I read somewhere that the average American child will generate 9441 metric tons of carbon dioxide in their lifetime. At $50/metric ton that’s $472,050 in carbon. So if I go to the local high school and pass out 100 condoms and birth control pamphlets, or pay for a poor teenage girl to get an abortion, haven’t I earned the right to get a few plastic bags at the grocery store when I go shopping?

My 2 cents. What do you think?

  1. duddits says:

    Oh-yah zero population growth + neutral carbon emission. Gadzooks!

    Marc Perkel #27 – A one page intro on Roz Savage’s site ( has a show also) :

    Takes one minute to realize the doable fix to the problem is world wide acceptance and cooperation. Throw a shit-pile of money at cleanup and don’t add any more plastic than necessary (permeant garbage ship navy required). Well an easy job like cleanup the Pacific has not gotten done. I don’t think much about the insanely hard job the colorful celebrity politicians want us to think is easy. There plastic covered. 🙂
    Carbon offsets and all that Cap’NTrade is just a market game NO carbon reduction results. Finance game like that DeRegulate electricity production and buy it in a market priced way — Duh, power is not a store and use like oil. It is a always be on utility.

    Number of new clean power generation plants have been built in the past 15 years? I didn’t count; just enough to service all days except some severe days and only Fossil & WindFarm. We should have made a bunch of Nuclear ones too. That is carbon reduction. {/soapbox}

    Notice a trend in SciFi lately using terms: breeder (underclass -many offspring) and citizen (upperclass- self imposed childless, maybe one to two kids? The vampire thing is zero offspring. Market is highest ever for that vampire stuff. Some very subtile like Sanctuary. Which is doing endangered species work as part of theme.

    fun is over -f

  2. sreekumar says:

    People enter into sex for recreation and procreation – the former has only moral issues but the latter has population growth and environmental issues. For stopping further degradation of environment population control is a must. Many people procreate accidently when then enter into sex. Some people enter into wedlock and produce kids because there is no other way to access females since social restrictions are unsurmountable. For those men and women who are not serious about having family and children, must be able to enjoy most of the benefits of family life sans the kids.. This will go a long way in reducing population, saving the Earth and at the same time remove money problems of many many people. However, the Governments must do much contemplation and surveys before implementing this to avoid social problems on account of this.


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