The official release of Windows 7 is only a few weeks away, and if you’re anything like me, you’re probably asking yourself what effect this will have on your lives. […] I had to turn to eBay, where leaked copies have shown up recently. $150 and two days later, a package of bubble wrapped, technological delights arrived on my doorstep. I giddily tore open the packaging to reveal the contents.

Also included, but not pictured, was a small note from the seller, making some pretty inflammatory claims about my mental capacity. I took the matter up with eBay Fraud Protection, but they had similarly unkind things to say about my Internet savvy, only they used longer words. […] I decided to plow ahead with my original plan. So below I present my review of “Windows 7.”
Right in the desktop was a link to something called “The Microsoft Network” which the instruction manual promised would provide the unheard of ability to use chat rooms or check the weather. Unfortunately, the set up didn’t seem to work–it evidently requires a phone line to work, and I don’t actually have one of those. So be advised that to fully utilize Windows 7, and experience all of its weather checking glory, you’ll require some pretty specialized telecom equipment.
Unless you’re one of those deviants who always has to have the latest OS, or have very specialized faxing needs, I’d strongly recommend avoiding Windows 7 until at least the first Service Pack is released.
Geeze Uncle Dave, you post a joke piece from and you don’t bother to classify it as Humor.
I don’t care if you’ve become a fanboy, but that doesn’t mean you need to be a shill for Apple.
We expect better from you…
I don’t understand your reasoning at all and believe them to be the result of your events you described. Having said that, I think you are low-blowing Windows7 for what it is, even in it’s current form RC1 or 7600. First off I despise Vista. It was a god awful release that left a bad taste.
Windows 7 wasn’t bad at all, in the least bit. From RC1 to 7600 now I haven’t had more than 3 BSOD and that’s mainly from my hardware screwing up. It’s snappy although actual benchmark times aren’t so great. Best of all I have replaced ALL the older office laptops with XP and newer laptops with Vista and they are running much much better.
Vista is such a joke I don’t even want to read anyone’s comment on how much they love it. It’s a joke of an OS. Laptops that were just simply crawling to get anything done with Vista are running snappy and speedy with Win7 WITH AERO. That’s how crappy Vista is in comparison over many laptop samples.
I’m sidetracking to star a Windows OS flame ware here…sorry sorry. Anyhow, I have copies of the MSDN, OEM and 7600 leaked builds and don’t see any icon for what you’ve said??? And even if you had one why would you get upset about it when it’s just another way of getting weather and provide chat? You can do without it. It’s not something that should make you to blog to uses that they should wait for Windows 7 SP1 to hit before buying. That’s just ill-inform, very sad.
On eBay it’s just a matter of picking a power seller and crossing your fingers. They really offer no help but an automated mailing system. If the person in the story paid by paypal, he can reclaim it, but that’s a long process through paypal. eBay’s biggest failing point is it’s not controlling it’s sellers. Even with the evaluation system, buyers aren’t giving negative feedback for fear of recieving negative feedback. At eBay the buyer takes all the risks.
BTW I have a copy of windows 7 exactly as depicted in the photo. I know you can’t wait to get yours, bidding starts at 450 euros…
Why did you waste our time this this non-sense?
#1: Had humor checked when I saved, but it got unchecked somehow. WordPress can be a bitch. Fixed.
As for becoming an Apple fanboy, that may be a bit strong as I still have to use Windows for work, but I’ve always been impressed and used Apple’s computers since the late 70’s. It’s just I now have only one program that’s Windows only and I just like the software I can get for the Mac that isn’t on Windows. It all just seems to work better and everything seems more polished. There are good things about and run on Windows, but I’ve just come to like the Mac and the software that runs on it better.
Funny piece! Thanks for the laugh UD.
Now Uncle Dave can enjoy the pain and suffering of the Mac world… with all the forum wiping that goes on…
Anyone have a time machine?
#5: See #7
I’m an idiot, I know.
Uncle Dave, lol…checked/uncheked? O.o Phew.
> First off I despise Vista.
> It was a god awful release
> that left a bad taste.
> Windows 7 wasn’t bad
> at all, in the least bit.
That makes absolutely no sense. I use both Vista and Windows 7 daily. I’ve never had Vista BSOD nor Windows 7. From an interface standpoint, they are almost exactly the same. Windows 7 has some minor GUI sugar but is otherwise Vista SP2. The key with Vista is having current hardware with current drivers. XP would BSOD on me about every six to eight months or so. Further, as far as I can tell, the performance between the two is about the same.
FANBOYS UNITE… down Windows 7 as much as possible. We here at Apple realize that if we don’t degrade Windows 7 people will be able to buy better PC’s and laptops than what we make at less cost with a better operating system than tiger or lion or kitty or whatever it is this month!!! And we won’t be able to charge $100 for an upgrade every couple of months.
You haven’t tested Vista or Windows 7 enough to have BSOD, which is a good thing. Despite that BSOD is there. Yes, Windows 7 is a more polish Vista and thankfully so. And no, Win7 is not Vista SP2. Please say no more on this false understanding. While not a major leap, for those of us that skipped Vista entirely, it is a refreshing and delightful OS to have tested so far. Still bloated imo 🙂
Win7 has installed on older laptops and desktops with no help from my end to do anything, absolutely nothing. It installs and drivers are found and working properly. I’ve only encountered one driver problem and that’s with the ATI HD audio on it’s video card and my Gigabyte MB with realtek audio. They don’t like each other.
