As Congress lurches closer to a decision on an enormous overhaul of the American health care system, pressure is mounting on legislative leaders to make the final bill available online for citizens to read before a vote.Lawmakers were given just hours to examine the $789 billion stimulus plan, sweeping climate-change legislation and a $700 billion bailout package before final votes.While most Americans normally ignore parliamentary detail, with health care looming, voters are suddenly paying attention. The Senate is expected to vote on a health bill in the weeks to come, representing months of work and stretching to hundreds of pages. And as of now, there is no assurance that members of the public, or even the senators themselves, will be given the chance to read the legislation before a vote.
These Congressional doofuses are shocked that people want to see these bills online. Were they not paying attention during the last election? It’s what was promised. Now people want it! And Congress is stunned!

Umm, Phydeau… we definitely were against the Patriot Act and the way it was rushed through Congress without being read. People raised hell about it and still do. To say we were fine with it is just plain ignorant. You need to stop looking at everything through a lens of Republican versus Democrat. Actions speak louder than words.
#36 I was there, complaining about the Patriot Act on forums such as these. The Republicans at that time, the “conservatives”, were blindly worshiping Dubya. Anyone who was against anything he did was a terrorist loving freedom hating commie librul. (So you see where little pedro got his mindset.) There were no “conservatives” speaking up against it. Now maybe you were speaking up against it. Maybe you were one of the few conservatives speaking up against it. Maybe. But odds are, probably not. So forgive me if I’m just a little skeptical.
little pedro sure likes his rhetoric. “blind lapdog defenders”, reminds me of alfie and his “budding nazis”. Hey, everybody’s gotta have a hobby, you have fun little pedro. 🙂
pedro, pedro, what have you done now. Instead of keeping your mouth shut like a good little schmenkle, you opened it and dispelled all doubt as to your stupidity.
you people should take heed
to pedro’s viewpoint.
he one of the very few people
that post on this blog that
who’s is keenly aware of the big
picture and what’s really going on.
now now there son.
Try to remember the doctor said you could stay out of the hospital ALL day if you behaved yourself and took your medication.
pedro honey, did you take your medication yet?
Come on now, be a big boy and take it for Daddy. So we don’t have to take you back to the hospital.
Sonny, I don’t see any “left loons”.
You didn’t take your medication like that nice doctors told you to. Now you’re hallucinating again. Well, I guess we’ll have to take you back to the hospital. Your friend Alphie is waiting for you there. He sees Nazis.
They don’t want people to figure out what’s wrong with what they are passing. For some people, they won’t realize it until it’s too late.