Typical MUNI Bus ride in San Francisco. Mass transit is such a winner. A later investigation showed that the driver never stopped as required or reported the incident.
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So to all the wannabe racists on the board, the answer is…
In other circumstances, you *would* write “White person fights white person on a bus.”
Either you are right, in which case the above sentence makes complete sense — or I’m right, and you’re an dimensionless idiot.
Ghetto knee grows are always starting shit.
I have to say the black woman has a big brassy pair… Throwing a punch, when she was out numbered 10-1 by chinese.
Not really, just dumb as a fucking rock…
I just love it how the right wing nuts are having a field day over two women fighting. This must be their idea of entertainment.
And as usual, ‘dro just trolling his drivel again.
Black lady swung first. Chinese lady defended herself and her honor. Black lady ran to find other blacks for protection.
I personally think that NO CITY should have more then 100k people in it..AND a large yard to play in.
CROWDING people together is looking for MORE problems then we REALLY need.
@69 Wretched Gnu
I wanted Obama to win the presidency in part because he was black and I thought he’d be a good role model for African Americans.
Obviously, I was factoring in race.
So .. what is your opinion of me supporting Obama in part due to his race?
wow, this reminds me of my good old days of public transport. on my very first bus ride two hobbos got into a massive blue, a rum bottle was smashed, one was proclaimed the winner and a good time was had by all
the woman trying to keep the peace was hot.
That’s typical of blacks, the first thing they want to do is fight. Negotiation isn’t part of their genetic make up.
Hmeyers writes, “I wanted Obama to win the presidency in part because he was black and I thought he’d be a good role model for African Americans.”
ok, so finish your analogy please; follow it through to this case, of the headline nonsensically announcing a fight between “a white person and a white person,” (or whatever it was in this case).
Here in Amsterdam they would be literally thrown out of the bus/tram within a matter of seconds. You got to have respect for each other and for everyone around you (that means no screaming!).
Everyone keeps saying “Chinese Lady” “Black Lady” this or that…
Where the fuck do you see any LADIES there?!
FWIW: Negro woman hit the Asian woman first. Therefore no matter who started it, black woman would be the one at fault here.
pedro sez,
“I’m gonna sue the producers of the Sliders TV series. I consider the black person there calling the white dude “cue ball” racist.”
Boy, you sure burned me there. You have demonstrated that it absolutely *would* make sense for the headline to read “white woman fights white woman on the bus”!
But wait a minute… that still doesn’t make any sense at all, does it? You would never see such a headline, would you?
Golly, quite a conundrum.
Of course it has nothing to do with race — perish the thought! We all know racism was eliminated with the advent of Sammy Davis Jr.
Still, I can’t help but seek help from this forum:
Can anybody give me a coherent explanation as to why “Chinese vs Black lady” makes perfect sense as a headline, wheras you would never read in a million years, “White lady vs white lady”?
Surely there must be some logical explanation… Hm….
The Chinese lady TOW-UP that black lady with a much deserved righteous smackdown. That black lady didn’t want no part of the Chinese lady after that @ss whooping, she all but ran off the bus, hahaha. Serves her right for being such a obnoxious bully.
@ Wretched Gnu
“Can anybody give me a coherent explanation as to why “Chinese vs Black lady” makes perfect sense as a headline”
Um … because it is an accurate description and unusual to see.
You know little of journalism:
1. Dog bites man = boring and isn’t news.
2. Man bites dog = News!
We’ve all see the videos of 2 white women fighting, I wanna see a Chinese woman and black lady fighting.
Kind of how people like midgets fighting.
By the way, you sure are very dense. It’s pretty obvious why.
Now, if you claim to be an intellectual, why are you arguing for LESS information in the title?
And furthermore, you seem to agree that it is ok to label it as 2 women fighting. Isn’t that sexist on your part according to your [goofy dittohead] way of thinking?
Hmeyers writes, “Now, if you claim to be an intellectual, why are you arguing for LESS information in the title?”
Ah! I see. It’s all about “information”. Hm, that still leaves an important question. Why does Dvorak want to focus on only those pieces of information — Chinese and black — but ignores countless other pieces of information?
According to your theory, he should have written “Chinese woman in blue parka and scarf fights black woman in dark jacket and jeans.”
That would have been much preferable a headline, according to your brilliant, completely non-idiotic theory.
So I wonder why Dvorak preferred “Chinese” and “black” over all the countless other “information” he could have included…?
a dmca take down for that video????????? WTF
“So I wonder why Dvorak preferred ‘Chinese’ and ‘black’ over all the countless other ‘information’ he could have included…?”
Perhaps it is because people would love to watch a hot tempered aggressive black woman and a Chinese woman who knew little English fight on public transportation.
If it were men, I wouldn’t have been interested.
If it were 2 white women, I wouldn’t have been interested.
Perhaps this insight is why Dvorak is a successful journalist .. even if on the “yellow” side of journalism like his Mac-baiting and so forth.
Hmeyers writes, “If it were 2 white women, I wouldn’t have been interested.”
Thank you. There is no single statement that could better demonstrate my point.
f jesus! go asians! diu all of you say hak gwai