The Washington Post is typically the main-stream-media copy-press-release type of newspaper, but today one of their editors asked this fine question on an op-ed:

Would a Nobel peace prize winner authorize an attack on Iran?

Maybe Obama getting the Nobel peace prize is just a way to stop him from invading Iran.

Who could be behind this?

Iran is perhaps the most vexing challenge. Some progress toward a negotiated solution was made last week in Geneva, but it is too early to tell whether that will be sustainable. The diplomatic efforts may fail, forcing the president to consider sanctions that may bring suffering to the Iranian people. Ultimately, he may find on his desk a Pentagon proposal for a military strike on Iranian nuclear facilities. Or he may get a call from an Israeli prime minister saying such a strike is imminent.

An attack on Iran may be in the U.S. interests. But is it something a Nobel peace prize winner would authorize?

  1. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    Obama will be very wrong headed to attack Iran. All it would do is drive the price of oil through the roof, make every Iranian hate us, and probably harm relations with Russia and China. The rest of the Middle East will take a very dim view.

    But attacking another country militarily is the right wing nut way to achieve an end. My own thought is Obama and Clinton will try diplomacy first before even threatening any sanctions.

  2. Iran should not arouse concern. Georgia is the most dangerous flashpoint in Russia’s tense relations with the West. The Bible says: “At the appointed time [the king of the north = Russia] will return back [will regain the influence, which it lost after the break-up of the Soviet Union] and come into the south [many indicate that this might be Georgia], but it will not be as the former [1921] or as the latter [2008]. For the dwellers of coastlands of Kittim [the West] will come against him, and he will be humbled, and will return.” (Daniel 11:29,30a) Then Iran will be humbled also. “But ships will come from the direction of Kittim, troubling Asshur [Russia] and troubling Eber [inhabiting on the other side the Euphrates].” (Numbers 24:24a, BBE)

    At that time, peace will be taken from the earth and the “great sword” – nuclear sword – will be used. (Revelation 6:4) However, it will be neither the great tribulation nor “the end of the world” (Armageddon). As Jesus foretold, that will be “the beginning of birth pains”. (Mathew 24:7,8)

    If the Heavens planned a full return of Russia (and much suggests this) the present economic crisis will deepen. Then also the European Union and NATO will not stands.

    In the same way the earlier prophecy had fulfilled: “And (he) [the king of the north = Russia] will go back (to) his land with great wealth [1945]; and his heart (will be) against the holy covenant [state atheism]; and will act effectively; and turned back to his own land [the break-up of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact, the return of Russian troops to country].” (Daniel 11:28)

  3. pedro's (very embarrased) daddy says:

    ,a href=>pedro, my retarded son,

    why would you post a subject like this. you know Uncle Dave already posted an Obama wins the Noble Peace Prize.

    oh I know, you just wanted a post where you can come on and tell people they are stuupid.

    and why the phook do you now call yourself Guilherme Cherman? what a retarded name. oopps, right, a retard name for a retard. But what is the matter with your real name? The name your goat fooking mother gave you; Asshat Pedro Wetback. You are a stuupid retard son.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    I am convinced that out best weapon in the “war on terror” is easy and will save us a bundle:

    America start minding it’s own business:

    * Close our foreign bases
    * Wean ourselves from foreign energy.
    * Start making our own stuff again.
    * Quit borrowing foreign money.
    * Stop intervening in foreign conflicts
    * Cut our military in half.

    OK, it’s not easy. But we have to change only ourselves, not others.

  5. Hugh Ripper says:

    #33 Ewiak Ryszard

    That’s the great thing about the bible, you can make it fit any crackpot theory if you have enough imagination. Congratulations!

  6. amodedoma says:


    Ok, I’ll bite, so what the hell did Isreal have against the USSR, Korea, or Vietnam? Let’s face it the arab nations are just the flavour of the decade, and when they’ve finished with them, they’ll move on to somebody else. I remember when the US was full of pacifists and even so the wars dragged on. Even when the country was overun by hippies, the cold war continued. When I was in the USNavy in the early 80’s there was no declared war but our planes were attacking ‘terrorists’ targets in the north of Lebanon. Let’s face it the US is an agressor/repressor nation.

  7. Dallas says:

    Nobel Prize is as Strategic as ever.