As I said already, the performance of Vista and Win7 doesn’t seem to differ much but due to it’s snappy interface, old decrepit PCs and PCs loaded with Vista (any versions) are running perfectly fine with Win7 + Aero UI. This is with integrated graphics…the low end, with Aero.
As I tell anyone who disagrees with this, either Google some of the tasks other have taken to see how low of a hardware spec Win7 will run on or simply install Win7 RC1 on one of your older PCs and see the difference. That is the only way to convince you (in gerneral terms that is).
I’ve already converted many laptops and desktops to believe what I’m seeing, even tablet laptops. Vista can bite my shiny metal ass 🙂
13, pedro,
You are obviously not a serious user. Win7 has so many features behind the shiny screen its incredible…
Yay! We have a winner!!! We have the most retarded blog posting on Dvorak’s blog for this year! Really, can anything be more stupid????
It’s not funny or interesting but it is a waste of time. Isn’t that what the Internet is all about?
Okay, slightly humorous.
In reality, Vista was a big departure from what we were used to, and with UAC turned on it was just plain annoying. With UAC turned off, and the subsequent service packs installed, it got pretty good.
My first experience with an RC of Windows 7 wasn’t too happy. Too many drivers missing to have a usable system as the end result. However, I just recently loaded my 3 year old Lenovo ThinkPad T42p with the RTM version, and everything worked out of the box, and very well indeed. The only immediate upgrade I needed (besides a handful of security updates) was for the graphics driver. Once installed, my experience level went from 1.0 to 3.4, which is respectable for this hardware.
I’m very please so far.
I pre-orderd 2 copies of Win7 from Amazon, been using Win7 64bit RC, since its release.
October 22nd counting the days.
FYI: Have used Vista since the beta release, no problems, no Blue screens.
The author is complaining about Windows because they got scammed on Ebay? Why is this on the blog?
Vista was the best consumer OS ever made. Sure, it had some hardware compatibility issues at first. Its not Microsoft’s fault that hardware manufacturers used the launch as an opportunity to try to force everyone to buy new printers/scanners/etc. Since then the hardware situation has improved dramatically. Plus, believe it or not, Vista is actually faster than XP on most newer hardware.
As for UAC, its a huge security feature that has been in Unix based OS’s for years, and Microsoft’s variation is arguably much less intrusive. If you’re logged in as an admin all you have to do is click ok when a UAC window comes up, in Unix based OS’s you have to type in your password every time (unless you run a root, a big no-no). Generally I turn UAC off while I set up a new system and then turn it back on. I rarely see a UAC popup.
How come so many people didn’t see this as a joke? Maybe you need to add canned laughter and a rim-shot to the end of each paragraph.
I found it very funny. Thanks Uncle Dave.
I’m using Win7 RC and the only thing it has going for it besides some eye candy is that it’s better than Vista. But that ain’t saying much. In many things that I could get to directly through right clicks in WinXP, I’ve got to go through idiot-level routes in Win7.
Win98SE -> WinXP = major advance
WinXP -> Vista = 2 steps backward
Vista -> Win7 = 1.5 steps forward
Being able to install a new OS on old hardware is pretty close to the bottom of my priority list. I’ve been down that road and it is begging for trouble. As far as I can tell, Win7 has a new feature here and there but certainly it is not the type of difference from Win 4.0 to Win 2000 or even from Win 2000 to Win XP (which under the hood was a minor version update).
I think that just by changing the name from the hated Vista to something else and admittedly doing more thorough testing, was enough to get people to think it’s really a new OS.
Having played with Windows 7 (MSDN), I can tell you this, its not much of an improvement over Vista. Its UGLY. It has a confusing interface, did I mention its ugly? Its incompatible. The first game I tried to install rebooted the PC and it went into automatic restore mode.
Its slow, the disk access is excruciatingly so. I have it installed on a quad core with 8 gigabytes, so I can only imagine how badly it runs on a mere dual core with 2 gigs.
All Microsoft should have done is offer an XP 64-bit upgrade for $29, corporations would have snapped it up and the home user could actually buy it rather than use pirate keys.
XP 64-bit Professional is a better product, though its expensive abandonware because of Microsoft marketing.
He could have downloaded it for free until recently then he buys an illegal copy.
I’m supposed to believe this expert over a great many people who have played with the system for free and say it works fine and has for months?
I don’t see any point in upgrading Vista. If I wanted a new computer I wouldn’t worry about 7 either.
Buy a new computer when your hardware and software aren’t up to the job as for the OS. It is just a means to loading programs.
You want to think you are cool because you bought a mac? Not to me but then I don’t pay double prices for designer cloths either.
Why does it say 95 instead of 7? That’s better, right? Will it run on my C=64?
Hey # 28 – deowll, The whole article’s a joke. Whether he really got scammed or didn’t – who gives a shit? Its from, DUH! You and the other humorless geeks here really give nerds a bad name. Sheesh.
I run Vista fine I have a Quad Core proccesser 8gigs of RAM A 512MB Nvidia Graphics card and I only Blue Screen every other day come on Vista is great really!