches on the penis, they couldn’t keep it in stock. Gals would be slipping it in your food figuring 50/50 odds are great.

  22. chuck says:

    #23 – where can I get that pill? Is there a problem if I take two? Where do I send my credit card information?

  23. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #21 bm – That would imply one eye. Interesting. 🙂

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    Why not use the traditional answer, false eyelashes?


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