Kate Beckinsale Pictures – Interview and Pics of Sexiest Woman Alive Kate Beckinsale – Esquire — SO Esquire has named this British gal the sexiest woman alive. I’ve heard her on talk shows and she seems to be a sharp, well-educated polyglot with a quick wit. This interview also indicates she has all sorts of neurotic food aversions and other “issues” making her a more typical actress. Maybe she’ll blog for DU.

“This whole notion of being named Sexiest Woman Alive is going to earn me quite a beating,” she says. “You can’t have that title with four brothers. I’ll get wedgies. Headlocks. Noogies.”Seems fair, I allow. They are your brothers.”If you’re any kind of a human,” she says, “you know the title is utterly ludicrous.” Then she gives an on-the-other-hand nod. “But I like the idea of it, too. I do. I’m feeling that I must earn this. I need to go out and become much better at pole dancing or something.”

  1. TooManyPuppies says:

    “I need to go out and become much better at pole dancing or something.”

    Yes Kate, please do. In Vampire garb.

  2. bobbo, an international pastry Chef and Constitutional Scholar says:

    My ex girlfriend looked just like her: two arms, two legs, hank of hair and a bag of bones…………..in the dark.

  3. llsee says:

    I will always think of Kate as Flora Poste

  4. Floyd says:

    She’s gorgeous, but she’s also got a mind, and wit. If I were only 20 years younger…

  5. Improbus says:


    There is always Philis Diller.

  6. Floyd says:

    Yeah, but fortunately not for too much longer…

  7. Mark T. says:

    Yes, super hot. Sexy english accent and NO TATS!

    However, she has kids and, apparently, is a chain smoker. I would rather have a girl that smokes than one with a serious attitude problem and nasty tattoos. I am looking at you, Megan Fox!

    For a girl that has kids, Kate is utterly amazing. She looks better than 99% of girls will ever look even before they have kids.

  8. GF says:

    8 stars. Next.

  9. chris says:


    She’s good. But there are neighborhoods in DC, NY, FL, and CA where you can look at( but likely not touch) girls like this. More abroad obviously, probably in Brazil or Lebanon.

    In those moneyed places girls are simply hotter( I know, I work in one) and the hottest girls according to the media are merely birdies( slightly better than par).

    If you find one of these fine locales and want to bed the residents I have only one piece of advice: lie your ass off.

    No hottest girls. Only stories for the bro’s.

  10. N74JW says:

    I’d agree with that…

  11. chuck says:

    well, maybe if she lost 5 lbs.

  12. bobbo, an international pastry Chef and Constitutional Scholar says:

    You know Chris, thats an awfully egotistical thing to say.

    Then I thought about the “Be Our Calendar Girl” the local Radio Station ran here in Ca. Held at large local bar with 12 girls to be chosen. It was simply breath taking and Kate would not have been a stand out, just average.

    I don’t know where those girls are the rest of the year but I’m waiting for the next calendar try out.

    So–yeah. I’m thinking of that show John Cleese did with Eliz Hurley about “beauty.” Apparently===they do all look the same and I always have to look twice to tell the diff between Claudia Schiffer and Elle McPherson. It did take me years to figure out all the babes on 3 pages of the Sears Catalogue were actually the same model. D’oh!!!!!

  13. Hmeyers says:

    She’s no better looking than the top 10-15% of girls.

    You older guys are too far removed from college to realize that hot looking girls are, in fact, very common.

  14. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    Wouldn’t the judges have to have “sex” with a woman to judge how “sexy” she was? As opposed to being “good looking” or whatever? And how much would that cost?

  15. brm says:

    Wrong. *I’M* the sexiest woman alive.

    [Photo please. – ed.]

  16. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    #16–brm==so, as the world’s sexiest woman–what would you say Kate could work on to come up to standard?

  17. Alfred's Mom says:

    I’m sure my son would like to fuck her brothers.

  18. deowll says:

    She’s hot but then so are millions of other young women. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder anyway.

  19. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #19 – Beauty is in the eye of the beholder beer holder anyway.


  20. Mr Diesel says:

    #20 for the win

    #13 bobbo,

    I get off work everyday and drive through a college town and practically have to scrape the “sexy” coeds off the hood just to get through the streets.

    Kate is nice but semi-normal/average.

    Megan Fox is a royal bitch without a crown. Nice ass and that’s fine so long as you don’t have to talk to her.

  21. amodedoma says:

    She’s ok, I guess, but I see hotter chicks than her on the streets of Bilbao everyday.

  22. Toxic Asshead says:

    Hottest? Maybe. One of the hottest – certainly.

  23. sargasso says:

    She is greater than the sum of her parts.

  24. Homer says:

    I guess I could do her after a few Duff’s at Moe’s. Have you seen my wife in Playboy? Now that’s seXXXy.


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