The administration has stopped short of calling for a second economic stimulus package to augment the $787 billion measure approved this year. But with the jobless rate continuing to climb, President Barack Obama said Saturday he is exploring “additional options to promote job creation.”

In his weekly radio and Internet video address Saturday, Obama said his proposed health care overhaul would create jobs by making small business startups more affordable. If aspiring entrepreneurs believe they can stay insured while switching jobs, he said, they will start new businesses and hire workers.

It is amazing that people still believe Obama and the government in general after this. They haven’t managed to create any jobs and blame it on lack of government involvement.

  1. Zancudocom says:

    You simply don’t know what you’re talking about. The Great Recession would be far worse without the stimulus plan. Without the doubling of the national debt, the lack of Wall Street oversight, and the asset bubbles of the last eight years it wouldn’t have happened at all. Have you boneheads ever taken an economics course?

  2. Guilherme Cherman says:

    #1, that’s what the state-run education teaches you, but it’s not true..

  3. Wretched Gnu says:

    Don’t bother arguing with Guilherme. He is incapable of mounting an argument of any kind.

  4. jbenson2 says:

    #1 Zancudocom

    You need to brush up on your history.

    According to Obama’s original Stimulus plan to save and create new jobs, unemployment should be at 7% in September.

    The government said yesterday that the unemployment rate is almost 3% higher than Obama’s unicorn and rainbow faulty prediction. The unemployment rate increased to 9.8%.

    And if you look at the Total unemployed plus those who have given up looking for work plus those forced to reduce to part-time status the number jumps to an astounding 17.0%

  5. BigBoyBC says:

    But he has saved and created jobs. He saved choice jobs for his cronies and created jobs for their friends. You really didn’t think those saved and created jobs were for us, did you?

  6. mark says:

    The man is a failure and he is now reduced to making ridiculous threats/excuses like this.

  7. gquaglia says:

    Change you can believe in.

  8. says:

    All I know is my grandma loved the new deal, and my grandpas family could not stand it.

    I personally don’t like the currency not being worth anything and I know that TARP helped bring the currency down in value, and it was already valued at about 3 cts of 1910 money, now its more like .25 of a cent of 1910 money.

  9. MikeN says:

    Unemployment estimates with and without recovery plan.

  10. Someone says:

    He’s right, of course. If you put a 13-man death panel in every hospital that would be a lot of jobs.

  11. simongiln says:

    It surprises me to this day that people use the inaccuracy of economic projections to justify their own ideas. Economic projections are *always* inaccurate, regardless of who does them. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something, and you’d do best not to stoop to that level.

    We were headed straight for another great depression, and conservatives (like #5) are bitching about a 2-3% inaccuracy in the unemployment projections? Please, go out and get yourself a sense of perspective.

    Either agree with Obama’s premise that healthcare costs and restrictions (recision, etc..) are hurting our economy overall or don’t. But don’t pretend that the stimulus projections have anything to do with it. It’s a false equivalence.

  12. Greg Allen says:

    >> mark said,
    >> The man is a failure and he is now reduced to making ridiculous threats/excuses like this.


    Conservatives always claim that a half-buck increase in the minimum wage will force companies to lay-off armies of workers or just declare bankruptcy because labor costs would be so high.

    Yet, these same conservatives can’t IMAGINE how doubling, tripling and quadrupling of premiums could impact hiring in any way.

    The reality is — conservative health care is an anchor around the neck of business.

    I met a contractor recently who said that he would immediately hire ten new guys if America went to a Canadian-style,healthcare system. And this guy was no liberal!

  13. Paul Camp says:

    Bush fucked the country for eight years, the republicans generally fucked it for 20 years and Obama hasn’t managed to repair the damage in 6 months.

    Damn him!

  14. Greg Allen says:

    >> said,
    >> I personally don’t like the currency not being worth anything and I know that TARP helped bring the currency down in value,

    Not just TARP — the Republicans’ insanely reckless borrow-and-spend fiscal policy beat the hell out of the dollar long before TARP.

