EU draws up plans to establish itself as ‘world power’ – Telegraph — Look for this to eventually evolve into a horrible Civil War.

Confidential negotiations on how to implement the Lisbon Treaty have produced proposals to allow the EU to negotiate treaties and even open embassies across the world.

A letter conferring a full “legal personality” for the Union has been drafted in order for a new European diplomatic service to be recognised as fully fledged negotiators by international bodies and all non-EU countries. According to one confidential paper, the first pilot “embassies” are planned in New York, Kabul and Addis Ababa.

The move is highly symbolic in Britain as it formally scraps the “European Community”, the organisation in which Britons originally voted to remain in the country’s only referendum on Europe 34 years ago.

  1. Cursor_ says:

    And this is something no one considered until now?

    Are people asleep?


  2. Thinker says:

    Well does anyone think this can last??? Its taken long enough to get the EU all set up.

  3. Improbus says:

    Good luck with that. (eye roll)

  4. Kahless says:

    Is there anyone that can help clarify what this actually means to the world? Sounds like they are just replacing one organization with another, from what the article said.

  5. Miguel says:

    Please don’t hate Lisbon (or Portugal) just because of this… We’re a nice people.

  6. soundwash says:

    pitiful..i wonder how much money was
    stuffed in the arsehole of the head cheese of Ireland, to get him to sign off on the constitution, er, treaty..

    after how many countless lives (and years) did they finally get their independence..only to throw it away to be ruled once again by the [covert] crown?

    -anyone know if the [in]sanity clause
    in the treaty that stated all the members of the EU have to give up control of their militaries to the

    A letter conferring a full
    “legal personality”

    um, isn’t that the language that defines a corporation?? *giggle*

    -say it isn’t so.


  7. chuck says:

    The EU is turning into an example of what North America might be like if it was announced that the UN would now be setting foreign policy for Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.

    It won’t work. The British won’t care as long as they can still print worthless £ currency. At some point countries like Ireland, Holland, etc will realize that the EU is run by France and Germany. So they’ll quit. But I don’t think France and Germany really care.

  8. Benjamin says:

    I think most Christians saw this coming. It will be the seat on which the Anti-Christ rules.

  9. Bob says:

    This is interesting, It seems more and more, that the EU is becoming less of a trade union, and more of a single government.

    I wonder what some of the smaller member countries think of this?

  10. Improbus says:


    Your belief in Christian mythology is amusing and pointless.

  11. caleb says:

    #9… i agree yet i think that the anti-christ wont be a person rather the U.N installed in the pretence of being gods rulership

  12. The0ne says:

    I still have my popcorn saved for the EU Royal Rumble! These guys will never get along let alone be able to sustain something like this even if it came through. Lets Get Ready to Rumbbbbbbbllllllleeeeeeee.

  13. Troublemaker says:

    Duh… why do you think they formed the EU?

    It’s actually part of the larger Globalist/One World Government plan.

    They intend on merging nations together, in groups under their control, and disbanding federations not under their control on the pretense of reforming them at a later date when they can implement a system to control them.

    The planned North American Union is part of the same scenario.

  14. Troublemaker says:

    Benjamin said, on October 7th, 2009 at 12:52 pm

    I think most Christians saw this coming. It will be the seat on which the Anti-Christ rules.

    That’s because all Christians have shit for brains.

    It’s the fuckin’ 21st century already… it’s time to stop believing in fairy tales!!!

  15. pfkad says:

    Let’s get Canada on board (um, sorry Mexico) and form our own union. Hmm. Maybe better let the Canadians know first.

  16. Troublemaker says:

    pfkad said, on October 7th, 2009 at 1:26 pm

    Let’s get Canada on board (um, sorry Mexico) and form our own union. Hmm. Maybe better let the Canadians know first.

    Try reading the news sometimes…

  17. Ah_Yea says:

    Oddly enough, I have to agree with Troublemaker.

    He is exactly right. This has been in the works since long before the attempts at an EU Constitution.

    Stranger still, I also agree with soundwash.

    There are going to be some significant concessions to make this work. I doubt it can be done.

  18. Dr Dodd says:

    #19-Ah_Yea-There are going to be some significant concessions to make this work.

    You are right, but the greatest obstacle is solving the Islamic invasion snafu. Hard to create anything stable while fighting an enemy from within.

    A charismatic leader at the right time offering peace and prosperity can bring the EU together for a short while.

    We saw this happen many times in history the latest and to a lesser extent is Obama – so it is plausible.

  19. pfkad says:

    #18 – Oh! Wikipedia! I stand corrected. But do we really need Mexico?

  20. smartalix says:

    You people keep forgetting that the EU is a representative democracy. Also, it isn’t as if we can stop them from exerting their influence in the world. Last time I checked, they were allies. Frankly, there is something disturbing and jingoistic about American resentment against the EU.

  21. fakinasjol says:

    WOW!! Swine flue comment: There is this Spanish Benedictine nun (and doctor) who recorded a bunch of videos warning the population about the swine flue vaccine. It made it to the front page of the biggest Spanish-language online newspaper:

    As a self-appointed producer, I shall transcribe-translate what the nun says and send it to yourselves in time for the Sunday recording.

  22. RTaylor says:

    Let’s not forget the people. They all love each other so much. Historically speaking they have bought some much happiness over the last several millenniums.

  23. Angel H. Wong says:

    #10 bob,

    “I wonder what some of the smaller member countries think of this?”

    *KA-CHING* *KA-CHING* That’s what the smaller member countries think of this. Unlike Puerto Rico which cannot be the U.S.A.’s 51th state because it’s riled with brown-skinned folk and we all know how much the Republicans love them.

  24. #22 really? Check your definitions. Jingoism means hyper-patriotism. Not wanting to see what happened in the USA (Civil War) and not wanting to see a repeat of WWI/WWII is hardly jingoistic. It’s fear and avoidance behavior. We have enough shitty wars going on now.

  25. Loupe Garou says:

    “Puerto Rico which cannot be the U.S.A.’s 51th state because it’s riled with brown-skinned folk…”

    Why is Puerto Rico angry with brown-skinned folk? That makes as much sense as saying all Republicans are bigots.

  26. sargasso says:

    I don’t see anything bad. It has been passing laws for 20 years, has observer and representative status in 160 countries already, is a representative democracy. If it can stop member states from joining in with foreign military adventures, like in Iraq, it might be good.

  27. Ah_Yea says:

    Wong wrote the idiot posting of the day.

    I lived in Puerto Rico for two years, and guess what? They don’t WANT to be a part of the US. The vote comes up with regularly and is always voted down.

    They like the US dollar, but don’t want the US culture. They have a much greater affinity toward South America and Cuba than the US. In fact, the Puerto Ricans refer to the Cubans as “our poor little brothers”.

  28. AdmFubar says:

    The US of E??? the untied states of europe!

    yes i spelled it un-tied…. think about it

  29. GF says:

    It’s kind of sad really. How long do you think before Europe’s diverse cultures become strangely monotonous and boring.

  30. Hugh Ripper says:

    #36 Dodd

    Uhuh. Good luck with that Neocon thinking. Its done WONDERS for America in the past 😉


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