

Thanks, David Snyder

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    No Spanish?

  2. bobbo, most things are plain to see says:

    Fusion–excellent. I was wondering whether it was for cars, trucks, horses, or pigs but your take is much better.

  3. god says:

    You have figure the dude who made the sign probably doesn’t speak Spanish, eh?

  4. Robart says:

    In Texas they can legally shoot you if you don’t slow down. It’s called the Speeding Sons A Bitch Defense law. It’s really more of a precedence than a law.

  5. Dr Dodd says:

    Perhaps this sign would be more effective if it was placed on the border facing Mexico.

  6. Texas Cruiser says:

    I’m so glad I have this blog to learn about law.

  7. Improbus says:


    I didn’t know you were Canadian.

  8. god says:

    Only halfway. Stopped following hockey in 1951.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, Improbus,

    I suppose the clue was that an American would have spelled it “Mexican”.

  10. pko says:

    In spanish should be:


    Please someone forward it to that Texan gentleman.

  11. cfk says:

    #9, Mr. Fusion:

    Please, let’s be regionally correct. The proper pronunciation is “Meskin,” as my East Texas relatives would say.

  12. theBadSteveO says:

    What? This started out as a funny sign seen on the side of the road and immediately turned into a language/race hating rant. I don’t get you guys…

  13. Dr Dodd says:


    Looks like everyone so far is just having a bit of fun. I didn’t see any language/race hating rants until you showed up.

    Sometimes we see what we are conditioned to see whether it is there are not.

  14. Hey Texans: That’s “sons of bitches”.

  15. #3 – god,

    Nor English. See my prior post.

  16. Toxic Asshead says:

    Speaking of preconceptions, #10 implied the sign was made by a gentleman. How do we know it wasn’t made by a very fine, tight jean wearin’ leather chap clad cowgirl?

  17. bobbo, an international pastry Chef and Constitutional Scholar says:

    I forget who, but there is a comedian who jokes that his mother never saw the irony in her calling him a son of a bitch. Brings a smile to my face.

  18. The0ne says:

    Caught that too eh…my head wouldn’t shake it off the first time I read it.

  19. Ranger007 says:

    #14 & #18

    Must be a regional thing – I’ve seen (and used) it both ways here in the Southwest.

    But, those people who see it understand it.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, TA,

    Are you suggesting someone like Alphie?

  21. Traffic Safety / says:

    This is just going to make sons of bitches slow down, and not anyone else. He should have one that includes daughters, ass holes, stupid fucks, and other types.

  22. The0ne says:

    That’s why I like to use “dumbass” in general. Got it from the show That 70’s Show 🙂 Love the word.

  23. RTaylor says:

    I think you may make a mistake if you find the owner and offer to correct his grammar or politics. Being contrary and quick tempered is considered a virtue in some places. So is having a shotgun and rifle in your truck, along with a larger caliber sidearm.

  24. Floyd says:

    For most of the Southwest, that sign needs to be written in two languages, so everyone can read it and ignore it. Ignore it they will, too. Eideard should be able to confirm this…especially the “ignore” part.

    If you drive the limit in rural New Mexico, you’ll get run over by people exceeding the limit by 20 MPH or more. That seems to apply in west Texas also. An exception in both states is in small towns with bored state patrolmen or sheriff’s deputies.

  25. deowll says:

    The locals get it. The grammar is what they are used to. If a bunch of foreigners don’t that’s their problem.

    Got a little hamlet near where I live called hen-er-vil. Non locals from 20 or thirty miles away call it Henryville. Bunch of foreign trash. ?8^)

  26. JimD says:

    Gee, he left out the “Stoopid” !!!

  27. Uncle Patso says:

    West Texas towns are small and F-A-R apart. The population is sparse, so there are fewer cars on the road. So people drive fast!

    (The only time I ever went faster than 120 mph in a car was in Texas.)

    Whoever put that sign up must not be from around there, else they’d know to put warning signs half a mile up and down the road to give people time to slow down…

  28. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    We have a sign out in the front of the church that merely says, “Slow, the fuck down – GOD DAMN IT!”

  29. bobbo, international pastry chef and tax expert says:

    I was driving in the Joshua National Forrest (a desert in So Cal) on the way to Vegas. Had been going at a steady 100 mph for a while when I saw a trooper come up on me from behind pretty fast. SHIT!!!!!

    I let up on the gas but was still going 80 as he passed me and kept going. Only ticket I’ve ever not gotten in my life. Always wondered where he was going and why.

  30. Toxic Asshead says:

    #20 – thanks for ruining my mental image. I was thinking more along the line of a Kate Beckinsale type.


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