New York man accused of using Twitter to direct protesters during G20 summit — For some reason the videos of this have been taken off line too. Yes, we must all do the bidding of the globalists.

A New York-based anarchist has been arrested by the FBI and charged with hindering prosecution after he allegedly used the social networking site Twitter to help protesters at the G20 summit in Pittsburgh evade the police.

Elliot Madison, 41, from Queens, had his home raided and was put on $30,000 (£19,000) bail after he and Michael Wallschlaeger, 46, were tracked to the Carefree Inn motel in Pittsburgh during the summit on 24 and 25 September.

The pair were found sitting in front of a bank of laptops and emergency frequency radio scanners. They were wearing headphones and microphones and had many maps and contact numbers in the room.

Official police documents allege the two men used Twitter messages to contact protesters at the summit “and to inform the protesters and groups of the movements and actions of law enforcement”.

  1. Jeanne says:

    “hindering prosecution”??? Nobody was being prosecuted. Sounds like the cops are reaching for a charge.

  2. Holdfast says:

    Alfred’s here – nobody feed the troll!

    On a more relevant note, police actions against the protesters has at best little to do with law enforcement. At worst, the actions of the police against G20 protesters all over the world is downright illegal. This means that not working to help the protesters is also illegal!

  3. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #1 “hindering prosecution”???

    I think the reasoning is they were actively working to assist the protesters avoid the police and thus arrest. If communication with some protesters prior to the start of the protests can be established, expect conspiracy charges to be brought later.

  4. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #3 “the actions of the police against G20 protesters all over the world is downright illegal. This means that not working to help the protesters is also illegal!”

    Let me know if you find ANY court that accepts your reasoning. I will not hold my breath waiting to hear of one.

  5. jobs says:

    A year ago the lefties here would blame Bush whenever the police would break up these protest. Why no one blame the the new boss?

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    I would think that just a few videos of the police attacking students and others would suffice to demonstrate the police were out of control.

    As if that would matter.

  7. Jason says:

    I just think it is awesome that someone found a GOOD use for Twitter!!!

    They get points simply for the smart idea!!!

    Go lefties!!!!!

  8. Dr. K says:

    Astroturf Anarchists! I wonder if Acorn was involved?

  9. Cursor_ says:

    “A New York-based anarchist has been arrested by the FBI and charged with hindering prosecution”

    “A New York-based anarchist has been arrested by the FBI and charged with hindering PERsecution”

    There fixed.


  10. Li says:

    Really, are you so surprised? Here, this is a list of Trilateral commision members Obama has appointed.

    Trilateral appointees include:
    * Secretary of Treasury, Tim Geithner
    * Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice
    * National Security Advisor, Gen. James L. Jones
    * Deputy National Security Advisor, Thomas Donilon
    * Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee, Paul Volker
    * Director of National Intelligence, Admiral Dennis C. Blair
    * Assistant Secretary of State, Asia & Pacific, Kurt M. Campbell
    * Deputy Secretary of State, James Steinberg
    * State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Haass
    * State Department, Special Envoy, Dennis Ross
    * State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Holbrooke

    Obama is essentially Bush in blackface. The left has reason to object when both parties are essentially Fascist and Fascist Lite.

  11. Holdfast says:

    #5 I agree that the police are not alone in the criminal activity of infringing the right to protest.

    Most of us, including me, opt for the safe & quiet life rather than obeying the law and thereby upsetting the media, rich and powerful.
    It looks like those people had more principles.
    I would like to know if the numbers of those acting against the wishes of those criminals. This is unlikely to become public. After all, guess where any figures would come from? Either the protesters or the criminals in power. Both will have their ows spin.

  12. Rick Cain says:

    Remember kiddies, information is now a crime.

  13. noname says:

    # 15 Rick Cain,

    Freedom of speech is now a crime.

    We invent an crime to invent a charge, USA is no better then IRAN!

    Unless your a tea bagger; you only choice in America; shut up, keep your head down, don’t stand out, don’t criticize!!!

    Were is Obama (A constitutional lawyer and professor) in/on all this? Obama speaks pretty, that’s about it!!!

    Obama is cow-towed to the American praetorian guard, that Eisenhower warned us about. Heaven forbid we should hurt the feelings or moral of the American praetorian guard.

    If I knew Obama would be cow-towed to the American praetorian guard, I would have never voted for him,

  14. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #12 and #13

    If you don’t like those in power, vote them out. If you don’t like the choices, run for office yourself.

  15. noname says:

    # 17 Cap’nKangaroo,

    You seem to be saying don’t protest (unless of course your a tea bagger)!

    Other then that, I agree vote em out.

