Thirty high-risk terrorists to be released early – Times Online — Let’s see how this strategy works out.

UP to 30 “high-risk” terrorists — including some of the most dangerous men in Britain — are due to be released from jail in the next year. More are being freed in the wake of a ruling by Britain’s most senior judges that long sentences for terrorist crimes could “inflame” rather than deter extremism. An analysis of appeal court cases shows that of the 26 terrorism cases it has heard, 25 have led to men with terrorism convictions having their sentences reduced.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    It’s no problem. We know they have seen the error of their ways and will be outstanding members of the community.

    I hope they stay in England.

  2. chuck says:

    They should be released. Preferably, from high altitude, over Afghanistan. Or Swansea.

  3. cornholer says:

    Great, more sand niggers with a bomb free to kill innocent people.

  4. KneeJerk Optimist says:

    Imagine if local churches in your neighborhood (in the USA for example), instead of teaching the usual boring Sunday school classes in their basements were instructing and encouraging impressionable young people how to use guns and build bombs, to defend their religious (er..tribal) honor and what have you.

    Also think of what it would be like if local police and highway patrol folks were always carrying submachine guns strapped across their chests, talking on portable radios to attack helicopters (and they might actually need to do that under circumstances such as those above). What a fun world elsewhere, eh?

    Now, the question really is how do we in the West (with all our mighty technology and ‘advanced’ societies) convince people who live in environments like that to shut down all that god-damned b.s. if they want their daily lives to be better? How?

  5. SIDs says:

    #3, corny,

    Sure, why not? You’re available aren’t you?

  6. Special Ed says:

    #3 – The PC term is sand knee grows.

  7. cornholer says:

    I see a progressive asshat is upset that I called a murdering terrorist a name…What a little bitch…I bet you wear skinny pants and sit down to piss too.

  8. cornholer says:

    Thank you special ed…. maybe if I had used your words the little bitch complaining might have been happier.

  9. Greg Allen says:

    John’s headline: Thirty high-risk terrorists to be released early to appease other terrorists

    The original headline: Thirty ‘high-risk’ terrorists to be released early

    Funny how a missing couple little quotes can tell a lot about an editor!

  10. deowll says:

    Get ready to convert or die. Kissing their feet is not enough as Chamberlain proved.

  11. Hugh Ripper says:

    This does seem to be inexplicable. However, most of these guys seem to have been convicted of ‘5th column’ or ‘terrorist paraphernalia’ type offences and not actual killings.

    I support punishment in line with the offence but how much jail time should you get, for example, for having bomb making instructions in your possession?

  12. eaze says:

    these ‘terroists’ dont exist, how are people still believing this shit?

  13. Mr Diesel says:

    # 12 Hugh Ripper said,

    “I support punishment in line with the offence but how much jail time should you get, for example, for having bomb making instructions in your possession?”

    Why the hell should anyone be convicted of possession of a book at all? You can buy books on all kinds of subjects. How about chemistry books or even physics books that may give someone ideas on how to take down a bridge.

  14. Wretched Gnu says:

    Hey John, journalism much?

    Here’s what the authorities actually said.

    “Care has to be taken to ensure that the sentence was not disproportionate to the facts of the particular offences. If sentences were imposed which were more severe than the circumstances of the particular case warranted, that would be likely to inflame rather than deter extremism.”

    Compare this to your utterly misleading, Fox-worthy paraphrase. Repent.

  15. Hugh Ripper says:

    #14 Mr Diesel



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