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Netanyahu, Obama and Abbas |
Barack Obama, the US president, has agreed to abide by a 40-year policy of allowing Israel to keep nuclear weapons without opening them to international inspection.
The Washington Times quoted three unnamed sources as saying Obama had confirmed to Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, that he would maintain the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.
The incident reportedly occurred when the two met at the White House in Washington DC in May.
Neither Israel’s embassy in Washington, nor the White House National Security Council would comment on the claim…
In an interview last week with Israel’s Channel 2 media company, Netanyahu spoke of his confidence that Obama’s recent remarks on a world free of nuclear weapons would not apply to Israel…
“I want to remind you that in my first meeting with President Obama in Washington I received from him … an itemised list of the strategic understandings that have existed for many years between Israel and the United States on that issue…”
Hypocrisy continues to guide American foreign policy.
How is anyone being a hypocrit here?
Israel did not sign the nonproliferation treaty.
It’s not hypocrisy.
Israel with nukes keeps a relative peace.
Without them, all hell would break loose. (Why make the book of Revelation come true early, eh?)
Even if we did push Israel to give up the goods on their nukes, they wouldn’t tell us.
For us, it’s foreign policy. For them, it’s survival.
sorry guys…. as a non US citizen, it is hypocrisy… anyway you want to skin it….
Why don’t we just announce the official merger of the Democrat and Republican parties and switch to one-party rule and let the elections get decided by the Illuminati (as usual).
#4–Say Pedro==can you identify SPECIFICALLY what you heard from Obama that staying silent on Israeli nukes violates?
I don’t think he said anything like what this thread suggests. You can prove me wrong.
Please all the naive people on this blog stop trying to say there is a difference between one plutocrat and the other.
Neither side is to be trusted.
#2 “Israel with nukes keeps a relative peace. Without them, all hell would break loose.”
Until their foes also have nukes. Then it’s Armaggedon.
I really like that plan. All countries in the Middle East should have nukes and wipe each other the hell out of the planet. Spy Vs. Spy style. It’s the best if not the only way we will get rid of those bickering assholes and the perennial tension they bring upon the entire world. What’s taking Iran so long anyway?
Obama hasn’t ‘changed’ anything, won’t ‘change’ anything and has no plans to ‘change’ anything in the future.
Gitmo – Check, still there.
Iraq – Check, standard operating procedure.
Afghanistan – Check, in fact lets send more … Taliban and all ya know!
Wallstreet – Check, hired a few to monitor the rest.
The Economy – Check, rising unemployment, coming inflation, change we can believe in!
#8 “Until their foes also have nukes. Then it’s Armaggedon.”
What makes you think for a second that Isreal is going to let any other Mid-East country get nukes? They have a history of dealing with that issue with F16s.
#7–Say Cursor==no one here has said one plutocrat is different than any other. Silly to mix up and conflate very different issues like that. So silly, one could say “YOU shouldn’t be trusted” but then no one has said that either.
Try to be relevant?
#12–Pedro==YOU said Obama “was going to change all that.” I say he said nothing of the sort. He has so far failed to deliver “transparency” in his own administration, but that has nothing to do with any responsibility for Israel to perform according to a treaty that it did not sign.
So here is your second chance to back up what you say -OR- simply admit you were a kneejerk anti-Obama dittohead. Admit the truth one way or the other and grow as a person.
You can do it. I have faith.
Israel is a sovereign nation responsible for their own future.
If we are not in a state of war with them, why should we care?
It is hypocrisy. Iran is a member of the IAEA and Israel is not. Iran hasn’t attacked anyone in over 200 years. It’s Israel that has committed war crimes. It murdered 1400 Palestine civilians last january. I guess the US media forgot to report that one. The real threat comes from Zionist fundamentalists with a nuclear bomb not Iran.
#14–I love it when Loser gets macho==do you think Israel can fly over Iraqi air space, bomb Iran, and not get USA involved in a shooting war with Iran? Or is the potential for that of no concern to us????
#15–Jim==Iran attacked and occupied the US embassy in Tehran holding hostages for 444 days. But thats just a technicality I agree.
You better be very, very careful in throwing around killing civilians is a war crime type of talk. That just may bite you in the ass.
Seems to me, the US and Isreal have a lot in common. They both maintain wars of doubtful solution in the name of national security. They’re both ambitious and have huge defense budgets. And of course they both have about the same number of friends in the region of the middle east.
What’s taking Iran so long? Probably doing a little bit, looking to see if anyone will attack, work a bit more, looking around again, etc etc.
Or, they might not really have anything. Takes them awhile for the creative writing to be checked for grammatical errors, spelling, etc etc.