  8. Dr Dodd says:

    #29-Hugh Ripper-So where does the church fit into your equation…

    The church doesn’t play any part in my observation. It’s a simple matter of recognizing that the government has us separated into two camps so we will continue fighting among ourselves and not pay attention to what they are doing.

    One day soon you are going to wake-up with everything you’ve known gone leading you to ask, what happened?

    Of course at that point it will be too late.

  9. LibertyLover says:

    When Nixon took us off the gold standard, the Dollar held its value because it was backed by oil, being traded around the world for oil.

    The Iraq war was started because the money people saw it as an attack on the US Dollar. Something not everybody knows is Saddam started using Euros in late 2000.

    Magically, he then had nuclear weapons and needed to be stopped. Two milliseconds after the US took Baghdad, they started using Dollars again.

    In 2004, Iran started their own oil trading floor, accepting Euros. Interestingly, about that time, it was discovered they had nuclear weapons.

    More and more countries are moving away from Dollars because their worth is slipping. Eventually, all nations will “possess” nuclear weapons.

    How long before Chavez has nukes?

    This all stems from the Fed’s manipulation of the currency. If they hadn’t have inflated it so much, it would be worth so much more than it is now and people would WANT to use it.

    Has anybody ever wondered why the old European currencies weren’t worth anything before the Euro was coined? Their own central banks had destroyed them. Right now the Euro is strong because it hasn’t been inflated nearly as much. But it is headed that way, too.

  10. LibertyLover says:

    #15, Is it just me or does any one else get the impression that the US is obsessed with war. I always get the feeling that they’re always on the lookout for the next enemy to wage war on.

    When you are constantly at War, people are more willing to give up their Rights due to the “emergency.” War on Drugs, War on Crime, War on Terrorism, etc. The problem is, these wars never go away and thus your Rights are never returned.

    #35 and #40, Amen, Brothers.

  11. deowll says:

    I would have thought that the person given this award would have needed a track record of some years of dedicated service to the cause of peace or maybe to have done something noteworthy such as brokered a settlement for some sort of conflict but it appears I was wrong.

    When is it an insult to win a prestigious award?

    When your stanchest supporters and best friends first response to hearing you won is to wonder if it’s some sort of prank because they don’t have a clue why you would have been awarded such a prize.

    The people on the Noble Prize committee need their butts kicked. They are making a total joke out of what the granter meant to be an honor.

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    Greg Allen #35.

    The voice of common sense and reason. If we did those things listed our country would be vastly better.

    Of course special interest would loose, so I’m not waiting…

  13. pedro's (very embarrased) daddy says:

    pedro, you son of a goat phooking mother. I missed the tag when I posted last night. here, let me try again.

    pedro, my retarded son

  14. MikeN says:

    This Peace Prize is aspirational and comes with over a million dollars. Shouldn’t this be called a bribe?

  15. Toxic Asshead says:

    Any true American would be embarrassed to win a modern Peace Prize. (I would take the million + bucks though.)

  16. Phydeau says:

    I too agree with the sentiments expressed in #35. We need to mind our own house and stop playing empire builder.

  17. Carcarius says:

    If Obama was smart he would not accept the reward until his grand plan for peace in the middle east has been realized. This would make him out to be the principled leader we all wish he would be and would likely result in a better opinion of the US around the world. Alas, last time I checked he embraced the award with open arms. A lost opportunity in my opinion.

  18. zorkor says:

    I think the main reason for this prize is to give “real peace” a chance. Given most of the US governments are madly in love with killing and bombing people to smithereens, this prize might be a good deterrent, even if its temporary. Cuz flame me all you like, most of the fire burning in this world has been started by US both directly and indirectly. The support for dictators, drug trade, torture, no respect for International Law, bullying, pushing, threatening, killing, bombing, blackmailing…I mean, how many dark sides the US govt has?

    So lets hope this prize will deter the war drummers..

    P.S= I am not blaming American people, just its Govt.

  19. FRAGaLOT says:

    My only guess is Barack wanted to pull out of the war(s) before he was president, and still ignorant about all the details. After he was elected and then learned all the details he probably realized he couldn’t do it.

    All politicians do this. They make big promises about issues and problems and they think it’s won’t be hard to resolve since they are blissfully ignorant just as the rest of us common folks are. Then when they get into office and see how fucked up everything is, they realize they are powerless and don’t do anything they promised during their campaign.

