Courthouse News Service — You have to read this entire account. Jaw dropping.

A homeowner says a Phoenix police officer shot him six times in the back during a 911 home-invasion call, and the 911 tape recorded the officer’s partner saying, “That’s all right. Don’t worry about it. I got your back. … We clear?” The family says the officers were not aware that the 911 call was still recording as they spoke about covering up the shooting…

The Arambulas say the officers later dragged Anthony onto gravel, then put him on top of the hot hood of a squad car, and “drove the squad car down the street with Tony lying on top, writhing in pain.”

Found by Keith Ray.

  1. bobbo, what second amendment says:

    Whew!! That was close. I thought this may have been a follow up call Professor Gates made to the Harvard constabulary. Just imagine.

    Instead, what we have is a good example of the danger of guns and the bad training of cops===sufficient that I would argue only very few cops should have guns either.

    Looks like in the future as a gun owner occupier of land in Arizona, one should shoot the intruder, call the cops, then leave the premises for a public well lit location==maybe go downtown to the cops headquarters “just to file the report.”

    Just how down the toilet are we now?

  2. Troublemaker says:

    Post some fun stories… like ones where cops get shot and killed.

    Those always cheer me up and give me a good laugh.

  3. Uncle Patso says:

    “…writing in pain.” ???

    “…represented by Michael Manning with son Morrison Hecker.” ???

    The homeowner is recovering — it’s the English language that’s being murdered here!

  4. Hugh Ripper says:

    Wow. That’s just like here in Oz, where if you’re gonna be shot, you’re most likely to be shot by the Victoria police.

    This only goes to support my theory that if you own a gun, you’re more likely to be shot.

  5. ECA says:

    When are they going to test TRAINEES under fire? and their reactions??

    Anyone remember the POCKET mirror trick for looking around corners?? NOT DIVE AND SHOOT..

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    Yup, bad cops. Really bad cops.

    Of course the anti-gun nuts missed one critical aspect of the story.

    “Anthony and Lesley Arambula say an armed intruder “crashed through the front window” of their home”

    I bet the anti-gun nuts missed it again. So let’s try this:

    “Just moments after hearing the two gunshots, a man crashed through their window and into the family’s living room. He appeared “crazed” and he was wielding a 9 millimeter gun at Tony and his two year old. … the intruder dashed down the hall … Tony realized that this impaired menace was now with Matthew, in his small bedroom, with that 9mm gun. He knew that both his life and Matthew’s were subject to the whim of a desperate and impaired criminal. … Tony was terrified .. that his two young boys, he, and his wife would be murdered within minutes. … Anthony put the gun to the fugitive’s head and held him at gunpoint while he made a call to 911 to report the matter.”

    Ok, now lets hear the idiotic anti-gun nuts try to describe a method on how we can get rid of all the guns. (Remember, “Crazed” criminals are not going to turn in their guns.) Seriously, I would like to know how the anti-gun lobby will take away all our guns “for our own good” without turning our country into an authoritarian police state.

    And even if they could, why should we trust the police when they act like this??

    If you are actually interested in how Tony probably saved the life of his entire family by having a gun, read this (pdf) and this.

    Of course, it’s ok for the anti-gun nuts to disarm themselves. I guess it would be one way to reduce the surplus population.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    By the way, the Arambulas are suing the Phoenix Police Department for $5,750,000. They will probably get it.

  8. amodedoma says:

    #6 Ah_Yeah

    Your indoctrination is showing… Have you ever lived in a place where guns are illegal? The old assumption that if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns, is a fear based fallacy. I’ve lived in europe half my life and the US the other half, believe me there’s a huge difference. Since people don’t have guns in their homes the crooks don’t take guns to robberies, and since the crooks aren’t armed the police aren’t as scared, and it’s much less likely anyone gets killed. The attitude that if it’s found in the US constitution it must be sacred, is counter productive to the evolution of their society. Appocalypse is coming, and when it gets to America I envision millions of Americans pointing their guns at eachother.
    It’s still not too late to emmigrate.

  9. bobbo, what second amendment says:

    #6–Ah Yea==do you agree that isolated incidents can be raised to support any argument on any issue?

    Assuming you agree the answer is yes, you must then further agree your post is totally irrelevant.

    What is relevant?

