You may hate him, but you’ve got to admit he does great parodies. I know it is his name, but I think when these guys say Barack Hussein Obama they want to associate him unfairly as a bad guy.

  1. The Warden says:

    The reason why so many hate Limbaugh, even though then NEVER listen to him and ALWAYS take him out of context, is because he’s so dead on with his parodies.

  2. circuitsmith says:

    white noise

  3. mustardtits says:

    Wow I never watched him before but I always wondered what all the paper russeling sounds were and now I know. He is as fidgety and nervous as Tom Arnold ,maybe they are on the same medication.

  4. Larry Bud says:

    I think Rush was the funniest when he was on Oxycontin. I mean, the man was so funny he lost his own hearing! Do you think Rush crushed it up and snorted it, or took it straight with a bottle of whiskey?

  5. highaman says:

    The reason why so many hate Limbaugh may be because he’s a right wing extremist and proud of it. He doesn’t need to make sense out of expelled words to be right, because he always is!

    (Now about this controversy) Thank god Jon Stewart was there to show how unsignificant this song was AND showed a video of children singing praises to Bush the same way.

    The indoctrination has always been there. To refuse indoctrination is unpatriotic and really the people pointing a problem in this small song are shooting themselves in the foot while they should shoot themselves in the head (though suicide is unlikely for zombies).

    (and now for the clip) I really like when he says that this is “More fun than a human being should be aloud to have”. Now that was funny!

  6. Bastian says:

    Oh my goodness sake. I voted for the guy but someone should have told these individuals that mmm mmm mmm was not appropriate for little kids!

  7. right says:

    Rush is a pretty sad excuse for an American. Same goes for Palin, Bachmann and the rest of the entire Republican party of No.
    Oh yeah throw in that coward “I’ll get waterboarded for charity” Hannity. Won’t even mention loofah man. Oops, just did, damn.

  8. Greg Allen says:

    Well, if anything, Obama’s presidency has caused the racists to abandon any pretensions otherwise.

  9. God bless Rush Limbaugh…the funniest guy on the the globe! MMM MM MMMM!

  10. Troublemaker says:

    highaman said, on October 7th, 2009 at 5:40 pm

    The reason why so many hate Limbaugh may be because he’s a right wing extremist and proud of it. He doesn’t need to make sense out of expelled words to be right, because he always is!

    He’s just highly payed to spew propaganda that he probably doesn’t even believe in himself.

  11. Faxon says:

    Well, it’s obvious this site’s readers lean heavily left. Good luck to you losers.

  12. Chris Mac says:

    So That’s what oxycontin does to ya..

  13. Great American says:

    From one great American to another. Rush, you’re the greatest! Keep driving the libs crazy. They can’t credibly attack your argument so they attack you as a person.

  14. Rick Cain says:

    Its hard to be rightwing and funny, because of their rather vindictive nature. Bitter and childish is not funny, which explains Dennis Miller. Jon Stewart rocks, and pulls no punches against either side.

  15. Greg Allen says:

    Rush Limbaugh believes that criticizing a war-time president gives aid and comfort to the enemy.

    Limbagh’s behavior isn’t just an issue of hypocrisy, it seriously calls into question his patriotism.

  16. Greg Allen says:

    >> Faxon said,
    >> Well, it’s obvious this site’s readers lean heavily left. Good luck to you losers.

    You conservative had TOTAL CONTROL of the government and horribly bungled everything you put your hands to.

    Your movement deservedly has been reduced to an irrelevant clutch of racists, conspiracy theorists and gun obsessed delusional religious nut-cases.

    And you call us losers. Ha!

  17. Great American says:

    #16 I see what you did there Greg. It was almost clever.

  18. Ah_Yea says:

    “horribly bungled everything you put your hands to”

    And Obama is doing SOOOO WELLLLL!!

    Reality check: Rush is at the top of talk radio because he works very hard and is the best at what he does.
    He and the others like him can say whatever they want and still be engaging and entertaining.

    Rush Limbaugh – Yes.
    Glenn Beck – Yes.
    Sean Hannidy – Yes.

    Al Franklin – no.
    Rachael Maddow – no.
    Jon Elliott – no.

    This is why we need the fairness doctrine. It’s unfair the Right has so much talent.

  19. ECA says:

    HOW much did it cost him to do this??

  20. Ah_Yea says:

    Nothing. The real question is, “How much did it cost his advertisers to do this?”

