Thugs attack two men in dresses… who turn out to be cage fighters | Mail Online — This street scene, caught on CCTV is just pathetic. I guess instead of actually “policing” an area, the coppers in the UK let things happen, then arrest people long after the event.

Two thugs who attacked what they thought were a pair of transvestites picked on the wrong men – when their intended victims turned out to be cage fighters on a night out in fancy dress. Dean Gardener, 19, and Jason Fender, 22, singled out the two men walking along a street in wigs, short skirts and high heels.

Bare-chested Gardener was caught on CCTV confronting one of the men in a pink wig, black skirt and boob tube – then seen swinging a punch, a court heard.

  1. cornholer says:

    oops…my bad…

  2. Personality says:

    Transvestites or not, you can easily see that they were built. Seems they deserved it.

  3. bobbo, most things are plain to see says:

    The action actually starts at 70 seconds in. Lots of other people looking like cross dressers as well, but cage fighters? Somehow that just doesn’t seem fair.

    The big guy in the yellow shirt looked like he was trying to stop his bare chested friend but got taken out anyway. Friends like cornholder can be a real challenge.

  4. Phydeau says:

    Wouldn’t be surprised if the thugs were closet cases. Some of the biggest gay bashers are closet cases. Miserable people. 🙁

  5. RTaylor says:

    John this is Swansea. This is just street performances. Coastal towns tend to be a bit rough. I do remember Dylan Thomas was born there, and Richard Burton close by. It’s a place well worth the visit. I have little memory, but there’s some slides in some closet, I think.

  6. John K says:

    Ha ha…got beaten up by a girl!!

  7. keaneo says:

    They were arrested within a couple of blocks. Not the next day.

    Watch the whole video.

  8. James says:

    HAHA! Thats awesome, too bad the ones who picked the fight were able to walk away and not limp.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    Is it just me or the UK is a backwards nation where the “normal” men are limp-wristed twigs (which for some reason the average [300+lbs] american woman digs) while the deviant ones are ass kicking behemoths?

  10. Two to the Head says:

    Surprised the guys in drag were not charged with assault. That’s what would happen in the US.

  11. Benjamin says:

    Don’t get in a fight unless it is about something really important. These guys didn’t follow that rule.

  12. echeola says:

    Poetic Justice?

  13. TTHor says:

    Cool!!! Good to see they got what they deserved. Now, being in Britain… the transvestite is charged? No wonde if so, the bully’s human dignity was offended… The Fascist State has no lack of imagination, according to the ‘gang of four’…
    Hail, Tony/Gordon!

  14. Mac Guy says:

    Two uppercuts at 1:20 to knock BOTH of them out.


  15. Killer Duck says:

    Cross dressing cage fighters. That sounds like a new Fox reality show.

  16. Mr Diesel says:

    This is a hilarious video.

    Little shitwad that started picking on anyone got his clock cleaned for him. Sad for him that he most likely suffered some sort of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) that may come back to haunt him later.

  17. Booze and broads don’t mix. And I’m talking from personal experience.

  18. I like the part where he wakes up with a hangover AND a broken jaw and then wonders about how tough pedro’s mommy really is.

  19. qb says:

    So many idiots, so few cagefighters in heels.

  20. wetback says:

    only because they are men trying to be woman they have to be considered the weaker sex you know.

  21. Box says:

    Wow, Johns getting increasingly anti-european with all his comments. He attacks the British fascist state for having too many cameras, and then complains that Police don’t supervise every inch of the U.K.

    And then theres all the Europhobia at the idea of countries other than the U.S. having political influence. Disproportional criticism is called prejudice.

  22. bat21 says:


    Thank you mister Duck. I needed that.

  23. Faxon says:

    This would never happen in a state that allows concealed carry. Period. England is loaded with thugs because the people are mostly defenseless. Dumb shits.

  24. Greg Allen says:

    Is there some connection between cage fighting and cross dressing? From the video, it seems like there where more than a few of them.

    It’s kind of funny how BOTH cultural conservatives and liberals would object to half of that scene.

    >> Faxon said,
    >> This would never happen in a state that allows concealed carry. Period.

    Instead we’d have a homicide or two and a couple more wounded or dead from stray bullets.

    Yeah, that’s better than a fist fight.

  25. furrypotato says:

    #23 I think you’ve got a good idea there about concealed weapons.
    These people when they go out get so unbelievably drunk they don’t fully know what they are doing.
    So instead of a few drunken fights we could have REAL entertainment and watch as hundreds of people get shot and killed every weekend. Truly The American Way 🙂

  26. furrypotato says:

    Oh, and Swansea is not in England.

  27. Adept says:

    Faxton: “This would never happen in a state that allows concealed carry…”

    Man, how dumb can you get. Since there were no guns involved, what happened was a few punches thrown. Drunk people & guns = corpses and quite possibly bystanders wounded or killed. Idiot.

  28. bob says:

    Actually, gang, if there was concealed carry the altercation itself probably would not have happened. It is absolutely a fact that violent crime is FAR more prevalent in the UK than the US.

    We certainly have PLENTY of drunks in the US. I get out amongst them (hell, I am one of them) on an occasional basis and I have done so for 20 years and I have never seen this kind of thing. I’m in Memphis, one of the most violent cities in America. I don’t know how else to explain the difference but to conclude that even drunks modify their behavior based on the context they’re in.

    I found my brief visit to the UK a couple of years ago downright shocking and harrowing- overt bullying and thuggishness seemed to be ordinary. The only thing extraordinary about the scene depicted in the video is the dress the cage fighter was wearing. I don’t know how you folks in the UK can live that way.

    A quick google came up with this link:

    which is a gun-oriented guy whose views I don’t necessarily endorse but he’s citing multiple sources to back up my assertion. No doubt there are better.

    Oh, and since it seems obligatory here, let me really complete my argument and make it extra doubleplus persuasive by referring to those who disagree with me as idiots. You idiots!

  29. Dallas says:

    Best video I’ve seen to date.

    Seeing punks like these totally owned by the cross dressing guys made my day.

  30. Dallas says:

    Glad to see Alfred1’s great great grand kids got what they deserved.


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