1. The DON says:

    The title says it all.

    or how about “all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others”.

  2. poindexter says:

    From Digg

    Nope. This is called hypocrisy.

  3. poindexter says:

    From Digg comments: “Nope. This is called hypocrisy.”

  4. chuck says:

    But feel free to phone anytime – especially between 5 and 7pm.

  5. Cursor_ says:

    This kind of sign has been posted for years in the windows of most stores.

    I found it fascinating as a child and still do.


  6. Uncle Don says:

    Unless this is in Britain, where a solicitor is an attorney.

  7. Holdfast says:

    In the UK, soliciting is also another word for prostitution. Again, please draw your own conclusions…

  8. AdmFubar says:

    most companies believe in the “do unto others and then run” rule.

  9. Wretched Gnu says:

    This photo is ancient. My aunt Lorna sent it to me before lolcats got big.

  10. Glenn E. says:

    Do you know how hard it is get one of those “No Soliciting” plaques for you home?! I’ve found most hardware stores won’t carry them. But they have a plaque for every damn thing else! Our local Ace Hardware finally got one, a year after they’d been open. Put it’s a cheap little plastic thing, that’s easily to overlook. And a year’s worth of sun and rain will probably wear off the lettering. And yet I’ve seen Doctors’ offices with substantial size “NO SOLICITING” signs. In fact I’ll bet when the Doctors move the office, the sign goes with them. Is there some special office supply just for Doctors and Lawyers? Cause I’ll bet Office Depot and Staples doesn’t carry this. Why do the elder folk (or their sons) have to buy a set of letters, and make their own plaque? Are the stores so afraid of upsetting the Association of Door-to-door Marketers or something?

  11. Timuchin says:

    Hypocrisy is only immoral for Christians since it is a form of dishonesty. Everyone else is free to lie, cheat and steal all they want. Especially salesmen and politicians.

    Since the solicitors are dishonest, fairness is is ignored. They are attacking the public and defending themselves from the same attack.

  12. Timuchin says:

    Yes, only Christians have a moral obligation for honesty. No other beleif system in the universe requires it, yep you hit that one right on the head….

    Do I really need to add a sarcasm tag here?

  13. Jammer2k says:

    To Timuchin,

    Yep, only Christianity requires Honesty, no other belief system in the universe requires it. Heck all other others require you to lie about everything. You sure hit that one right on the head.

    Do I really need to add a sarcasm tag?


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