The White House said Monday that President Barack Obama is not considering a strategy for Afghanistan that would withdraw U.S. troops from the eroding war there.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said that walking away isn’t a viable option to deal with a war that is about to enter its ninth year. “I don’t think we have the option to leave. That’s quite clear,” Gibbs said.

The debate over whether to send as many as 40,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan is a major element of a strategy overhaul that senior administration policy advisers will consider this week as they gather for top-level meetings on the evolving direction of the war.


  1. bobbo, words have a context says:

    One of the biggest non-thinks that characterizes the arrogance that is killing the USA.

    LEAVE–with a promise to return if they f*ck with us again. When they do f*ck with us again, decide what is in our best interest. Presumably, that doesn’t mean going bankrupt over a corrupt Muslim tribal area 7000 miles away.

    I thought Obama was smart or something?

  2. amodedoma says:

    He can’t bring them home yet, he needs to maintain the number of troops he’s got. Massive troop withdrawl would have a negative effect on readiness. He’ll need them to repress the american public when the shit really hits the fan in a few years.

  3. simongiln says:

    “Change” was a catch phrase (word), not a policy. To know his policies, you actually had to listen to what he said, and this is perfectly consistent with what Obama said during the campaign.

    Whenever Obama shows himself *not* to be the liberal straw man, and instead actually does what he *said* he’d do, people get disappointed.

  4. cornholer says:

    WE just get the hell out. The strategy of “winning hearts and minds” is bullshit. We should be winning asses by fucking them up. The Taliban and anyone who supports them are fighting for a 7th century worldview. We should turn the entire damn country into an inferno and flatten every damn mountain in the country. Can you imagine if this PC war fighting bullshit of today had been the strategy against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan? Instead of firebombing the Nazi’s and dropping the “Bomb” on Japan we instead would have tried to be nice, and win over the bad guys that didn’t like us??? Bullshit! Launch every B-52, B-1 and anything else we have with a “B” in front of a number and destroy the entire damn country and be done with or just have every US soldier out of the country as soon as possible. When the Taliban take over the entire country and launch their next attack on us, we nuke both Afghanistan and the “Paki’s” too.

  5. cornholer says:

    One submarine launching a few missiles and problem is over.

  6. cornholer says:

    This whole thing about 1st strike is bullshit. WE nuke the fuck out of all those pork shunning bastards in dirty night shirts and you would quicker find a somali pirate at a Navy SEAL convention before you found another terrorist willing to fuck with us. Kill every man, woman and child. It’s ultimately going to come to this after one of these sand niggers sets off a nuke in this country.

  7. cornholer says:

    Not very PC am I?

  8. LibertyLover says:

    #3, “I’m asking you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring about change in Washington . . . I’m asking you to believe in yours.”

    Barack Obama

  9. ECA says:

    all these other People telling us WHAT isnt being done??

    40,000?? theres Less than 8000 there NOW. Which is fun as there are 5 times as many in Iraq, trying to control a country that WASNT at war.

  10. bobbo, words have a context says:

    #7–cornholder==crying for attention? I’d say you are very Psychologically Consistent. Sad case, but there you have it in your own words.

    Heyyyyy look at Meeeeeee!!!!! I’m a doofus. Heh, heh.

  11. cornholer says:

    Bobbo, I can pull your chain at will. You are my little progressive puppet.

  12. bobbo, words have a context says:

    CornHolder==when your post is about “yourself” the only chain you are pulling is your own. Psychological—right on the surface.

    Only a doofus goes around pulling chains anyway. It a restroom, after you get off your knees, you can get a dollar tip for that.

  13. Steve S says:

    I’m so confused…
    Why are our solders still in Afghanistan and Iraq?
    Why can’t we just leave now?
    If we can’t leave now, what are the conditions that have to be met before we can leave?
    When do we win?
    Please use big words in your answers because I am apparently too dam stupid to understand why we can’t just leave.

  14. Ranger007 says:

    Bring them home now.

    McNamara was lucky to die of old age at home (should have been tried for murder) – and yes, I’m a Viet Nam vet.

    Bring them home.

    It is clear, we will either lose slowly or lose quickly. I vote for quickly.

    Bring them home. NOW. No more of our guys killed (and I hesitate here) for nothing.

