BBC NEWS Ireland backs EU’s Lisbon Treaty — Another brick in the wall.

Irish opinion is thought to have swung behind the “Yes” vote this time because of the severity of the economic downturn, as well as the legal “guarantees” on Irish sovereignty that the EU pledged after the first referendum.

The legally binding “guarantees” state that Lisbon will not affect key areas of Irish sovereignty, such as taxation, military neutrality and family matters such as abortion – significant issues in last year’s campaign in Ireland. But they have not yet been attached to the treaty.

I think I would have waited for these “guarantees” to be added. This is like signing the dummy contract with a “don’t worry, we’ll fix it later” assurance.

  1. bobbo, how quickly we adapt says:

    Good Call–but usually worse than you surmise.

    Look at the “guarantees” of State Sovereignty in our Own Constitution? Look at the guarantees in our own Indian Treaties? Look at any paper agreement anywhere anytime between any two “powers.”

    The only reason to sign a paper is: Do I get enough up front to make up for everything else in the paper being violated?====then get what you are promised and renege on everything else.

    Yes, it sucks, but thats the way History works===completely naive to complain about gravity as so many tend to do here.

    BTW–can you figure out how to make the factoid that Ireland is the backdoor to England relevant to this thread? Seems really to be irrelevant here, but its such a pretty factoid.

  2. Joeyfallon says:

    We had no choice really. The Central European Bank has been the heart keeping for our own banking sector alive for the last few months.
    They were never going to redraft the treaty – what they did do was enable both sides to save face and get on with it.
    Enough with the distractions – we’ve got an economy to rebuild.
    Jobs jobs jobs … YAY 🙂

  3. joaoPT says:

    And, in spite of a large international audience on this blog, the treaty is, “by and large”, a closed matter… at least judging the interest it gathers…

  4. LDA says:

    Fight for freedom (and bomb my family) and then sell it out for what, some gold and a noose? The Irish have now voted to enslave themselves (and the rest of Britain & Europe). Insanity. A tragic and pathetic day in Irish (World) history.

    #2 Joeyfallon

    You mean the rapist gave you food and water, how kind.

    Look up problem, reaction, solution, and then apologise to your forefathers & descendants for shitting on their legacy (the only reason you got to vote) and selling out the future.

    If I kicked you in the head and then offered you a band-aid would you make me your king?

  5. Lisa says:

    I am very surprised the way Ireland voted, but they are desperate because of the economy.

  6. MikeN says:

    So now the only things that stand in the way are Britain and the Czechs.

  7. The EU requires a birth certificate

  8. Joeyfallon says:

    #4 LDA – you’re funny. What year is it in your world ?

    I’m sure we’re all very flattered that you think we should be leading Europe in a democratic revival. I’m not too sure we’d be such a good example.

    The people who have, as you so eloquently put it, defecated on the next generation are all home grown. They were aided and abeited by a willing government and have shag all to do with Europe.

    The things the bankers, developers, politicians and quango wasters have done over the last few years would have them swinging in most other countries.

    Europe and this vote are the least of our problems.


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