Winner of the Miss Urinal Contest 1998

A fuming boss allegedly SHOT one of his employees after he discovered they had used his private LOO. Police said the raging manager pulled out his gun and blasted the unlucky worker in the leg after hearing of his cheeky toilet trip. The 27-year-old boss was arrested and charged with attempted murder yesterday after the alleged attack in Durban, South Africa.

Cops said the row started when the suspect discovered the worker — a 25-year-old Malawian man — had used a toilet cubicle reserved for management.
Cops said: “It seems he underestimated the strength of his employer’s feelings on the matter of which toilet he should use.”

  1. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    What is the difference between a urinal and a Jewish girl? Urinals don’t follow you around after you use them.

  2. Alfred's Mom says:

    Where did you find that picture of my son?

  3. SIDs says:

    #2, Son of Satan’s mom,

    The internet.

  4. bobbo, how quickly we adapt says:

    First, he was happy to have running water indoors,

    Then, he was happy to have indoor waste plumbing,

    Then, he was happy to have a working toilet.

    NOW he’s upset someone else is using the executive reserved model?

    From tribal to LIEBERTARIAN in one generation.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    Who would have known that Pedro won Miss Urinal Contest 1998?

  6. Special Ed says:

    I recently got off a plane and ran to the bathroom. There were no dividers between the urinals and as I whipped out Mr. Happy, I accidentally pissed all over the young gang banger at the urinal next to me. All I could do was laugh. Needless to say, he was pissed. I guess you had to be there.

  7. hhopper says:

    I can’t believe nobody said they would “do her.”

  8. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    I’d hit it!

    /with a rolled up newspaper.

  9. Sids, says:

    #7, hopper,

    Say what? Do Alfred? How f***ing nuts do you think we are? Come on now, a joke is a joke, but, …

  10. Alfred's (very ashamed) Daddy says:

    #6, Special Ed,

    Yes, Alfred told me about that. I understand he licked up every drop too.

    Were you part of the gang that then banged him?

  11. Animby says:

    You’ve heard of a “crap shoot”?

  12. Glenn E. says:

    Dr. “Hawkeye” Pearce was right. Wars are about bathrooms. If there were a surplus of modern conveniences. About 99% of all the world’s conflicts would disappear. Everyone just wants a place to be alone and do their business, and then wash up a little and feel clean again. We can talk about putting Man back on the moon again. So why can’t we have decent toilets for the whole world?

  13. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    #12 – no shit.

  14. Rick Cain says:

    Hey didn’t Apartheid get eliminated in South Africa? Now the blacks want their own management only toilets, did they learn nothing from the whips and tear gas?


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