Typical MUNI Bus ride in San Francisco. Mass transit is such a winner. A later investigation showed that the driver never stopped as required or reported the incident.

  1. B.Dog says:

    I’m with the oriental woman on this one. The black woman probably was stupid.

  2. jerry says:

    I always enjoy a good catfight.

  3. chuck says:

    Public transit is for losers.

  4. smittybc says:

    Life on the fail bus.

    On a completely different note surprised you didn’t post this one John it’s right up your alley, spy on your neighbor for cash and prizes.


  5. Hmeyers says:

    @ bobbo

    Yes, I love to double down on the offensiveness to the easily offended.

    Mostly because I have a great sense of humor that people love, especially the females.

  6. Hmeyers says:

    #39 for the win:

    “Life on the fail bus.”

  7. hfidek says:

    they fighting about the swine flu vaccination

  8. bobbo, international pastry chef and tax expert says:

    #40–HMyers==well I can only say: “Please keep it up.” Now, would that be “females” or “failed-males?”

  9. FRAGaLOT says:

    I wasn’t expecting a cat fight, just a lot of unintelligent and unintelligible yelling. All i could manage to hear was the Asian yelling “fook yue!” since that’s probably the only insult she knows in English. You’d think the black woman would have been easier to understand since English is her native language.

  10. chris says:

    Nobody noticed, but #3 nailed it. Especially after saying “put your hands on me” when the black lady struck first she crossed the line from annoying to criminal.

  11. Hmeyers says:

    @ Bobbo

    I’ve dated 6 women this year and have another 12-15 that “like” me quite a bit. Yes, there are a few guys that like me as well but I’m not into that.

    I’m a serial monogamist and keep most of the relationships platonic, but it’s easy because of how handsome I am plus my great sense of humor and slight assholeness.

    Thanks for asking!

  12. GF says:

    That’s just sad. Fighting over a seat in the back of the bus.

  13. qb says:

    I see the same hostility while driving – the only way you can avoid this kind of stuff is to become a shut-in. Personally I use the BART when I’m in SF a lot and have had no problems. I do see some low-lifes but have never had any problems.

    If you want to see some hostility, watch the parents at a pee-wee hockey game.

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    Don’t want to sound mysoginist but ALL women are bitches.

  15. nicktherat says:

    Oh man. humans rock! YOU ARE STUPID

  16. Semantics says:

    Good to see a blue gum nigger get the beat down they deserve! Niggers feel the rules of polite society don’t apply to them. Good to see the chink put her in her place. Time for the niggers to return to the back of the bus!

  17. Steve S says:

    smittybc said,
    “On a completely different note surprised you didn’t post this one John it’s right up your alley, spy on your neighbor for cash and prizes.

    As a matter of fact, John did post that one. Paying half of the population to spy on the other half. Too bizarre for words.


  18. Randin says:

    “Did Texas succeed from the union yet?”

    I say let them so Mexico can bitch-slap them and make Texas it’s bitch.

  19. Wretched Gnu says:

    Dvorak, if the circumstances were different, would you write “White woman fights white woman on bus?”


  20. sargasso says:

    The other passengers looked traumatized. Anyone for a class action?

  21. algore says:

    Ho-chi-men was smacking aunt jemima’s melon.

  22. algore says:

    Fish head vs collard greens

  23. algore says:

    Between the chinese and ebonics, I didn’t understand a word…

  24. daneelshof says:

    Jesus Christ, Almighty! What has our world descended to? And where was Homeland Security? 😉

  25. Joe says:

    I like how the only English expressions the Chinese woman knows are “Fuck You” and “You are stupid”. If I was teaching American English to non-native speakers those would be the first two expressions I’d teach as well.

  26. Hmeyers says:


    You sir, Wretched Gnu, are discriminating against gender and species.

    Why does it matter what gender the 2 fighting are? You seem to be ok with stating that they are women.

    And why does it matter if they are humans or some other lifeform? This is discrimination against species by your logic.

  27. The0ne says:

    Chinese whoopped ass, as always.

  28. skipjack says:

    And that is why I walk 30 minutes to my office even though there is a MUNI bus stop right in front of the building

  29. Rick Cain says:

    Keepin it real!

  30. maryland157 says:

    That black lady was just asking to have her but kicked. She threw the first punch and the chinese lady finished the fight.


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