    Regardless, even the president said he didn’t deserve the Nobel prize. I guess most of the world is still in a love-affair (honeymooon) with Barack since Dubya is gone. Most Americans are already “over” this hump, and his approval ratings are dropping, but not in the eyes of the world at large… not yet anyway.

  20. zorkor says:

    #53….cant forget you..douche bag! lol

  21. Loupe Garou says:

    #51 …I mean, how many dark sides the US govt has?


  22. Rick Cain says:

    Iran is twice the size of Iraq, both physically and population wise. It has no inner ethnic or religious divides to take advantage of, and it has an actual military to speak of, and there are russian citizens and military advisors at its nuclear facilities

    Its a disaster waiting to happen if we attack.

  23. pesro's (very embarrased) daddy says:

    #48, pedro,

    my retarded son,

    If you close the door to the basement, you’ll be able to post all day long today, which is good since I’ll be able to enjoy how much I pwn you.

    you forgot, we don’t have a basement? we only live in a mud hut like all the other villagers. do you think we are that pretentious we could afford a basement?

    if we had a basement your grandmother would move the toilet over top the door anyway. then she wouldn’t have to use the street like you do.

    please come home. we will move the goats and chickens out of the hovel you used to sleep in so you can be comfy again. there will be enough room for you and Weenie, your favorite boy goat. and you can tell Weenie how much you love him and the two of you can keep each other warm all night.

    your goat Dick is gone. your mother was saying how much she wanted some Dick so we had her for dinner. Too chewy for my taste but your mother likes her Dick!

    right now your goat phooking mother is sleeping off a bottle of wine. she calls it taking a break. the US Navy has been in town all week and so she has been really busy. but she doubled her price to half an American dollar so we should have money rolling in. if the Navy stays another day we might be able to afford a basement after all. if you were here to help your mother we would have that basement by now. some of those Navy people like your type almost as much as you like Weenie. sorry about Dick though because we all know how you liked Dick too. we saved a picture so you can look at Dick all day.

  24. Hugh Ripper says:

    #56 pedro

    I don’t want you to remember me. I just want you to keep finishing your posts with “Death to Amerika”

    Boy, you must really hate America.

    See this is the typical right wing reaction and the root of many problems. A Muslim criticises American foreign policy and he’s immediately labelled a terrorist. Are you so chickenshit afraid of criticism or are you just ashamed of the truth?

    Of course Zorkor’s criticism in #51 can be applied to many other nations. Its just that America seems to be overtly proud of it.

    The US really should forget about Iran and start paying attention its own internal problems (ie. Greg Allens #35 post). Cept it wont happen because the elites are making too much money with the status quo and even have a government welfare account when times get tough.

    I would add to the list in #35
    * End corporate infiltration of government and all corporate welfare.

  25. ok like you are going to read this far.

    Just want to point something out.

    Obama was nominated for the nobel peace prize after these facts.

    Obama did not challenge Pelosi in reference to impeaching George Bush a War Criminal

    Obama voted to fund War as a Senator

    Obama voted for Wire Taps.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #61, ‘dro,

    It sure looks like your daddy owns your booty. You just don’t have the wit to make a good comeback.

    If someone were posting like that about me I think I might take the hint and quit trolling.

    It is pretty funny though.

  27. zorkor says:

    #59 Hugh Ripper,

    Thanks for understanding my point. There are over 1 billion Muslims and you think they all hate America or the West? If they all did, then it would have been a disaster.

    All we say, yes, if someone from us attacks you, then you have the right to get them and put them on trial. Not come to our lands and bomb every living and breathing soul in the name of war on terror.

    The Muslim nations still see the West with admiration, its the small minority which dislikes anything related to West. But even within these small minorities are those who lost their families, friends in US carpet bombings and daisy cutters. Think how would you feel when someone bombs you home with all your family members inside? And if you take action against it, you are called an enemy combatant? I am not supporting the terrorists, Im just telling you the reason behind their hatred.

    Yea, some of you will flame me to death but Im sure the sound minded will agree with me in one way or another. 🙂

    God bless…

  28. MikeN says:

    Travis, read the whole speech.

    “danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite”


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