Found by John Ligums.

  1. hhopper says:

    John, you’d better disclose the free Volkswagen you got for posting this video.

  2. ECA says:

    I posted it first in cage match..

  3. ECA says:

    Do I get the car?? I would like the THING.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – hhopper


  5. SparkyOne says:

    add lights and seating and you can charge people to watch others climb the stairs

  6. Thinker says:

    very fun. 😀

  7. DA says:

    If I lived, worked, or were otherwise in that location for extended periods of time…

    I’d go insane and shoot myself.

  8. Cursor_ says:


  9. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    Now if they’d just do that with some pussy!

  10. Dallas says:

    Very clever and only in Europe do you see fun social experiments.

    In the US, you can be assured the ‘you know who’ schmucks will complain about some sinister government plot to force people to exercise.

  11. sargasso says:

    This is a sinister government plot to force people to exercise.

  12. GF says:

    It’s a plot by the eeevval American company FAO Schwartz to rule the world.

  13. chuck says:

    Did the also measure how long it was before some a**hole shows up and ruins it for everyone by jumping up and down on the same low note for hours at a time!

  14. dewtheone says:

    Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to play on the stairs? Let’s see how long until someone gets hurt, trips themselves or someone else. Hmmmm that might make an interesting song on those steps.

  15. Hugh Ripper says:

    #13 chuck

    At least the that arsehole is getting exercise 😉

    Cool experiment though.

  16. Satchmo Bevins says:

    Cool idea…..but it’s no TECH GROUCH!!!!!

    There’s an IDEA!!

  17. right says:

    Very cool.

  18. yanikinwaoz says:

    At 0:55 there is a man who gets off the subway with 2 dogs! These aren’t seeing eye dogs either.

    I’ve been to a lot of places, but I’ve never been on a subway where you are allowed to bring your dog. How cool is that?

  19. dusanmal says:

    From the video “…Fun can change behaviour for the better…” – Who determines “better”? Who wants “better” as in that definition? Social engineering at its worse, making people to do what they naturally wouldn’t. Because some high and mighty idiot thinks he have grabbed God by his balls and knows what is “better” for everyone else. No wonder this is coming to us from Nazi Germany. They didn’t lost their fascist touch at all.

  20. Awake says:


    Dogs are very common companions in places like Belgium, Austria, Sweden. You see them on buses, subways, outdoors at cafes, etc just taking a (unleashed) walk with their masters.

    What is amazing is how friendly and well behaved the dogs are. They are happy dogs. They are not American style dogs, which are trained to be mean as if the toughness of the dog represents the toughness of the master.

    It is truly a reflection of a more sophisticated civilization.

  21. Richardbt says:

    #20 – Awake, you should stop watching some much tv news. The “American style” dogs are raised to be spoiled dogs. Just because there are some who train dogs to be mean, doesn’t make it the norm.

  22. JFStan says:

    I’d be the one who fell down the stairs trying to play the theme from “Halloween”. But, even falling down those stairs would be more fun than usual.

  23. furrypotato says:

    #19. Geez, lighten up. Stockholm in in Sweden, not Germany. Idiot.

    It was meant to be light hearted fun. In fascist/nazi countries you never had any choice, it was all the same boring conformist way. Is that what you prefer ? Everyone just does things your boring unimaginative way ?

    I’m a grumpy sod in the morning but that put a smile on my face and you can see how much people enjoyed it.
    Go climb back into your surivalist bunker and shoot yourself now, do us all a favour.

  24. amodedoma says:

    #19 dusanmal

    I suppose you’re trying to be funny!? If not I might suggest a good therapist. It’s quite a stretch to connect this experiment to social engineering. But let’s say for the sake of argument it is. What’s so bad about herding the sheep with a carrot instead of the stick. There’s plenty of social engineering going on all the time with the stick, ’bout time somebody thought to use the carrot!

  25. deowll says:

    as soon as the new wears off…

  26. noname says:

    I that was America, we would just charge a fee to use the escalator.


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