I read somewhere that the average American child will generate 9441 metric tons of carbon dioxide in their lifetime. At $50/metric ton that’s $472,050 in carbon. So if I go to the local high school and pass out 100 condoms and birth control pamphlets, or pay for a poor teenage girl to get an abortion, haven’t I earned the right to get a few plastic bags at the grocery store when I go shopping?

My 2 cents. What do you think?

  1. lynn says:

    Hey, if you’re willing to eliminate future people so you can use a plastic bag today, you may as well go full Soylent Green, brother.

  2. Awake says:

    Your question is pretty loaded… paying for abortions or high school contraceptives?

    Why not be more reasonable and suggest that contraception be free for adults. It would cut down on abortions, STDs, unwanted pregnancies. Isn’t that the goal?

    But then, by the way that you pose your question, it sounds like you would rather see pregnant and aborting teenagers rather than sex education and contraception.

    What a nice guy.

  3. lynn says:

    #2 – Free contraceptives for adults would certainly cut down on the number of pregnant teens in 15 years or so. LOL.

  4. Jim says:

    How to be green.
    1:Dig hole
    2:Put yourself in hole
    3:Refil hole

  5. Brian says:

    Condoms are typically not recycled, so the best bang of the carbon credit buck would be the abortion. The aborted fetus is readily recyclable. Also it’s not a hypothetical person you’re eliminating. It’s a real, dead baby.

  6. Floyd says:

    You’re a guy. Consider a vasectomy as your personal, permanent carbon credit. Not only that, but you won’t have to support additional children over the years.

  7. Tim says:

    Carbon credits for states who impose the Death Penalty.

  8. MikeN says:

    How much does an abortion cost? $300? So with carbon offsets at $1 a ton, you can collect $9000 to have an abortion.
    I see this as producing more pregnancies leading to more abortions, and increasing the price of those abortions, and increasing the number of doctors and non-doctors who perform abortions, reducing the number of doctors who perform medicine, and increasing health care costs.

    This is why offsets were referred to by Joe Romm as rip-offsets.
    China collects money to burn HFCs, which they are allowed to produce as a developing nation under the Montreal Protocol that banned the production. So now they produce even more HFCs and collect money from Europe to burn them.

  9. Jason says:

    The other problem with this is that the aborted babies could have included someone that would have grown up and solved the energy crisis. Their elimination would then set back developments in the energy sector for decades or longer.

    Think it is an exaggerated idea??? Consider that regardless what Giulianni or anyone else tries to say, the onset of abortion from Roe v. Wade was the cause in the drop in violent crime and not the changes made in cities like NYC.

    With at least 38m aborted since RvW in the USA and very likely twice that number in China, that is well over 100m people to not have a chance to grow up to adulthood and contribute to science and society. With numbers that large, there is no way to not think that one of them held the answer to fusion power.

  10. Rex says:

    This is a good reason for not allowing so many foreigners to move to America. Once they get here they use resources at the same rate as other Americans. If they stayed in their native countries they would use a lot less.

  11. MikeN says:

    >the onset of abortion from Roe v. Wade was the cause in the drop in violent crime and not the changes made in cities like NYC.

    For that to be the case, you would have to show that NYC had the same crime drop as other cities, relative to the abortion effect. Instead, we find that NYC’s crime drop was higher, making it responsible for a very high share of the nationwide crime drop.

  12. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Remember when Crime Stoppers was paying black women to have abortions?

    /nipping the problem in the bud, since this fucking church won’t allow birth control.

  13. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    Is it just me or does that uterus look like it’s wearing a thong?

  14. soundwash says:

    LOL…dont count on it…

    there was a HUGE sell off of carbon credits a few days ago…carbon credits are now worth 10¢ on the dollar…[rofl!]

    I wonder if this has anything to do with my recent research which shows that (no)sunspots will not only be responsible for some very nasty winter weather, but they in fact drive the fertility [and mutation] of cycles of the ENTIRE planet..

    this has been known since the time of the Mayans and beyond…in that deep solar minimums coincide with HUGE disruptions in the planetary food chain [due to fertility-or lack thereof]

    that’s not even the tip of it.

    when i tell you i discovered [over] the past eight months that basically, everything that modern [esp western] science has taught us is HUGE f’n lie…in that we have been taught a Mirror Image of the truth. I’m not kidding…

    I’d bet my first born that this will all come out very soon..within maybe a year or less..