#18–Hey ammarammadingdong===when you get invaded by tanks and aircraft from four different countries out to exterminate you, your alternative to war is what?
14 LibertyLover,
“Israel is a sovereign nation responsible for their own future.”
Nothing about Israel, since it’s artificial creation by proxy in 1919, has been their “own”. They owe everything to Britain and the US.
Hey Eideard==”Hypocrisy continues to guide American foreign policy.”==why don’t you help Pedro out and tell us what you are thinking of?
Bobbo, Pedro, you’ll like this article.
#20 bobbo, yeah I know the story. It’s been a while since they’ve fought on their own turf, unless that’s what you call what they’ve done to the gaza strip. After WW2 the international sentiment was to support the british’s decision to return them to their homeland. Everyone knew they’d face enemies on all sides but no consideration was given to find a diplomatic solution to this.
I was merely making an observation based on similarities. I have no sympathy for any nation, all flags are bloody rags. The violent always find a justification for their deeds and those most responsible rarely face the consequences and often profit from them.
#24–amodedoma==everything you say is quite correct yet totally irrelevant to what you said at Post #18.
Ok. For those with international ADD, what should Israel do if its taking rockets 2-3 times per day going into the 8th month?
And remind us given you are up on the history and all, how many months the USA took to invade the aggressor on this “similar condition” and how many times have Canada or Mexico declared they wish to wipe us from the face of the map?
You know amodedoma==ideas have context as well as words. Or do you just like the way your tongue feels in your mouth as you sound them out?
#23–Ah Yea==that article is 5 months old and says not much more than what the header linked article says except to pull the pants down on that Assistant Secretary==boy was he set up. Really highlights the ASS in assistant. HAW, haw.
Only a real mouth breathing idiot would think much less say that Israel should give up anything much less think India or Pakistan would.
Is that guy out of the retard hospital yet?
25 bobbo,
We’ve sparred on this in the past. What I find amazing, is that you seem to have drawn a line in the sand and claimed everything from that point and back is irrelevent.
None of your examples have any weight in the argument of Israel Palestine… In fact, to get a very nice grasp of the depth of the problem some of their own Prime Ministers…
“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti – Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”
David Ben Gurion
#21, “Israel is a sovereign nation responsible for their own future.”
Nothing about Israel, since it’s artificial creation by proxy in 1919, has been their “own”. They owe everything to Britain and the US.
But we don’t own them. If that is what people think, then we need to rethink that.
They have spied on us. That tells me they consider themselves sovereign. Fine. Let them handle it on their own.
#28–Pedro==why would you merely agree with the author who is wrong? There has never been a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy regarding Israeli Nukes. Eideard may be thinking he was being funny regarding homosexuals in the military or he was trying to overapply the concept of transparency and paraphrasing it to be hip? Who knows?
You admit YOU don’t know. Why would you agree with something if you don’t know what it means?
No. YOU are still on the hook. Nice wiggle but still on it.
#27–named==who died and made Ben Gurion the arbiter of all things Palestinian? Besides, your quote is irrelevant. I can’t think of anyone who has lost a battle over supremacy of the land who “liked it.” Isn’t that a rather obvious constant Ben Gurion babbles? And as long as Israel doesn’t act to kill all that would kill them like every other successful nation has done, AND the palestinians (sic) get “moral” support from the other Arabs in the area who are more than willing to scapegoat generation after generation of palestinians (sic) to be a thorn in Israeli’s side, why shouldn’t their corrupt leaders treat them that way?
Its the way of the world. Israel will keep their land as long as they do, and when they fail to do so, they will be no more==just like everyone else in history. Nothing unique about Israel at all.
#25 bobbo
Damned these interdimensional communications are difficult, or are you being sarcastically obtuse as always. I was trying to indicate there’s nothing hypocritical about Obama hanging with the homeboys. They’ve got so much in common, and even though I make this commentary I couldn’t care less. I don’t think any patch of dirt is worth dying for or killing for. Hopefully the violence in the human gene pool will eventually weed itself out by serving up the context of it’s own extinction through war.
#31–amodedoma==my childish antics aside, yes, I do sense we are more congruent in our world view than many here. Perhaps that is why I am so sensitive to when you say something totally unsupportable and moronic such as: “They both maintain wars of doubtful solution in the name of national security.” So==I’ll ask for the third time: what would you do, given Ben Gurion and everything else you can think of.
What would you do if you were Israel????
I constantly am saddened by the number of intelligent posters here who refuse to backtrack in full view of a complete FUBAR. I wonder how you all got so smart if you can’t admit to a misstatement===not even a “mistake.” Just a misstatement.
They come few and far between. Keep it up, and you and Pedro and just about everyone here but ME ((hah, hah)) will turn into real cornholders.