    Group statistics. They show USA having the highest rate of murder from privately held handguns. Them’s the facts.

    How do you get rid of guns? Make them illegal/highly restricted and give it time to work.

    Suicidal and emotional to “think” otherwise.

  10. Atluxity says:

    Gun controll is not about the guns, its about the bullets. Cris Rock had this about gun controll .

  11. Rick Cain says:

    Its a simple yet common case of “How dare you question my authority”. The police make the assumption that they are never at fault regardless of what happens, and they know there is a blue wall of silence to protect them.

  12. SRG says:

    update – “Officer cleared by Phoenix police board in homeowner shooting”

    The ruling by the Phoenix Use of Force Board determined Officer Brian Lilly acted within police policy in the incident.


  13. Loupe Garou says:

    Predictable loony left response. Any excuse to push part of the agenda and blame all of this on an inanimate object instead of just another product of the urban jungle.

  14. Kop Kars Kut Korners says:

    Of course, as usual, all of these writers for all these news outlets focus the public’s attention on only the most shocking parts, presenting how horrible this or that was, and leave out the nitty gritty as it’s too complex for most attention deficit disordered readers to understand, so they keep you in suspense, after all, that’s their business.

    If you read the complaint from May 16, 2009 (THIS IS AN OLD STORY) there is a weird discrepancy which made me think “this is bullshit”.

    Supposedly Tony the homeowner was still on the phone with 911 and after he was shot 6x was and laying on the floor with a gaping hole in his chest the size of a dixie cup, he says “you just killed…you just killed the homeowner. The bad guy is in there.”

    Something wrong with this picture. Why would the homeowner say that? That sounds more like something someone else would say.

    Another thing is that the situation might not have been calm at all, as painted by the plantiffs, as it states the officers said that there was screaming and then he fired the gun at Tony. In the complaint this was prefaced with the concept of “coverup” but if there really was coverup, I don’t see cops saying there was screaming, they would say something more like “he pointed the gun at me”.

    Clearly the tapes will prove or disprove this if indeed the phone was still connected to the 911 system.

    The complaint claims the kids were interrogated by officers. Well duh, what are they supposed to do take them out immediately for ice cream? That’s what happens in these horrible situations, they need to question the kids as well as everyone. The kids were in the back of the police car for their safety. Kids will sometimes run away in these situations making it all worse.

    Then the claim is that the wife was brutalized by the cops and has bruises to show for it. She likely had to be restrained as she was probably ready to kill the cops for nearly killing her husband.

    So when you read the legal complaint you quickly are able to pick your jaw back up after having dropped it once again due to reporter drama syndrome.

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    I’ve got an excellent response, but it has been flagged by the spam filter.

    Let’s hope is shows up soon.

  16. Uncle Dave says:

    While I’m opposed to gun restrictions, I’ve always wondered about that gun nuts’ statement in favor of guns about protecting themselves from people breaking in, etc.

    How many people wear their firearms at home just in case someone does break in?

    If it’s locked away in a case so jr can’t accidentally shoot himself, what good is that if someone barges in waving a gun around? He ain’t gonna wait while you find the key, unlock the box, load the ammo…

  17. Two to the Head says:

    You know they are bad cops if they shoot someone SIX TIMES IN THE BACK and he lives. What are the odds of that.

  18. Two to the Head says:

    #15 Uncle Dave. I wear a 9mm Sig P239 in an inner waste band holster from the time I get up in the morning until I go to bed at night (home and work). We live in a remote rural area 30 minutes away from any “police response”. I think most people with conceal carry permits carry in their home.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, bobbo,

    Group statistics. They show USA having the highest rate of murder from privately held handguns. Them’s the facts.

    Well, almost. We’re NUMBER 7 !!!

    (MEXICO IS #17)

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, krazy kop kar kook,

    Obviously you didn’t read the link in Ah_Yeah’s post (#6). It has the transcript of the 911 call.

    You also make several other comments that are not based in fact, but supposition. Tony was on the phone talking to the 911 operator when he was shot. The phone picked up that conversation and the subsequent shooting. There was no screaming or a warning by the police.

  21. O'Really says:

    an excerpt from the follow up article posted by #11

    “If Brian would have known there was a homeowner in there, he probably would have hesitated,” Gannon said, “but if he had hesitated, and it was the (suspect), the outcome could have been tragic.”

