Real fake                                     Fake fake

An Italian scientist says he has reproduced the Shroud of Turin, a feat that he says proves definitively that the linen some Christians revere as Jesus Christ’s burial cloth is a medieval fake.

The shroud, measuring 14 feet, 4 inches by 3 feet, 7 inches bears the image, eerily reversed like a photographic negative, of a crucified man some believers say is Christ.

“We have shown that is possible to reproduce something which has the same characteristics as the Shroud,” Luigi Garlaschelli, who is due to illustrate the results at a conference on the para-normal this weekend in northern Italy, said on Monday.

  1. KMFIX says:

    Just like the grail, I’ve got one of those too.

  2. qb says:

    #34 KMFIX

    Can I and my Knights of the Roundtable come up and take a look at your Grail.

  3. Uncle Don says:

    Didn’t the Pope who was around at the first showing of the thing convinced it was a painting, made of successive layers of watered-down white paint (or some such)?

  4. riding the short bus says:

    One of the top 3 topis… strikes agin…
    Who Cares… its a great economic Boom for the People of Turin…..

  5. riding the short bus says:

    Oh… lets go to Armenia and Find the Ark… then we can talk…

  6. I am really and truly sick of those who look for whatever excuse they can to deny the fact that God exists and he is real. This tops the cake with their asinine thinking of how the Shroud of Turin is fake because they were able to make a mockery [replica] of it. I hope that Italian scientist enjoys his 15 minutes of fame and the money he was paid to utter horrible blasphemies. I would not even be a bit surprised if he’s one of the scientists involved in making a body/clone for the Antichrist.

    I encourage anyone who has ears to hear and eyes to see with to get a copy of the book called “Antichrist: The Cloned Image of Jesus Christ” by Joye Jeffries Pugh. The book discusses the Shroud of Turin and the coming Cloned Antichrist. The greatest deception that the world has ever seen is coming.

  7. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #39 – God is real and thinks you’re an asshole.

  8. Animby says:

    # 8 bobbo, “the earth may be more than 7000 years old.”

    Hell. I’ve got underwear older than that. I do not wish to talk about the eerily reversed skid marks in the cloth.

  9. Somebody says:

    #1 — “Just because you can “duplicate” something does not automatically make it a fake.”


    But the advent of the anti-shroud is a harbinger of the Apocalypse.

  10. deowll says:

    Most consider it to be much to young to be anything other than a fake but nobody has been able to make a good copy.

    The cloth has been in the Holy land. The pollen on it proves that and it is very ancient.

    One side issue is that old cloth can get a varnish of younger life forms that will throw off the C-14 date but I’m not claiming this is the real deal.

  11. scooter says:

    The C-14 tests were shown to be from an area of the cloth that was repaired by nuns. I cannot say that the shroud is real or not but nothing done so far PROVES it is a fake. The only thing done so far is prove that a similar image can be created through artificial means. The C-14 tests are so far inconclusive.

    Do I believe in God, Yes I do. But I also believe that man is inherently flawed so ANY interpretation of the “word of god” is also flawed.

    As for an afterlife, who knows I hope there is, but am I counting on it—NO!

  12. #41, Animby,

    Hell. I’ve got underwear older than that.

    Ya? Well my son does too!!! But he is saving his for a special occasion.


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