172 communication students at the University of Quebec at Montreal recorded this video in one take on September 10th. Directed by Luc-Olivier Cloutier and Marie-Eve Hebert. the finished product was the second take. They couldn’t plan it ahead because they didn’t know how many students would show up for the shoot! Song by The Black Eyed Peas.

From Miss Cellania.

  1. Jägermeister says:

    They’ll all get arrested by the Quebec language cops.

  2. riker17 says:

    Awesome! Very well done. Glad there is some good happening somewhere. This needs to be on the nightly news, in its entirety.

  3. sargasso says:

    Beats doing a project in finite element structural analysis.

  4. Lurker says:

    … and then the RIAA came along and deleted the video due to copyright infringement and sued every student for 25 mill USD 🙂

  5. JimR says:

    … Sigh…. if I were only 30 years younger….

  6. Jason says:

    Go Canada!!! The RIAA can’t touch us here. Yet…

  7. wirelessg says:

    I call BS on the not knowing how many people were showing up. That was a closed set and everyone that appeared on camera was somewhat choreographed for the lip-synching. Now the crowd at the end of the video may have been the overflow participants.

  8. McCullough says:

    #2. Uh…nightly news?


  9. McCullough says:

    Cute, but those have to be the lamest lyrics ever. Sounds like it was written by a 5 year old.

  10. zombieball says:

    #9 McCullough clearly isn’t in the loop with pop culture

  11. maryland157 says:

    I love one take, one camera music videos. Most of the time those music videos are the best.

  12. two to the head says:

    Damn nice job with the steady cam! That is Hard Work, pulling focus and panning from one shot to the next, while walking the whole time. A+ for the semester.

  13. peter_m says:

    L’UQAM se démarques!!!

    Cool video… my uni!

  14. peter_m says:

    Montreal women rock the boat!

  15. joaoPT says:

    #10 neither The Black Eyed Peas…
    these are the “village people” of our days: just some cogs in the machinery…

  16. TTHor says:

    Awsome, fun and tons of talent! Fun to see talent like this.

  17. Snick says:

    Horrible song, the only thing good about this composition-wise is the fact that they could handle so many people

  18. jccalhoun says:

    i hate “lipdub.” What is wrong with “lipsync?”

  19. qb says:

    That was fun

  20. ArianeB says:


    I so hate American Pop music this decade. I cant even watch this video because of it. Corporate committee generated crap to mass market to teens who don’t know any better.

    Anyone who uses “auto tune” is a hack! I’m only saying what everyone else not in the music business is thinking.

  21. Jägermeister says:

    #21 – ArianeB

    Someone’s grown old…

  22. chuck says:

    U of Q has a large glee club.

  23. Red says:

    Of course they were all communications majors. Only those with the easiest and most useless major would have time to get 172 people together to do a lip dub video.

  24. ArianeB says:

    #22 Maybe, but I can list a bunch of GOOD dance tunes released in the past year, that get zero airplay in the US because corporations don’t make enough money off of them to push them.

    “Release Me” – Agnes, “Remedy” – Little Boots, “True Romance” – Golden Silvers, “Hard Times” – Patrick Wolf, “Bulletproof” – La Roux, “Divebomber” – The Whip, “Game Over” – V V Brown, and my favorite very addicting pop/dance song of the past year is “All Over The World” by The Pet Shop Boys.

    You can find them all on You Tube, and while you might not think some of these are the greatest songs ever, they are all more enjoyable than most of the autotune crap you find in the Top 40 in the US.

  25. ArianeB says:

    Oops forgot “Boys and Girls” – Pixie Lott, “Confuson Girl” – Frankmusic, “Everything Up” – Zero 7, “Wrong” – Depeche Mode, “Meddle” – Little Boots, and probably a bunch more.

  26. Matt G says:

    Look, I’m just an aging white male cop from Texas, with no second language and few music skills. While I, too, recognize that “Auto Tune” is a silly crutch for most pop singers these days, I will say that one or two who sing for the B.E.P.s actually can carry a tune, on demand.

    Can I admit something? I shook my butt to this song about 10 times in the last couple of weeks. It’s mindless, yes. But it brings up a feeling, and if you can evoke a certain feeling with a very few words and a few simple chords, than you did something. Those kids at U of Q did a terrific job. SUPERB. Hitting the cues on time was great. Enjoy the fame, ladies and gents– you’ll never look this good again.

    But you looked beautiful that day. Congratulations.


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