  21. soundwash says:

    #21 Ah_Yea said,

    This is why we need the
    fairness doctrine.

    d00d.. don’t EVEN joke about that..

    -as for Rush, wow, he lost a lot of weight.

    Love the parody. He has some of the best political parodies around.

    -and he’s no where near anything “extreme” -just a great political entertainer with a good sense of humour.

    -and good humour must be be based in truth to work.

    simple stuff.

    now, if someone could clue him into
    convincing everyone to ditch the republican party (both parties, actually) he’d be a real asset..


  22. bobbo, most things are plain to see says:

    Its been reported on so often before: only idiots listen to talk radio. THATS why right wing nuts do so well and liberals fail.

    You’ll find the same statistics in faith healing revival come to Jesus tents. They draw much bigger crowds than liberals saying “consult your doctor.”

    I consider MYSELF to be a conservative when it comes to finance and deficit spending, a libertarian when it comes to protecting free speech. BUT–if you think there is a death panel in health care reform, or that Palin is a credible politician==even as VP or as Govenor, or that Evolution is “just a theory”===you are just an idiot. May you get ALL your healthcare from a faith healer.

  23. eaglescout1998 says:

    # 17.

    The reason why Republicans lost in the 2006 and 2008 elections is because they government like Democrats.

    The term RINO to describe liberal Republicans…. people like John McCain, Arlen Specter (when he was a Republican), Olympia Snow, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham . . . and yes, George W. Bush.

    These people are NOT conservatives. There are a few solid conservative Republicans in Congress… but most are mushy moderates at best and blatant liberals at worst.

    You can make the case that Republicans screwed things up (that is, until the Democrats took control of Congress and made things worse), but don’t point the finger at conservatives.

  24. bobbo, most things are plain to see says:

    #24–eagle==were the Bush tax cuts coupled with increased deficit spending a function of conservative, republican, or just BushtheRetard political calculations?

    IOW–analyzing, thinking, discussing politics in terms of liberal or conservative is to miss the relevant issues entirely.

  25. Bastian says:

    Yeah… I love the conservative General Motors, Fanny Mae, Freddy Mac, AIG, CitiGroup, Bank Of Scotland, Deutsche Bank, Santander et al. What would we do without such conservation?

  26. Cursor_ says:

    Yep keep clinging to your outdated belief that there is a two party system.

    Hold onto that ideological life preserver from the 1780’s. It has served you well hasn’t it? That’s why despite all the things wrong with the US its the best blah blah blah blah…

    Keep the blinders on people. Keep denying the truth. Just drink your beer and grab the remote. Someone ELSE will fix all the problems. We’ll just ELECT someone to clean it all up.

    Even when all those that can be chosen from are in the pockets of business and special interests. But they will take care of it.

    Keep chanting it. One day it will happen if you believe enough. Dreams, myths & illusions. That is all you really have when you are naive.


  27. Ah_Yea says:

    soundwash #22

    LOL!! Wow! I couldn’t agree more – AGAIN!

    Same for Bobbo #23.

    Great minds think alike?

    Cursor, why worry about reality when we have Taylor Swift and Kanye West??

  28. Dr Dodd says:

    Clever parody. Too bad those who find it distasteful don’t find the original where little children are being indoctrinated to sing to that hose-bag in the White House even more distasteful.

    Rush is the man.

  29. Mr Diesel says:

    # 23 bobbo, most things are plain to see said,

    “I consider MYSELF to be a conservative when it comes to finance and deficit spending, a libertarian when it comes to protecting free speech. BUT–if you think there is a death panel in health care reform, or that Palin is a credible politician==even as VP or as Govenor, or that Evolution is “just a theory”===you are just an idiot. May you get ALL your healthcare from a faith healer.”

    Probably one of the reasons you and I actually read each other’s postings but I read HB3200 and it clearly has a panel in it to discuss health care decisions. I have said before that “death panel” wasn’t a very good name for it but it certainly helped get the word it.

    It also prodded me to search further and read the VA book on health care decisions and I sure as hell hope Obomba care doesn’t turn out to be the same thing since the VA book is just short of blatant about wanting vets to check out early.

  30. Peggusus says:

    I enjoy listening to Rush but despise the fact that he always supports the person, group, corporation with the biggest checkbook, no matter what the issue. To the looser the advice is always the same, “Go get more money”.


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