    Bring them home. Now!!!

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    This is one example of Obama keeping his promise.

    From Nov, 2008:
    “Obama called early in the campaign for deploying two or three additional U.S. combat brigades to Afghanistan.”

    Ok, so far so good.

    “I think you’ll find the new president would then be able to persuade a number of European nations who have not liked this (Bush) administration’s way of doing business to come in behind them,”


  16. dodge28 says:

    Start a war, use the poor, watch your profits soar.

  17. Ah_Yea says:

    This is one example of Obama keeping his promise.

    From Nov, 2008:
    “Obama called early in the campaign for deploying two or three additional U.S. combat brigades to Afghanistan.”

    Ok, so far so good.

    “I think you’ll find the new president would then be able to persuade a number of European nations who have not liked this (Bush) administration’s way of doing business to come in behind them,”


  18. Dr Dodd says:

    #13-Steve-When do we win?

    If the goal is to win the war then it would have already been accomplished. Since this is not the case we must conclude that politicians are just using the war as an excuse to seize more power and pay off political favors.

    Not a far reach considering the facts we are able to gather from simple observation.

    Since our leaders have no intention of winning then retreat and subsequent attacks on a city near you are the remaining options.

    The one certainty we can glean from history is that the future is never bright for a people who continuously accept losing over victory.

  19. Hugh Ripper says:

    Why move troops out of Afghanistan when they are preparing for possible operations against Iran? That doesn’t make sense.

  20. bobbo, words have a context says:

    #19–Hugh==you’re joking right? Off the cuff? wishfull thinking in a comic book way? Our land troops are targets, our air power is supreme.

    I know what assets I would play with.

  21. spsffan says:

    Once again, I must say: Neutron bomb the entire Middle East, including our so called friends like Israel and the Saudis.

    The world will of course have a hissy fit, but after a while they will thank us profusely for ridding the planet of this festering infection.

  22. Dallas says:

    Agree. Leaving Afghanistan is not a good option. It was the central war on terror then, it is the central war on terror now.

    Why do Republicans hate America and don’t want to support our troops?

  23. bring em home says:

    Bring em all home by the end of December.

    9-11=Inside Job. Bin Laden was/is CIA.

    End the Drug war too cause guess what Obama your kids and everyone elses children are going to be 18 soon enough. If you keep lying to them they are going to rebel, and they probably will hate you.

  24. highaman says:

    Really that’s an incredible load of *** you try to attribute to his “Change” policy.

    It was part of the change promised! As a Canadian (country which supported US in Afghanistan but NEVER will in Irak), Obama looks like the only guy able to set things straight. It was all about retaliation to AQ, and AQ was in kaboul … go figure

    Big bombs just harvest hatred from all the collateral damage. Look how Obama handled AQ Leaders in Africa (choppers dropped special ops).

    I agree it may be a little late but better finish what you start…

    And for those who don’t get the link with Iran well… take a look on the map!

    (BTW Cherman your rants really suck)

  25. B.Dog says:

    Bring the troops home now. Why are we there? What do we care how they want to run their society? Our authorities say there were 2 people from Afghanistan that had something to do with 9/11, but then again there were 8 times that number from Saudi Arabia that supposedly had something to do with that, and the Saudis got a pass.

  26. tecban says:

    Imagine how much they might like us if we stopped bombing them and spent that money on building a modern infrastructure for them. It seemed to work OK in Germany and Japan.

  27. sargasso says:

    Iran is just a little bit further, north. Russia is east. To the west you have Iraq. Basically, this encircles Iran with friendly states. If you were a strategist, would you want to leave?

  28. billabong says:

    Declare victory and leave before we get beat.

  29. deowll says:

    We can leave but they aren’t going to leave us alone. They hit us first and given time they will again. As far as these people are concerned they are fighting a holy war begun by Mohamed the prophet that will end when the last infidel falls.

    The other issue is what happens in the Persian Gulf. The Iranians and everybody else can smell weakness and their instinct is to grab a much power as they can.

    The Super Power is heading toward being just another power. It may take a while to get used to what that means.

    Of course sooner or later the Jews are going to decide they don’t want to die and hit Iran and then we have an even bigger stink to deal with. Where this is going I don’t know.

  30. qb says:

    Ranger007 has nailed it.


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