The U.S. government is expecting delivery starting this week of enough doses of the new swine-flu vaccine for nearly every American who wants it, but state and local budget cuts coupled with limits on who can administer the vaccine could hamstring the campaign.

A big question is how many people will actually want the vaccine amid concerns that it has been rushed to market and could produce side effects, as well as a sense among some that the disease isn’t serious enough to warrant seeking a shot.

The CDC is rolling out a media campaign to promote vaccination, with ads expected on buses in Chicago, Dallas and several other cities within the next two weeks. One will remind pregnant women that “flu can harm you and your baby” and urge them to get shots both against seasonal flu and the H1N1 influenza.

  1. Personality says:

    They can keep it. I just don’t trust it since it hasn’t been available for very long. And No. I am not a fear mongering Repuke.

  2. loconavi says:

    Everything in life has side effects! Just get the damn shot.

  3. caleb says:

    funny, children under 10 are being told NOT to get the swine flu shot in Australia… cant see how giving it to a pregnant woman is going to be good for the baby

  4. SimonSezz says:

    Why the hell are people here being such pussies about this? Geez, you’re not going to get the swine flu anyway because you sit on your ass on the computer all day complaining about stupid shit.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    I think I’ll just go get swine flu and be over with it.

  6. brm says:


    Getting shot in the face has side effects! Just do it!

    How about I don’t “just get the damn shot.”

  7. pfkad says:

    Kee-rist! Do we have to rehash all this swine flu crap every other day?

  8. Howard Beale says:

    Some Complications to the flu, pneumonia, severe dehydration, to the point of being fatal. In a Pregnancy the immune system is suppressed naturally pregnant women are more likely to catch swine flu, and if they do catch it, they are more likely to develop complications, it is generally considered a risk to the fetus to have the mother DEAD. There is also evidence of these complication increasing the risk to premature labor or even miscarriage. An NICU as good as they are is not where you want your baby to land.

    The Right to Lifers should be insisting all Pregnant women get vaccinated as they feel woman have no right to decisions about there own bodies anyway.

    Folks the CDC is only trying to help if you are bad at math and think the risk of the shot out weights the risk of the flu go ahead and skip the shot but if you get sick PLEASE STAY HOME. And if you are Pregnant and lose your baby due to this preventable illness you will have to live with the results of your bad bet.

  9. Howard Beale says:

    Sorry #8 was in response to caleb #3

  10. Strong accusation against WHO and the UN on H1N1 vaccine…


  11. Another source of information about H1N1. Seems there is more to it than what we see in mass media.

  12. caleb says:

    #8 you make a valid point

    however isn’t it dangerous to give an untested vaccine to pregnant mothers? thats all i am saying… lets see if other people drop dead from it… im not saying they will or wont… but lets be sure before we dose up pregnant mothers…

  13. bobbo, are we of science or devo says:

    #12–caleb==define: “tested.”

    Reasonably speaking, this vaccine is about as tested as any other vaccine. This highlights the fact that with flu evolving all the time, NONE of the vaccines are “tested” in a way we would all like. Ten year follow on studies from double blind groups and so on.

    THIS vaccine was developed along the same lines as all the other proven vaccines.

    Are you of science or have you devolved into non-science?

    BTW–anyone got a link to the expected death rate from flu, regular or special, of any population if they don’t take the approved vaccine??? I can’t find it.

  14. hahnarama says:

    Will this add campaign be like the one claiming famous people had gotten the shot and actually had not.

    John needs to re post the 60 minutes piece from ’77.

  15. I heard about these dangers late night on the radio with Art bell
    It was all about UFOs and aliens

  16. bobbo, are we of science or devo says:

    #16–Dr Doodiepants: nice rant. I’m taking a Pscyhe 101 class. Mind if I copy/paste your post for my class in “Raving Paranoia, the Politcal Fringe?” I don’t think it is worth any extra credit, too garden variety, but it will bulk up my report on Alfie.

  17. Dr Dodd says:

    #17-boob-I’m taking a Psyche 101 class.

    I would have thought you a patient instead of a student. Maybe it will help your observation skills so you can recognize the obvious warning signs before it is too late.

    I bet you are the first to claim global warming is destroying the planet with no facts what-so-ever, but when real facts present themselves about your favorite politician you can only offer up the “you’re crazy” defense.

    Good luck with your class and with defeating government brainwashing.

  18. Laugh Lab says:

    Funny how the medical system keeps trying to kill viruses when they are not living things. I will pass on inserting poisons directly into my blood thank you.

  19. Dr. Mary's monkey says:

    Where does one get the “straight” scoop.

    A lady at the office stayed home with her son who was ill with a fever.
    The boy’s Doctor took all kinds of tests.
    The doctor decided it was “Swine flu” because that was what was going around.
    The test reports were so inconclusive, that the lady had to call the lab to learn what came back positive.
    The child recovered & I am sure it was a result of constant attention to his Mother to his temperature & taking precautions related to elevated temperature.
    This lady knew what to do.
    The Doctor’s staff & the Lab reports were of no consequence.
    The public needs sound advice.
    Reports of the number of deaths, locally, means nothing.

