- Eolas may put entire Internet world in a patent stranglehold. Amazing.
- IBM will initiate “cloud” storage.
- AT&T will now allow Internet calls on its mobile phones.
- Gartner says Android phone will be number two.
- MSFT executives see slow economic rebound.
- Forbes sees huge tech boom coming. Acer agrees.
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Tech boom ahead? One where tech hits the floor hard.
Any tech boom will not include Microsoft. They are the GM of the tech world. I won’t make “Microsoft has jumped the shark” jokes because that would be relevant circa 2003.
It’s all going mobile, open source OS. Not to the cloud necessarily. Like John I don’t trust the cloud. But it’s a good archival backup.
I am a big fan of the Mac tablet rumor. I am not tied to Apple and I’m not a Jobs fanboi, but I think this model of software distribution and the far more intuitive interface is the way we’ll be computing within just a few short years. I can’t wait!
Here’s the Gartner numbers, they are not what you’re thinking:
Symbian 39% (203 million units)
Android 14% (76 million units)
iPhone 13.7% (71.5 million units)
Windows Mobile 12.8% (66.8 million units)
BlackberryOS 12.5% (65.25 million units)
Various Linux 5.4% (28 million units)
Palm webOS 2.1% (11 million units)
I don’t know what has the last .5%.
Anyway, the big loser is BlackberryOS according to Gartner. They also predicted that I would be using OS/2 Warp, programming in Smalltalk, and storing my data in DB2. I think the big loser will be Windows Mobile, they are in disarray – especially with whole Pink mess going on.
Tip for you youngsters, when your company has a project named “Pink” then you’re in the dumpster.
ARGH. I thought you had given up on the weather reports. Nice while it lasted.
Why doesn’t Microsoft, IBM, Amazon or Google by Eolas? Google could buy them with pocket change.