A tide of anger and dismay is rippling down K Street as the Obama administration implements a new policy limiting the roles of lobbyists on federal advisory committees.

The policy change, described by the White House as the next step in President Barack Obama ’s drive to limit influence-peddling in Washington, could affect hundreds of lobbyists who serve on the panels, which were created by Congress in the 1970s to provide private-sector advice to the government.

By removing a key point of access to the administration, many lobbyists will be less useful to their clients, who will be forced to appoint others to take up the slack. And the information about federal government intentions gleaned from committee meetings will now be unavailable to many lobbyists as they strategize on how to work various issues.

“There is fury,” said a lobbyist who sits on one of the committees. “Absolute fury.” K Street veterans say they sit at the intersection of policy wonk-dom, Washington savvy, and the needs of business, and are therefore best suited to populate the panels.

But the White House views the move as a key step in rolling back what officials see as the open-door policy for K Street created in previous years. According to a senior White House official, the panels have been excessively dominated by lobbyists. “It is one of the ways special interests have historically shaped policy to the detriment of the public interest,” he said.

The policy was announced quietly Sept. 23 in a blog post on the White House Website…

First step will probably be official complaints released through those members of Congress deep into the pockets of lobbyists. The names Max Baucus and Chuck Grassley come to mind.

Thanks, Mr. Justin

  1. Improbus says:

    Wow, muslim rednecks … you couldn’t find a better ‘up in arms’ link? As to the meat of the article, good, those lobbyists should be slow roasted over a spit and fed to pigs.

  2. bobbo, most things are plain to see says:


    But for safety’s sake, those rodents should be tagged with radio transmitters to see where they run.

    Even very small steps like this one can have a large impact downstream — or not.

    I LAUGH everytime I hear about “powerful lobbyists.” Lobbyists power is directly correlated only to the corruption of the polls they are dealing with.

    They all ((lobbyists and polls)) deserve long jail terms.

  3. Buzz says:

    How about a law that establishes ten people-elected lobbyists for every registered business/cause lobbyist? Not lawmaking representatives, the way the founding fathers thought of the House Of Representatives (HOR), but dead-even equals to the business/cause lobbyists now walking the halls. Called Obuds-Lobbyists, they would research the issues from the consumer (people) perspective.

    How to pay for the idea? A lobbyist tax. Ten times the funds that flow from the business/cause to their registered lobbyist and his/her support staff and expenses now flows to a special fund that pays the OL group.

    Then make it a felony for a fictitious person to donate money to a political campaign. Organizations, businesses, NPGs are all technically fictitious persons.

  4. keaneo says:

    It’s too much work to expect Americans to vote on stuff.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    But.. But.. Who will pay for the $2,000 hookers?

  6. Two to the Head says:


    Now if he would stop appointing Monsanto shills to FDA and USDA posts…

  7. Alf says:

    Could it be that the high priests of greed are going to be thrown out of temple. It is hard to believe that the puppets won’t do what the puppet masters want them to do.

  8. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Waiting for the howls of protest from US Chamber of Commerce.

  9. chris says:

    It’s good, but I would rather see a period of several years AFTER a representative leaves office or staff quit the hill before taking any money from industries they regulated.

  10. Floyd says:

    #9: Good point, but I’d prefer that a retiring/removed from office congressman or senator be kept from taking any money from industries that they regulated for the rest of their lives. They can write books or get a job in some business they didn’t regulate.

  11. Faxon says:

    Fucking ragheads sure do waste alot of good ammunition, don’t they? Me? I make every one count.

  12. deowll says:

    Bleep! And I just thought he was putting his favorites to work in the White House!

  13. Uncle Patso says:

    Now that _is_ change I can believe in!

  14. RSweeney says:

    Obama must need to free up some lobbyists to work for the administration.


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