The White House said Monday that President Barack Obama is not considering a strategy for Afghanistan that would withdraw U.S. troops from the eroding war there.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said that walking away isn’t a viable option to deal with a war that is about to enter its ninth year. “I don’t think we have the option to leave. That’s quite clear,” Gibbs said.

The debate over whether to send as many as 40,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan is a major element of a strategy overhaul that senior administration policy advisers will consider this week as they gather for top-level meetings on the evolving direction of the war.


  1. algore says:

    Bring em’ home and nuke all the sand niggers

  2. foreigncorrespondent says:

    Your president has a very white smile. What kind of toothpaste does he use?

  3. RAAALF says:

    #31 What kind of rock do you live under?

    Afghanistan + 911 = syntax error.

    the Patsies AKA terrorist high jackers where Saudis, not Afghans.

    Let em fight it out. America is Broke as a joke, why continue dumping blood, and . billions in the sink? Imagine how good america would be if dumped that much sweat, and money into americas infrastructure, and didnt expose our soldiers to Depleted Uranium.

    9-11 was known as LIHOP Let It Happen On Purpose. This is the minimalist view, the maximum view is MIHOP Made It Happen On Purpose. Big debate over it. Cheney yelling at an underling “yes the orders still stand did you hear me say anything to the contrary?”

    #31 How did you get internet under that rock? did you drill into some underground fiber?

  4. MikeN says:

    So has Afghanistan gotten better in your opinion? CNN didn’t give an opinion on that part of their fact-check. OK why they were checking SNL is beyond me.


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