Well, this may be a tad controversial in some quarters.

President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize Friday morning for what the committee called “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” especially his work to reach out to the Muslim world and to eliminate nuclear weapons around the globe.

The announcement, less than nine months after Obama took office, sparked immediate questions from reporters in Oslo about whether the Nobel committee was acting prematurely in rewarding a world leader who has outlined a lofty and ambitious agenda but has not yet made many concrete steps toward realizing it.

But Thorbjoern Jagland, chairman of the five-member Nobel committee, said “we have not given the prize for what may happen in the future. We are awarding Obama for what he has done in the past year. And we are hoping this may contribute a little bit for what he is trying to do.”

  1. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I have to wonder what the committee was thinking. But in any case it does tell us that the world clearly doesn’t need or want an arrogant gun-slinging cowboy, but rather a peace-seeking diplomat. I agree with them on that point…fewer Americans die that way.

  2. Halloweendeals says:

    lol its very funny thing i ever heard.Obama is a good leader but he hasnt proved anything yet.He has to do many things like things related to iraq ,afghanistan and recession..
    its too early for him to get this prize..This topic will be disscused for a long time and surely more will be against the award….

  3. Todd Peterson says:

    The globalists like to support each other.

    Of course giving the pize to Hussein Obama is UTTER CRAP!

  4. Dr Dodd says:

    They should have at least rewarded his teleprompter with an honorable mention.

  5. Civengine says:

    Uh, OK. I kept looking for the fake URL or link to the Onion when I read this. I am in utter disbelief. Not because I hate his politics or anything like that, but because he hasn’t had time to see if any of his diplomatic efforts will bear fruit.

    What major crisis has he solved? If you want to award it to him, give it in Year 3. you know, after he’s done something major.

    I recall that he made one trip to the Middle East so far and has had Israelis and Palestinians to his place exactly once. It took Carter two decades to be recognized for Camp David.

    It cheapens Roosevelt’s, Wilson’s (who was in many ways worse than Bush, but that’s another topic), and Carter’s awards.

    On the other hand, if we’re awarding it to him for being elected and bringing us back from the brink as one commenter stated, then we should award the prize to the AMERICAN PEOPLE. They are the ones who made a decision on November 4, 2008.

    As JCD would say,”Cripes!” At least we have some good No Agenda Fodder for montsh.

  6. qb says:

    Basically he got this award because he’s not W. Unfortunately, this will be an albatross for him domestically since Americans distrust “foreigners”.

    Now watch the Taliban and right wing pundits turn themselves inside-out whining about it. That should be fun.

  7. jccalhoun says:

    very silly to give him the award. what exactly has he done for peace? are the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan using guns that shoot beams of love and happiness instead of bullets?

  8. noname says:


    Do ya think this might, just maybe, it could silence all the super stupid Obama is Hitler talk??

    Talk like

    # 32 Stars & Bars

    # 20 OvenMaster

    There just so, so many more examples out there…

  9. Dr Dodd says:

    #39-noname-maybe, it could silence all the super stupid Obama is Hitler talk??

    Not likely. Arafat won and it didn’t stop him from being a bugger of boys.

  10. megapotamus says:

    I seem to recall W being castigated as the guy born on third base and thought he hit a triple. So what do we have here? This is absurd. It is affirmative action writ even larger. Who nominated Obama? Was there a lobbying effort like with Algore? It seems even the WH was surprised by this… is that PR? It’s ALL PR.

  11. megapotamus says:

    Scot, YOU are the ignorant slut. There is no global warming. There is global cooling and Algore has done more to harm humanity and increase poverty than any other modern figure although this half-wit half-breed un-American fraud, Barry the Worthless promises to make a serious run at it.

  12. GigG says:

    At least Gore made a movie.

  13. jopa says:

    If Obama can win the nobel peace prize, I want to nominate Eideard for the same award as well.
    If you support this nomination add a *YES* in your talkback text.


  14. qb says:

    I suspect they (Obama, Gibbs, Emanuel) will find a graceful way to decline the award.

  15. Timuchin says:

    It was infiltrated and subverted into the “Marxist Peace Prize” decades ago. If it weren’t 0bama it could be Hugo Chavez, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, José Manuel Zelaya Rosales or Fidel Castro, to give the Marxist cause more credibility.

  16. B.Dog says:

    There must be an illusion that Swedes see, but not me.

  17. grazip says:

    “Obama is president created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained the position by highlighting the central role the United Nations and other international institutions can play.”

    obama nobel peace prize

  18. LoTechNo says:

    Well… this proves that:

    War is Peace

  19. jopa says:

    #47 B. Dog

    It’s the idiotic Norwegians not the Swedes!
    Leave the Swedes alone, they are a nice people 🙂

  20. stopher2475 says:

    I agree with Dr Dodd. I long for the time, before Obama invented the teleprompter, when politicians like John McCain, Fred Thompson, and Sarah Palin memorized all their speaches. Or was your criticism that he knows how to read?

  21. testtubebaby says:

    They are just lifting him higher so he hits harder when he fails. I wish Jimmy Carter was President again.

  22. President Obama is the Best!!!!!!!!

  23. I can’t wait to see the SNL skit on this one.


  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    Geeze the wing nuts are taking this hard.

    I suppose most of them even think the Nobel Prizes are American and paid for with our tax dollars. Well, except for those blaming the Swedes.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #55, pedro,

    It is all summed up for you in this article.

    I only hope it isn’t too technical for you.

  26. Faxon says:

    The comments are so interesting today. The trend is so overwhelming that the couple of comments kissing O’s ass seem to be sarcastic, actually. So, it’s unanimous, Obama is no prize winner.
    Well…. I knew that a couple of years ago.

  27. qb says:

    Um, Norway isn’t Sweden. Didn’t you guys take geography or history in school?

    Alfred Nobel was Swedish and prize is technically awarded by the three Scandinavian countries, but Nobel felt there would be less corruption if it was awarded by a committee appointed by the Norwegian parliament. That’s why the announcement is made in Oslo and the acceptance is to the Norwegian parliament.

  28. CeramicGod says:

    So a jr. senator and very short term US President now qualifies for the Nobel Prize due to his efforts on pseudo science issues and the ignorance of the left wing world we live in.


    The Nobel Prize is now officially expensive toilet paper.

  29. The Wrong Guy says:

    From a random man on the street interview on whether you need to actually accomplish something to get a Nobel:

    “No. Try not. Do… or do not. There is no try.”

  30. amodedoma says:

    Yeah, I was sure this would get you guys riled. I also correctly anticipated most of your reactions. The truth is Europeans still believe he’ll try to change something. I’m sure he’d like to, but there isn’t a lot he can do, and if he tries something ‘terrorists’ will kill him. The real power only tolerates politicians that don’t make waves for them. Since the prize Obama might just start believing in all those people who think he’s a hero and try something stupid. Then he’ll end up like the Kennedy’s.


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