A school that hands cigarettes out to pupils has been considering erecting a smoking shelter for youngsters, the Echo can reveal today.

Headlands School in Penarth has confirmed staff discussed the possibility of establishing an outdoor shelter for seven young people on its smoking reduction programme.

The programme enables teachers to monitor pupils’ tobacco intake by locking away “smoking implements” and allowing the teenagers to access them in a controlled manner, even though staff at the school are not allowed to smoke on site.

So, when will schools start handing out other things kids aren’t supposed to have like pot, porn and booze in order to ween them off of these evil items? And will teachers be banned from using them, too?

  1. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Instead, they should serve beer at lunch.

  2. PhillyJimbo says:

    Great picture! LOL!

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    Although I want to think the school does have the students interests at heart, I find it so hard to justify this. It doesn’t matter how messed up these kids are, no one would contemplate for a second of feeding their alcohol or heroin addictions.

  4. lynn says:

    I ween that Uncle Dave doesn’t know the difference between ween and wean.

  5. deowll says:

    TN state law is simple. No smoking on the school grounds.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    It just goes to prove that even with a substantial college education, the teaching (or admin?) staff are lousy at making wise policy for young students. I wonder if any of them are receiving “honorariums” from local tobacconists? “Hey teach. Keep out little addicts hooked on the fags. Here’s something for yer trouble.”

    Nobody weens addicts off of Heroin, LSD, Marijuana, Meth, Crack, alcohol, sex, or anything else that can be abused. But tobacco enjoys this special “You must let them down gradual” excuse. But it’s got nothing to do with real science. And more to do with a huge industry that prefers people be given the chance to fail at quitting. The gums, the patches, it’s all a huge hoax. You quit doing something, by quitting completely. Not by little stages. “Hmm. Let’s see. I’ll stop abusing my kids, by beating them only every other day.” Or, “I’ll stop being a Serial Killer, by only killing randomly so there’s no pattern.” See? That doesn’t work either!

    Some of the lamer diet plans have tried this “weening” gimmick and failed. “Eat whatever you want, only in small proportions.” So you never lose your graving for all the sugary processed foods. Bet you know who’s behind that. And now it’s cars running on 10% Ethanol. Because the petrol industry can bare the idea of everyone going cold-turkey, and running their cars on electricity.


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