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  1. Hugh Ripper says:

    Ha! Gotta love Stephen Fry. Shagged by a rare parrot indeed.

  2. Fat_Anarchy says:

    I guess he was just being “polly-amorous”

    bu-dum ching!

  3. bobbo, actually an expert Chef AND health care Executive says:

    The kicker is that was a female parrot. Let the God as Nature wingnuts deal with that.

  4. Mr Diesel says:

    Better to be screwed by a parrot than the idiot in the Whitehouse.

  5. t0llyb0ng says:

    Might I inquire how we know it was a female parrot? You were joking, right?

    It was acting like it was getting ready to leave a little yellowish drop of parrot semen on the back of the guy’s neck—had they let it “finish.”

  6. bobbo, how quickly we adapt says:

    #5–tolly==”bend over let me see you shake your tail feathers” is a well known reference to birds, aka chicks, aka females. The jungle is a known repository of bull dyke parrots.

    Those guys are lucky they got out alive.

  7. deowll says:

    A rather unique experience.

  8. Rick Cain says:

    Looked like a mating ritual. Obviously the parrot loves to swing.

  9. pwuk says:

    Saw this on the telly last night, was most deffo a “bloke” bird 🙂


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