  15. raintrees says:

    Once again, it seems I must be naive – I thought presidents weren’t the ones who create jobs?

  16. Sean Hannity says:

    #18 You can when you’re Barak the magic Obama. All he has to do is talk to make things better. Compassion and symbolism are all that matter…not results.

    That and you Obamabots still blaming Bush for all of your problems. Move on libs, MoveOn!


  17. moss says:

    You nerds must never read anything outside of comic books. In my neck of the prairie, the local papers, TV stations, none of which are close to liberal – admit to and report on new jobs stemming from loans, stimulus programs and direct investment in regional and local businesses practically every day.

    The teabagger idiots have been reduced to complaining, now, about the kinds of businesses that are growing from the program, e.g., they’re too small, they’re too big, they’re only owned by Democrats (maybe) but the new facility that broke ground for Hewlett-Packard doesn’t sound like even in-state Democrats.

    Just keep the whine down to a minimum. It distracts from my concentration planning where to explore on the new train system or the new transit bus systems down state that were given four new buses, today.

    The problem with those of you who are stuck into being ideologues is that you willing to ignore facts, verifiable reality in order to maintain your belief.

    You need a new Pope. Maybe it’s Sarah?

  18. keaneo says:

    I know what state moss is in. Like the brighter portions of this ignorant land, they got rid of the last congressional seat held by a Republikan in 2008. And they have a Dem governor. They have local small businesses that actually know how to fill out a form – even the red tape required by Republikan bean-counters still in the bureaucracy.

    All of you miss the smartest thing Obama has done. Of course, he isn’t dropping the stimulus funds in one big lump around the landscape. He’s having it parceled out in measured amounts – designed to accomplish the most for the economy – till it’s all used up in time for the 2010 elections.

    Are you all beginners?

  19. deowll says:

    One can make an argument on humaniterian groups for health care reform in which case we need to start with tort reform. A few states have already done this on their own and saved their citizens a huge amoutn of money. It cost the overall econmy jack though the trial lawyers aren’t going to be happy. Howard Dean is on video saying the party can’t do that.

    There is no freaking way that increasing the costs of doing business on small businesses is going to create more private sector jobs.

    How much of the Stimulus package has been spent on those shovel ready jobs so far? I heard 14% after I heard 17% but in any case less than 20%.

    The only possible long term jobs that I’m aware of the government creating are all government jobs which does not do jack for the private sector.

    Anyone know anything different?

  20. right says:

    Alfred – “they will be forced to buy health care, or pay a $25,000 fine (tax)”

    How about our $25,000 bet where you said Palin will win by a landslide in 2012? Still on?

  21. Thomas says:

    Only a tiny fraction of the stimulus bill actually went to things that would create economic growth. One estimate was something like 20 cents on the dollar. That stimulus plan has not stopped, nor even significantly slowed the job loss.

    > the lack of Wall Street oversight

    Which still doesn’t exist.

    Have you ever taken a history course? Spending one’s way out of a recession has never worked without a war. Further, keep in mind that the spending on the financial industry, as separate from the stimulus package, was almost entirely in the form of loans which have almost all been paid back. However, the spending on the auto industry was just throwing money in a bucket and lighting it on fire.

  22. ECA says:

    “There is no freaking way that increasing the costs of doing business on small businesses is going to create more private sector jobs.”

    uMM, how much money do you and your employer PAY already for Workamns comp and personal medical?
    Per month..

    NOW estimate that the Bill only asks for 7% of wages, paid by the employer.
    $10 per hour, $400 per week, $1600 per month is UNDER $160.
    I THINK your employer is paying ALLOT more then that to get you medical coverage. And you PROBABLY dont have EYE and DENTAL coverage.

  23. Hmeyers says:

    The economy of countries is like blood flow.

    The USA imports a great deal and exports very little.

    Only domestic production can solve the problem.

    Not health care reform, not tax cuts, not anything being offered by either party.

    @ #8 “The stimulus plan,saving the banks, all of this is working.”