    I’m pretty sure if you ask the homeowner, the outcome was most definitely “tragic”!

    I get so pissed at how Law Enforcement is always so quick hold the public accountable for our illegal actions, but they never have the same level of accountability for themselves.

    Effing, hypocrites!!!

  22. noname says:

    I just watched a movie Righteous Kill with De Niro and Pacino that has a nice documentary of real life police brutality and cover-ups.

    Very eye opening.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #21, Ah _Yea,

    I’m not surprised, you are pulling out the discredited hack pieces again. When you have no other ammunition, just keep telling the same lies.

    Gary Mauser has been so discredited. His claims that Canada has a higher violent crime rate than the US is because the US only included aggrevated assault and higher while Canada includes ALL types of assault; sexual, simple, battery, etc. He claimed the Canadian Medical Association Journal is NOT a serious, professional journal. He claimed the Dutch Study picked which countries could participate when the truth is ALL countries were invited, Israel chose not to participate. The list goes on.

    Really, the Times of London? Another News Corp. outlet that panders to rabid gun thumpers.

    Self Defense, the Great Equalizer, Come on. Suggesting that “Communist Dictatorships” caused so much violence belittles the crimes against humanity by right wing regimes in South Africa, Spain, Portgugal, Germany, Turkey, the Philipines, and elsewhere over the past 110 years.

    In short, let me explain why these are poor arguments. They are all printed in biased forums. Not one has been peer reviewed and the reviews I found for “Would banning firearms reduce murder and suicide” were not in agreement.

    If you want to show us some peer reviewed studies then please do. Mere opinion doesn’t cut it.

  24. deowll says:

    # 25 Both right wing and left wing extremist governments cause people to disappear. Dictator ships of all forms normally cause people to disappear sometimes in large numbers.

    They also want to disarm the public because they know that some members of the public will use those arms on them or their enforcers given the opportunity.

    Such governments may have good government as a goal but never forget that their first goal is to obtain and retain power at any cost to those that may disagree with them.

    Anyone who spends any time trying to defend any of these organizations is suspect as a pro-dictator enemy of self determination and civil liberties for others at least in my view.

  25. Ah_Yea says:

    Typical crazy Fusion again.

    Just because you say it, doesn’t mean you’re right.

    I showed academic papers, you give back nothing and think you settled your argument.

    Ok, show me where Mauser has been discredited. Provide a link to a credible source.

    The you discredit the UK Times. How about providing some evidence that the article is without merit? Until then, you again give nothing.

    And again on the self defense article. It doesn’t surprise me that you couldn’t understand the paper, although deowll understood it perfectly. Does that mean deowll is much, much smarter than you?

    Then you said “They are all printed in biased forums. Not one has been peer reviewed”.

    Prove it. Show that these papers were not peer reviewed. (I’ll give you a hint. Your biased opinions would not allow that the white papers were peer reviewed and were found correct. My links were to reprints.)

    All you do is illustrate my point that there are crazy people out there who want, indeed crave, being sheeple.

    And what about the history of gun control and racism?

    Again deowll is miles ahead of you.

  26. Selvy says:

    @ #8:

    Sure, we could emigrate there but by then Europe will be a series of Islamic republics. ‘Dhimmis’ will need to be packing then.

  27. Glenn E. says:

    Well I’ll just about bet that the cops will get off. Because it’s too vital to the State to preserve its police force, no matter what f*cked up state they’re in. And save the taxpayers a lot of money, in a court. I suspect that cops are more and more, amping up their bodies on steroids. To meet some physical fitness requirement. Or simply to “out muscle” the competition, and get better paid. Only this leads to the steroid rage effect. And a tendency to gun down anything and anyone, in a high tension situation. And I suspect various govt. agencies are aware of this problem. But are covering it up, because they’re too desperate to get and keep anyone willing to be policemen, that they’re overlooking this abuse. Are they even testing for steroid use by cops?

  28. Ah_Yea says:

    Guess which was worse, the crazy intruder or the cops?

    The cops. Why? Because at least the crazy intruder, although armed, didn’t try to kill someone right off.

    If the crazy intruder doesn’t get you, just wait for the police.

    So if we go with Idiot Fusions Great Leap Forward and turn in all our guns, then the only thing we can be assured of is we become the victim, one way or the other.


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