    Vote in someone who will say no to America’s praetorian guard and say yes to citizen’s rights.

  16. Gasbag says:

    come on noname get you head out of your ass like idiots like this are just protesting? Or would you like them to smash and burn everthing?

  17. noname says:

    # 20 pedro,

    It’s apparent that “pedro” is the new code word for stupid, ignorant and just plain shit for brains.

    If the person arrested was suspected of property destruction that would have been the arresting charge not “hindering prosecution”.

    If knowing how to read and think is being a lefty loon then YES I AM YOUR LEFTY LOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you dumb shit.

  18. pedro's (very ashamed) daddy says:

    Sorry everyone. I didn’t bring my kid up to be a troll. He must get it from listening to Rush Limbaugh so much when he was younger.

    Although he could have gotten it from when the Fifth and Seventh Fleets were in town together. You know his mother, …

  19. SIDs says:

    #21, noname,

    There is a lot of shit out there that just got insulted.

  20. pedro honey,

    Are people making fun of you? Naughty, naughty naughty.

    Hear, hear son, don’t cry any more; you can rest your head on my big hairy sweaty bosom.

    You can’t help your ignorant self. People should accept you for what you are, a dumb-shit.

  21. Hugh Ripper says:

    “A New York-based anarchist has been arrested by the FBI…”

    A ‘New York BASED Anarchist? He has a BASE in New York? I suppose he and his terrorist comrades also have an underwater base off the coast of Cuba.

    “They said they also took away anarchist books and pictures of Marx and Lenin.”

    Uhuh. Even if this was true how is it relevant.

  22. noname says:

    # 25 Hugh Ripper,

    Come on, you not supposed to question a label. You supposed to hate and hate. You are not suppose to be a critical thinking American, your supposed to be a knee jerk reactionary and you are supposed to hate and hate with out thinking.

    That’s what the new America is about. Don’t be a critical thinking American; that’s yesterdays American, the kind that said no to concentration camps and did something about it.

  23. Hugh Ripper says:

    #27 noname

    I’m an Aussie, mate! Were not so afraid of the commie menace out here, especially with Chairman Rudd in control of things.

    Lack of critical thinking is a worldwide phenomena, not just an American problem.

    Maybe this guy is a leftist anarchist. Maybe he does have pictures on Marx and Lenin in his wallet. So what.

  24. noname says:

    # 29 Hugh Ripper,

    I agree “Maybe this guy is a leftist anarchist. Maybe he does have pictures on Marx and Lenin in his wallet. So what.”

    This new McCarthyism Bush got U.S. started on is going to eat ourselves alive and leave U.S. a 3rd world country.

  25. Hugh Ripper says:

    #30 Noname

    No doubt it will continue under Obama, just in another form. Perhaps the right wing will experience reverse-McCarthyism. There are signs of it already.

    Both sides seek to de-legitimise each others politics, to no-ones benefit. They are all scrabbling around trying to feather their own nests with corporate cash.

    Make no mistake, I’m no fan of the right-wing but honesty in politics requires an open political discourse, not the corrupt cluster-fuck of lies and deceit that America is seeing at the moment from both sides.

  26. deowll says:

    # 8 They got the idea from the Iranian protesters and our government got plans on how to stop it from the…

    # 16 You still don’t get it. The guard now works for Obama. The guy you voted for.

    I will say this the G20 protesters sure aren’t tea baggers. Nobody got arrested at tea bagger rallies. If there had been I’m pretty sure that would have made every news channel even if it was jay walking. ?;^)

  27. nunyac says:

    I thought that Anarchists were on the extreme right of the political spectrum. you know anti central govermnent and that sort of thing.
    It would seem to me that under these circumstances, not aliasing your Twitter acount and using your charge card to pay for your motel room is a very “pro” government method of facilitation a G20 protest.

  28. jccalhoun says:

    Anarchists are LEFTISTS…
    so leftists simultaneously want the government to control everything and for there to be no government at all?

    Since anarchists don’t want any government at all, they sound like libertarians to me.

    If Alfred1 opposes people who don’t want any government at all does that mean Alfred1 is a statist?

  29. Alt173 says:

    The riot squads at the Univ. of Pittsburgh went crazy during the G20, gassing and arresting innocent students hanging-around on their own dang campus. Even a credential-wearing reporter was arrested covering the events. Who or what force truly oversees and punishes the dehumanizing acts of these adrenaline-junkies we call ‘police’?

  30. Rich says:

    I don’t have to reach far enough into my cranium to even CONSIDER their (or my) political affiliations. They were coordinating protests via Twitter. I don’t see the problem or the law broken. The police are acting as terrorists in this case.


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