  20. Stinker says:

    #13 No, I’ll have to disagree with you there.

    The ‘Usual’ vaccines undergo a 15 year testing regimen. Have they been even testing this for 15 months??

    While this may not be untested, it certainly hasn’t been tested enough. Although I appreciate the catch-22 that its in, as there’s no way to test it for that long (at least at this time).

    It seems here that reasonable might not be reasonable as we’d like. (I’m not a government conspiracist, and I don’t play one at work.)

  21. Flubber says:

    #8 Were you trying to say something, or just test out a new keyboard?

  22. bobbo, are we of science or devo says:

    #18–Dr Doodiepants: you do recognized you stepped right into it and are calling it shinola?

    #21–stinker==the relevant context is “flu” vaccine.

    FYI–numbers change on threads do to the spam filtering system. Post with names if you want your analysis to stick.

  23. Stinker says:

    #23 bobbo,

    Exactly, you take my point then. The seasonal flu shot is not able to be tested to the same extent that Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox Vaccines have been.

    It would be moot to even try as that flu would have passed. So…have we just been fortunate that we’ve had so much practice with the seasonal vaccine, or is H1N1 not as bad as the media is portraying it? Thats really my underlying question.

  24. bobbo, are we of science or devo says:

    #24–stinker==media covers a broad swathe. What I’ve heard the media say is that this h1n1 appears to be less lethal than others “but” it takes those who otherwise are more resistant (young parents) but that “the real concern” is that it may mutate to something more lethal just as its closests relative the Spanish flu of 1918 did. My perception of the media reports is that the CDC is concerned about what it may become, not what it has proven to be so far.

    What impression truncates everything I have seen about it. Do you stop paying attention before the report is over/the article is read?

  25. The0ne says:

    These are the people who are going to get the shots and we’ll be expecting comments later on…

    #2,4,8, 13, 15, and more to come!

    Please don’t hesitate to tell us when you got your shot (don’t let yourself be the middle or last please) and how you’re doing afterward. Thanks for your generosity.

  26. stinker says:

    When I say media I”m thinking of CNN, NBC, MSNBC and the like. There is the level of hype that is pervading the H1N1 story that has put it to the disaster de’jour. I don’t see reason from these reports, written or video and that has me upset.

    I’ve been trying to find articles that go beyond the hype, and have found them but have to dig. From what I have read this H1N1 is more succeptable to a different section of the populace, but comparissons to the 1918 flu are not appropriate, the seasonal flu would be more appropriate. If your doctor tells you to get the vac. then I’d say do. But I’m trying to find out why this is worse than a ‘bad’ flu year where people die by the thousands world wide. There have even been years where the flu has mutated and come around again and people who got it before, got it again and died. But where is the panic from the media?

    I do tend to think this is getting blown up by talking heads in Gov. and Media to get them something to talk about (Not the CDC mind you).

    I”ve read what the CDC has to say, and I’m still convinced that this H1N1 is not the killer people are being fed it is. This is not to say don’t take precautions, but don’t freak out. Take appropriate precautions.

    I guess I”m reacting to people reacting.

    H1N1 is ‘bad’ but mitigate the risk and then go on. We shouldn’t be looking over our shoulders for a specter. This isn’t a plague.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #21, stinker,

    The ‘Usual’ vaccines undergo a 15 year testing regimen. Have they been even testing this for 15 months??

    Yes. And then some.

    The same procedures have been used to develop vaccines to evolving influenza viruses for some time now. The current method was developed and first mass produced in the 1950s. There have been minor changes since in the procedures to make them safer.

    The fact is:

    The result has been cited to stoke lingering doubts about vaccination[25], even though the 24 excess deaths and 400 excess hospitalizations from the 1976 vaccine are dwarfed by the thousands of lives and tens or hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations saved annually by seasonal influenza vaccination.


  28. bobbo, are we of science or devo says:

    Is NPR “media?”

    What You Need To Know About Swine Flu Vaccine:

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #28, stinky,

    Twenty-eight pregnant women in the United States had died from H1N1 swine flu as of the end of August, and 100 pregnant women had been hospitalized in intensive care, federal health officials said Thursday.
    Oct. 01, 2009,

    Two considerations.

    First, older people are not being affected as severely as younger people. It is suspected H1N1 is related to a previous flu strain such as the 1957 “Hong Kong Flu”. BUT, they can still get mild symptoms and pass the illness on to younger people without that pre-exposure resistance.

    Since younger people are generally healthier they are less inclined to experience severe symptoms. This is not universal though. Even mild cases can lead to more severe bacterial infections such as pneumonia. Usually, it is the secondary infections that cause death or severe illness.

    While the choice to get a flu vaccination is your decision (unless you are a health care worker), they are worth it in saved loss work time alone.

    Of course, if you are unemployed and can’t afford a vaccination, don’t forget that the Republican Health Care plan is for you to hurry up and die.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:


    I had my flu shot last week. Some very minor aches and pains for maybe half a day and I was good.

    I’ll get the H1N1 in a couple of weeks. My wife’s employer (a hospital) is providing them to employees and families. Their thinking is a nurse can’t work if they are sick or has to stay home to care for a sick child. Cheap insurance.


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