Huffington Post – 10- 5-09:

Lo and behold, the Bible has gotten too liberal, according to a group of conservatives. And it needs a little editing.

That’s the inspiration behind the Conservative Bible Project, which seeks to take the text back to its supposed right-wing roots.

So how can the Bible be conservatized? The group has proposed a Wikipedia-like group editing project. Some of the ideas would only bring the translation closer to the original. But others would fundamentally change the text.

Among the words to be eliminated: “government.” A conservative columnist at Beliefnet described the effort as “just crazy … like what you’d get if you crossed the Jesus Seminar with the College Republican chapter at a rural institution of Bible learnin’.”

Golly-gee, I remember the good old days when the Bible was considered the immutable word of God.

And I cannot imagine how much venom Ann Coulter would spew if the Left vowed to make the Bible more liberal.

  1. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    OH C’MON DODD=======a specific example. Really!!!!! If you can’t give a single example, sure seems like relying on the bible leads one to “stop thinking?”

    “I drove by the Second National Bank the other day and thought that it would be nice to have some of that money. Then I remembered the teachings of Jesus: Don’t rob the Second National Bank and so I drove on to the Dairy Queen and took some extra ice from their coke machine as there is no prohibition against that.”

    Surely some teaching like that that would escape us nonebelievers who don’t know about our own written laws as well?

  2. Dr Dodd says:

    #64-bobbo-If you can’t give a single example, sure seems like relying on the bible leads one to “stop thinking?”

    Something specific uhh?

    OK lets go with one that should hit home for you. One particular wisdom about arguing with someone that is not interested in learning so much as mocking.

    Maybe you are familiar with wise and useful advice of not casting pearls before swine.

  3. soundwash says:

    …and now you know why it should be just deleted from the mind’s of man.

    sounds like a marketing ploy to sell more books, er bibles.

    i’m sure jesus is having a good laugh over this..if he’s paying attention.

    viva la capitalism?


  4. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #62, Dr. Dudd,

    Does the owners manual of the 1951 Hudson cover how to create and serve sushi?

    Don’t know. I don’t have a manual and am having a difficult time getting a copy. Since they are all at least 58 y/o most are in pretty fragile condition and the owners don’t want to copy them.

    But your manual for life, does that tell you how to make sushi?

  5. JimR says:

    Re #65, Dodd… that’s only relevant if you had some pearls to cast. Miming doesn’t count.

    …back to you bobbo… I’m gone for the day.

  6. Dr Dodd says:

    #JimR-that’s only relevant if you had some pearls to cast.

    One man’s pearl is another man’s hamster running on a wheel.

  7. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    Well Dr Dodd you are confused as to the purpose/method of this blog. “I” may have asked “you” a question but there are many readers with the same question. Some of them actually want to know and are not ready to mock you as I am. I am also ready to be surprised however.

    Calling us all pigs reveals a rather limited imagination–one that is satisfied by fairy stories.

    Tell me this then: are there any moral laws in the bible that you find completely reprehensible and that should remain illegal as our law does?

  8. right says:

    “Every interpretation cannot be right…only one has that honor.”

    And the people who claim the bible has nothing tangibly related to an imaginary being are the ones who are correct. It’s all woo hoo produced by the power hungry to subjugate the weak minded and feeble.
    Hmmm…just like in today’s world as can be evidenced by some of the posters here.

  9. right says:


    There’s some pretty sick stuff that was approved by the big imaginary guy.

  10. caleb says:

    hahaha…. #67 got told by Dr Dudd!

  11. Qon Quixote says:

    My Gosh, this is great.

    I haven’t heard from so many experts since CB radio became died. NOW I KNOW where they WENT with the HEAVY emphasis on what THEY think. Instead of turning on the LINEAR to shout over others, they HAVE discovered CAPS Isn’t that SO cool.

  12. MikeN says:

    They’re not saying that the bible is too liberal, but that certain passages get misunderstood by liberals, or have been edited by liberals in modern translations. They want to eliminate any gender neutral language.

    Pretty stupid project either way, but there is a difference.

    For example they want to replace the use of fellow worker with fellow volunteer. So it’s a reverse political correctness/Newspeak that edits out words like labourer and comrade because they are associated with Marxism.

  13. The Bible is one of the great books to read and follow.The content in this holy book is so good that one can be a good and successful human being.

  14. Kyle says:

    I guess no one has realized that the bible was written the way it was because people couldn’t understand it an any other way at the time and God will not go against people’s free will to force them to understand:

    This univese is all about energy and light and abusing God’s energies brings back negative feed-back because it cannot go anywhere else:
    *You reap what you sow*

    yet the bible won’t say it exactly that way because people didn’t know shit about energy and light-spectrums thus they couldn’t write it down even if they tried and had a gun pointed at the bible prophets ready to blow their heads off:

    God respects free-will and does not in reality “possess” people when they speak in which demons will as demons sometimes disguise themselves as light claiming to be in rightousness:

    God would not speak to people scientificly back then because he kknew people weren’t ready
    for the concept of energy and light and how to not misue it:

    They only had the consiounce of God being some remot being in the sky staring down at us in an angry pattern and always cried “Why this” or “Why is God/Fate/Luck.etc doing this to me or the group around me?”:

    I’ve been there before and it’s not a good image:

    These people in the past have freely given themselves to God in order for his word to be spread and have gone thru hell and back and at any time were allowed to reject his words thru the entire operations:

    Watch for that next time someone claims to be speaking *The Truth and find out how aware of things they were at the time as a *spiritual* expirement because they had to be aware enough to be allowed to *reject* God’s word:

    I have sinned lots of times though mostly in lots of *innocent* ways and it will take an old fasioned miracle in a nutshell to be “redeemed” since I am reaping what I sow and wish I learned what I learned when I was a toddler or better yet………my pre-birth life but that’s another topic:


    I could’ve saved myself a lot of headaches but now will fall with the demons unless a major rescue takes place:

  15. Kyle says:

    PS: Hell is an area of missued energy that has lasted a VERY VERY long time and is always dragging us to it but if the energy keeps getting negative it will eventually create a nuclar reaction and self destruct:

    Then reset itself with a full systems scan and your *old* soul shall be lost forever during the scanning hence:

    *eternal damnation*
    (most likely a black hole in todays terms)

    Like when you do a full computer scan and wipe out the bad data that harms your PC or Mac:

    Too make a complicated story short it’s actually been discovered that numbers go negative in black holes and hell is suppose to be the center of negative energy:

    Weird no?

    This universe is actually all numbers but we cannot see it in our limited views:


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