Typical MUNI Bus ride in San Francisco. Mass transit is such a winner. A later investigation showed that the driver never stopped as required or reported the incident.
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Who won?
The Romans had their blood sports in the Coliseum.
We moderns have You Tube.
As for me, I find no entertainment in either.
On MARTA (Atlanta) one of them would probably have shot the other after the first couple of F@%k Y^#’s. This is one reason I will always try to have a car or take a taxi.
So…what the hell were these two idiots fighting about?
John, why is it so important to emphasize what race they are? Or are you race-baiting using a sensationalized headline to draw the crowds?
And to think, I was seriously going to send you and Adam some money….
If these were two hicks, the title would definitely have read: “Two hillbillies fighting.”
Would that be racist?
And dude, the title is from the video itself, which wasn’t uploaded by John. Why don’t you send him a message.
Haha #6 you are a mega-retard
Guess what?
One lady was African American — also known as black — and the other lady was Asian, specifically Chinese.
You politically correct fagnuts crack me up.
And you are a major teabagger with the “And to think, I was seriously going to send you and Adam some money” comment.
LOL, some bum like you didn’t send money and for a stupid reason. How about you boycott visiting blog and REALLY make your point?
Dude, clearly you don’t understand. They were arguing over who looks sexier in a Speedo: Adam or John!
Go ahead and vote with your dollar which one you think is Speedo King.
Or, better yet, send a lot of money to No Agenda and let them know what jerks they are in your PayPal note! If you send more than $50, they’ll even READ the note on the podcast.
Get the satisfaction of showing them what jerks they are! 🙂
#9–HMyers==”fagnut?” Your literary path is heading downhill. Shame.
Much better is #13–Alfie==thats the funniest outright “humor” post you have ever made. Good stuff.
Yea–charge the black lady. Prevent future crime. Punishment should be a court enforced anger management class.
Now if one of the women had turned out to be a cage fighter in drag, that would have been better 🙂
Now if one of the women had turned out to be a cage fighter in drag……….
It is a well known fact that orientals hate the knee grow.
The video should be renamed “Human vs. Human” so as not to offend.
Well, as the video shows, the driver DID stop and open the doors. Had I been the driver, I’d have been too busy peeing myself with laughter to drive safely.
But why would he report that? No-one got hurt, it would just have created police records for a couple of people having a bad day. For such a freedom-loving people, you seem awfully eager to get the government involved in personal matters, eh?
Chinese vs Black lady. Well that’s what they are. I do not see any racial undertones in the title.
“The video should be renamed “Human vs. Human” so as not to offend.”
Another example of liberal fucks destroying this country with their “Martha Stewart” way of life.
Why don’t we give the black lady… sorry African American…. sorry human on the right a nobel piece prize for running off the bus after getting her ass kicked. ( after throwing the first punch )
Did Texas succeed from the union yet?
Sorry, I meant secede.
Belongs in a dumb-ass reality show.
Or Fox News.
Some of you guys act just like these two women. What ever happend to being polite, and showing a little christian decency? I’m sure these two women now wished they’d’ve behaved themselves, after international attention has fallen on their little scrap. Maybe if we all knew eachother’s email, hometown, and had a photo with our posts here you people might show a little better manners. It all comes down to anonymity. When people think they’re anonymous they behave differently. They show their true colors. Nothing more anonymous than posting on a blog, but public transit’s pretty anonymous too, until somebody films you with a cell phone and posts it on youtube.
The lesson here kiddies is that some black folk can’t seem to get along with anyone of another race.
The entitlement mentality is a cancer and the first causality is civility.
I don’t see where race is an issue at all here, perhaps gender, but not race.
What’s more I’m against racist or sexist commentary, unless it’s funny!
This Jerry Springer moment brought to you buy the Local Cab company and Fox News?
If it had been two white women, would the video submitter have called it “white vs. white lady?” What if a black person had taken the video and called it that? Or maybe “italian vs. mix-of-french-&-dutch lady?”
To reverse the whole thing, if the video had been called “two ladies fighting” and someone commented “I see they are black and Chinese,” my racism radar would go off.
I’m not accusing JCD or even the youtuber of racism. All I’m saying is, given the history of race in the U.S., I think it’s good for us to at least think about the use of racial labels and what they are saying when we use them.
#26-amodedoma-I’m against racist or sexist commentary, unless it’s funny!
Duly noted and well played.
#19 & 20 Yes Texas did secede from the Union some scores of years ago but they did not succeed in their efforts. The bleep Yankees attacked and forced them into involuntary membership in the stars and strips.
Some few locals still think you have to say damn before you say Yankees but the tradition is dieing out.
# 28 What they say about you is that you are the one obsessed by race. I’m not sure who else cares.
I think the black was at least half Chinese in part because of her appearance and in part because they were speaking the same language. Yes her skin was dark but her features, hair style, language, and style of dress matched up with the person she was arguing with.
“Typical MUNI Bus ride in San Francisco. Mass transit is such a winner. ”
You know, it’s easy to be critical. Solve some problems why don’t you instead of bitching about everything like a pompous ass.
Here’s some more information:
Apparently the argument started because one of the women was taking up two seats and the other tried to sit down anyway.
My very first day upon arriving in the US (as a temporary worker H1B), I also had a bad impression of some people in the US. We were unloading out luggage into my brother’s friend’s house when some punk honked their horn rudely at us for partially blocking the neighbor’s driveway. It was just a couple of luggage that we placed on the road (since it would be easier to unload everything off the van and then one by one bring it in). It didn’t take more than a minute, but this kid who is probably trying to impress his girlfriend or probably a first time driver wasn’t willing to wait and rudely got into a shouting match with our host. Our host told us that he had never seen that teen before and was just probably visiting.
This was in Jersey City, and friends have told me that it was a typical day there…. when I moved to Indianapolis they were a lot friendlier there, so I guess the more cosmopolitan (or populated) the city, the more rude the people tend to get….