• Telcos under interesting scrutiny.
  • Microsoft and Google licensing Twitter tweets.
  • Ballmer says e-readers suck and Windows-7 may not be that huge.
  • Meanwhile MS-Office 2010 Starter will replace MS-Works. Look for advertisements in the suite.
  • FBI director almost suckered into phishing scam.
  • Dell taking all USA manufacturing overseas.
  • New ink-jet print head a total screamer.

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  1. t0llyb0ng says:

    Ballmer’s onto something there with that read your e-books on your PC. If you happen to be really handy with macros, you can output an easy-to-read doc for yourself that puts more space between sentences, more space between lines, & your favorite font writ large. Sounds like something a commercial software package could solve.

    Some software company somewhere (Steve where are you) will come up with something like that someday & we won’t need “e-book readers” any more.

  2. Special Ed says:

    Baldmer should be well versed on what sucks, including himself.

  3. Hmeyers says:

    re: “Dell taking all USA manufacturing overseas”

    Ok …

    I’ve been saying this forever …

    As long as NAFTA exists, there is no reason for any business to build a plant to manufacture anything in the United States.

    Any business would just build the plant in Mexico and ship to the USA tariff-free with labor costs of a mere 10%, no threat of a frivolous Jesse Jackson lawsuit (Mitsubishi anyone?) or excessive red tape silliness.

    With 9.8% unemployment, we certainly have adequate labor here. It isn’t a labor supply problem nor a willingness to work problem.

    And when the last domino — government credit — goes to hell and it will in a couple of years as neither China nor Japan are willing to buy long-term US debt, only short term … we are in serious trouble.

  4. hhopper says:

    Ballmer’s an idiot. E-readers are becoming very hot. Everywhere I take my Kindle, people want to know all about it. I go to five different doctors. All five bought a Kindle after they saw mine. E-ink is much easier on the eyes than an LCD screen. Who wants to carry a computer with you just to read a book? There will be a huge e-reader market for college students, especially when color e-readers are released. It sure would be nice to carry a little 10 oz. device rather than 20 lbs. of textbooks. Plus, textbooks will be a lot cheaper too.

  5. Grandpa says:

    Hey, take it easy on Dell. H-P moved everything they could overseas four years ago. I know, I’m one of the victims. So, good job Dell for being one of the last “American” companies to sell out America.

  6. Hmeyers says:

    By the way, Dell builds in China but assembles the PCs in Mexico so they get NAFTA tariff-free.

  7. Hmeyers says:

    “Plus, textbooks will be a lot cheaper too.”

    Justify that statement.

    You do know textbook makers pump out new editions each year to kill the used book market.

    They like making $60 on a $120 college text book.

  8. Hmeyers says:


    Not only does Dell build in China, but assemble in Mexico for tariff-free NAFTA trade but so does Lenovo and HP.

    NAFTA is not only a way to ship all manufacturing to Mexico but functions as a back-door to the USA.

  9. deowll says:

    I guess MS had to do better than works or the only people that might have bought it would have used Open Office or some other free package anyway.

  10. JimD says:

    “Microsoft Works is Toast” – Great reason to install OpenOffice.org – for free !!! Get a FULL FUNCTION word processor and spreadsheet !!!

    P.S. Ballmer is dis’in e-book readers because M$ DOESN’T HAVE ONE !!! And Apple will probably redeine the device as they redefined the MP3 player – but with IRON CLAD DRM !!!

  11. Postman says:

    Well except that there are free productivity suites that don’t suck like open office does. I mean really, that piece of crap is hands down the worst choice in that sort of app…

  12. B.Dog says:

    Here in mid-west we use 100 yard football fields, so 900 yards seems even farther.

  13. Column Voyeur says:

    Nine hundred yards does not equal three football fields. Oops.

  14. Rich says:

    Just bought an Acer netbook. It came preloaded with lost of crapware- McAffee (which immediately begged to be REGISTERED before it would update definitions), Carbonite, some crappy games (including WordWorm, or possibly WordBug)MS Office that craps out in 60 days, AAAAAND (drumroll) AD-SUPPPORTED MS WORKS! Yes, that’s ad supported! I killed MS Works first and then the rest. Why would I put up with having to look at ads from some second-string MS apps? That’s madness. Great little netbook now.

  15. handydave says:

    High Speed Printing



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