Ted Williams’ frozen head for batting practice at cryogenics lab — This story about the frozen head of Ted Williams gets better and better over time.

Workers at an Arizona cryonics facility mutilated the frozen head of baseball legend Ted Williams – even using it for a bizarre batting practice, a new tell-all book claims.In “Frozen,” Larry Johnson, a former exec at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation in Scottsdale, Ariz., graphically describes how The Splendid Splinter” was beheaded, his head frozen and repeatedly abused.

  1. wrhamblen says:

    I think it’s a hoax. At those temperatures a frozen head would shatter.

  2. RTaylor says:

    This is just the major league of death industry rip off.

  3. Cursor_ says:

    Where is the BS meter?


  4. qb says:

    When I saw the headline I thought it was an Onion story. As for BS, I don’t know, but a quick Google shows an amazing number of stories and pictures about his frozen and pickled head.

    Just cremate me, please.

  5. deowll says:

    Then somebody needs to do jail time and if I were the boss they would be fired. This is exactly the kind of press I don’t need.

  6. pfkad says:

    Ted Williams was one of the greats. I barely remember seeing him play. “Better and better”? Bad choice of words. Weirder and weirder, maybe. Or sadder and sadder.

  7. jealousmonk says:

    #1… It might splinter, splendidly.

  8. hartleyshc says:

    Poor, poor, Ted. His son John Henry was a dick, and was the prototypical cliche of a son, trying to cash in on ol’ pops fame.

    I worked for his son John Henry as an assistant webmaster (hitter.net) across the hall from JH’s office. I can tell you there was countless times after one of Ted’s last strokes that you would find him in there signing stuff like crazy even though he could barely move his hands. The merch would then be put into storage because John Henry has already flooded the market with Ted gear.

    The best part of the freezing fiasco was that only the initial payment was made on the freezing treatment, also the “will” that they would all be frozen (ted, jh, and one of the other children) was written on a BAR NAPKIN! Apparently it stood up in court although Im sure they still have Ted frozen, JH got his (leukemia) and was dead himself, less than a year after the whole case.

    Its good to see Ted is being treated like crap even after hes dead, he was definitely treated this way during the last years of his life.

  9. jmrouse says:

    My BS meter is going off, but I don’t have a problem thinking anyone who works in one of these cryo labs freezing dead bodies for the future would have to be a scum bag.

  10. hhopper says:

    Williams’ severed head was then frozen, and even used for batting practice by a technician trying to dislodge it from a tuna fish can.


  11. Ah_Yea says:

    Now that’s usin’ the ole’ noggin!

  12. Glenn E. says:

    Somehow this story doesn’t surprise me. The whole reason for freezing someone is pseudo-scientific nonsense. They’d (Alcor) would like their clients to believe that they’ll be revived in the far future, and any severe medical problems (like death!), cured. But then they come up with a slightly cheaper arrangement, of freezing just the head. As if they’re going to revive that, and attach it to some headless body, in the far future. Yeah, they’ll be growing headless bodies, a hundred years from now. It’s pretty obvious from their conduct that nobody at Alcor takes their own sales pitch serious. They just conned some rich idiots out of their money. Even Star Trek the Next Gen, had an episode about some people surviving such a freezing process. Did Gene Roddenberry truly believe in this crap, too? If so, it really calls his rationality into question. Just another scifi fruitcake.

  13. Uncle Patso says:

    I don’t believe a word of it.

    However, if it turns out to be true, the families of everyone “stored” in the place should storm it with torches and pitchforks and leave no piece larger than a man’s hand and then salt the earth where it stood.

  14. LibertyLover says:

    #12, Poul Anderson did a story on that as well. Only, society looked at those people as freeloaders — expecting to be woken up and everything would be normal (no skills, no money, etc. an extra welfare mouth to feed). Laws were passed to use the frozen people as “spare parts” because medical science couldn’t grow replacement organs fast enough for the Earth’s population.

    It was actually a pretty gruesome story. I don’t remember the name of the book.


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