    I wrote this huge post huge last night for the Ahdimjahd article {iran dude] that i did not outlined a lot of this mirror image

    i’ll may yet still post it. -but people, when i tell you what our [humanity’s] real history is all about and what used to be taught.. -and what was known..then and now..[like how stupid simple gravity works]

    Your jaw will drop and drag on the floor for weeks..

    anyway, gotta go..

    go find the carbon exchange…it’s flat lining…[gore must be eating is hat!]

    bbl later tonight..i’m city bound, dad needs my help.


  15. Joe Dirt says:

    Are you a smart guy Mark? That’s what I thought…

  16. hhopper says:

    Hey, don’t leave us hanging here.

  17. qb says:

    I don’t think it’s worth 2 cents.

  18. Animby says:

    Should someone be paying me every time I do NOT have sex?

  19. deowll says:

    Worth a try. Some of the members of the current administration are on record suggesting putting birth control in the drinking water.

  20. Ah_Yea says:

    Boy, Jim and GetSmart are on to something!

    This would make every mass murderer a multi-millionaire!

    Abortion clinics would be rolling in dough!

    The US could fund it’s wars in Afghanistan and Iraq just on “casualties” alone!

    Now I know the reason for Death Panels!

  21. Dale says:

    It depends…were the condoms biodegradable?

  22. Glenn E. says:

    The federal govt. runs a funded program called WIC. Which helps to pay for food for women and their infants, for their first year. So in a way, the feds actually encourage unwed pregnancies. By making sure they’ll be paid to eat right. But the feds just can’t bare to pay for contraception. Because it might curtail future soldier boys being available for Cheney’s next war. Keep em coming, from dirt poor America. That’s the solution to the Army’s recruitment dilemma. Oh yeah, and outsource all their civilian jobs to China.

  23. soundwash says:

    Hey Marc Perkel, I think you need to do a recalc.

    Like I said above, Carbon Credits crashed to $0.10¢ (ten cents) at the CCX Exchange on Friday!!

    (CCX=Chicago Carbon Exchange)

    -at that price, you could take care of your lifetime allotment for a song!

    Now the Really Good News!

    The Yamal Hockey Stick Graph that Started this whole dreaded carbon scam has been finally blown up for the fraud that it is!

    Read all about here.

    Now *thats* the way to start a Monday Blog if’n you ask me. 😀



  24. Marc,

    Good idea on carbon credits for not reproducing. But, no, you don’t get the right to plastic bags. Plastic is a problem for other reasons. In addition to the carbon footprint of making a plastic bag, you must remember that its most likely fate is to circle around in the Great Pacific Garbage Vortex breaking into ever smaller bits, but never ever biodegrading as they claim it will, until the sun engulfs the planet in 4.5 billion years.

    Ditch the plastic bags please.

    And thank you for not breeding.

  25. Marc Perkel says:

    I guess no one is going to address the plastic bag issue. Probably should to a separate article about that.

  26. thecommodore says:

    Tell you what? How about you earn your carbon credits by spending time in those high schools teaching kids how to reason and think, and give them enough to do to avoid sex until they’re old enough to pay for their own birth control? Two birds with one stone.

  27. #28 – thecommodore,

    It’s not a bad idea. However, I would point out that paying for condoms is still a lot cheaper than paying for either abortions or unwanted children. So, teach them to avoid sex (ineffective), then add teaching them about birth control so they will want it and know how to use it, then give them the tool to avoid the disease and pregnancies that would otherwise result from the abstinence only education.

  28. Guyver says:

    With all the carbon offsets hoopla along with this whole fiasco about man-made global warming, it wouldn’t surprise me if the libs in this country want to go to a one-child policy like China.

  29. MikeN says:

    The 10c per ton price is because people realized that cap and trade might not pass. That Copenhagen is not likely to result in a new agreement. Possibly also because ClimateAudit uncovered a new flaw in many hockey stick temperature studies, including a recent Arctic warming paper. If there is a carbon reduction cap and trade scheme of some sort, then the price will recover.

  30. soundwash says:

    #31 MikeN

    -exactly.. To continue to push cap&trade would be akin to renewing the original lie/scam with full knowledge and foresight.

    -something that could prove deadly in the near future..



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