    It is helping, but the government borrowing to postpone the government credit collapse which will occur in a couple of years is only a short term bandage.

    This country must make goods for export and produce domestically to have a sound economy.

  24. Rick Cain says:

    The only actual health care reform possible IS the single payer government option.

    All the rest of the reform package is a dog and pony show, meant to trick Americans into thinking anything got tone, while they implemented mandatory insurance, which is a HUGE giveaway to the insurance companies.

  25. chris says:

    #30 Single payer is the only sadly not the only way to go, but it is the only way that will work.

    For all you death panelists… why is the U.S. the only rich nation where a few actually profit from death?

    The world is always ending if you’re a conservative nutball. I’m more interested watching the left cringe as Obama contorts himself to please the donors. Is anybody really going to vote for him in 2012?

  26. LibertyLover says:

    Obama: We can’t have job growth without health care reform

    He is absolutely correct.

    REFORM is needed, not more government involvement.

    When the government’s social programs account for over half the budget, you have to ask yourself, if government ownership of sympathy is right, why things are so bad?

    Get government out of the way and watch the jobs roll in.

  27. LibertyLover says:

    #31, why is the U.S. the only rich nation where a few actually profit from death?

    Because they bribed the government to pass legislation that regulated things in their favor.

    Government failed. Instead of watching out for everyone’s Rights, they watched out for only a few.

  28. zancudocom says:

    Thank you for all of your thoughtful comments (I’m being ironic here).

    This is from CBS news Sept. 2008: “With no fanfare and little notice, the national debt has grown by more than $4 trillion during George W. Bush’s presidency. It’s the biggest increase under any president in U.S history. On the day President Bush took office, the national debt stood at $5.727 trillion. The latest number from the Treasury Department shows the national debt now stands at more than $9.849 trillion. That’s a 71.9 percent increase on Mr. Bush’s watch.”

    We are currently in Bush’s last budget year. The Great Recession has severely impacted tax revenues. Without the stimulus bill Bush’s last budget would have added $1.2 Trillion to our debt. That means that the Republicans have added at least $5.2 trillion to the $5.727 national debt they inherited when they took office. That is, during a mere eight years of relative prosperity they almost doubled the national debt. Hell-o! Least we forget, Clinton left office with a fiscal surplus of more than $200 million. Clinton wasn’t adding to the national debt he was paying it down when the Republicans took power.

    The Republican response has always been “You forget a little thing called 9/11.” That response is a diversion. At most $900 million of that was spent on the (stupid) war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan. Over $4 Trillion was spent on tax cuts, 90% of which went to the top 5% of income earners. This experiment in supply side economics was a miserable failure, a major source of liquidity that led to the asset bubble that led to the boom in real estate and stock prices and the huge bust that Obama has inherited from Bush when he took office on January 20th, a mere 37 weeks ago. In that time he has taken us from an economic freefall to the point where the great majority of economists believe the markets have stabilized.

    Yet now that Obama has begun fixing the economy, in part by spending a mere $400 million this year to help plug the giant hole in consumer spending, Obama is under attack. Please grow up, we’re all in this together, whether we’ve lost our jobs, our 401K’s, or been denied basic healthcare due to the Republican’s terrible mismanagement. Of course if you’re in the Forbes 400 you’re not in this with us, your net worth actually increased in the last year.

  29. SIDs says:

    Nothing new here. All the right wing nut jobs have expressed their feeling about they want Obama to fail. If Obama fails, so does America.

    Why do all these nut jobs want America to fail? Why do they hate America?

  30. jbenson2 says:

    #13 simonglin said:

    We were headed straight for another great depression, and conservatives (like #5) are bitching about a 2-3% inaccuracy in the unemployment projections? Please, go out and get yourself a sense of perspective.

    You want perspective?
    You can’t handle perspective!

    If you think it was bad under Bush, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

    The reason why we are bitching about a 17% unemployment is exactly the same reason why we are bitching about the dollar crashing, and hyperinflation around the corner.

    It all stems from Obama’s naive and incompetent administration.


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