This is an example from ONE SHOW. Unwatchable.

Via the Live Feed.

  1. RTaylor says:

    John you’re just jealous. Think of all those big checks rolling in. Two years of this and you could buy a vineyard and retire.

  2. Mr. Glum says:

    I can’t watch it. No link.

  3. Improbus says:

    My decision to get rid of cable tv was the right one. If I can’t stream it or download it I don’t need to watch it.

  4. GigG says:

    I don’t think all of those are product placements but so the hell what if they are?

    As more people zap through commercials with TiVo and download commercial edited out versions they are left with few options.

    1. Charge the viewer directly.
    2. Make cheap reality shows.
    3. Product placement.

  5. ECA says:

    PRIME TIME is more expensive then LATE NIGHT..
    we are talking 4-10 times as much in the time slot.

  6. Paul says:

    For some reason this doesn’t grate on me as much as much as it does in Heroes. (I don’t know why I keep giving that show a chance.) This season the product placement is so blatant and corny.

  7. Benjamin says:

    #4 Just got into Heroes when I saw season one in the discount bin at the used DVD place. I don’t watch regular TV. Never really notice product placement, except with Hiro insisted on a certain model of car.

    I don’t think the Wendy’s bit was flattering to Wendy’s so that should count as product placement.

  8. Radiotube says:

    Jay’s niche in comedy is to tug at the American cultural icons, which is why he brings up things people are familiar with in their daily lives. I don’t think it is intentionally done except maybe that Bing BS he did… that has Microsoft money all over it. (did you notice the Google search window in the browser when he was doing that bit? LOL!

  9. The0ne says:

    He’s always does this like #9 said. I don’t see anything wrong here, not to the extreme to consider “news.”

  10. MikeN says:

    Expect more of this with people using bittorrent and other illegal downloads. Movies are going to decline even more when people think the product should be free.

  11. Chris says:

    So any mention of a product, restaurant, etc. is a “plug”? Weak John.

  12. Carcarius says:

    Leno will be off the air by the end of the year. I was never a fan of his, but regardless of my lack of interest to catch even one of his shows I will not watch it simply because he stole ideas from Top Gear with the celebrity lap times. Pathetic.

    Leno was on Top Gear last year and possibly asked to use their idea in exchange for allowing them in his car garage.

  13. SimonSezz says:

    Yes it is product placement… if the company’s intention is to have Leno ridicule the product! It’s so easy to make a video take things out of context by just cutting the words you want no one to hear.

  14. Mister Ed says:

    Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?

  15. David says:

    Aside from the Bing promo, most of these jokes don’t seem very flattering. Are you sure they’re paying for this kind of mockery?

  16. James says:

    Big brands are part of our culture. If you want to hear sneaky, paid (I’m convinced) product placement then listen to Leo Laporte.

  17. sargasso says:

    #1. Owning a vineyard, isn’t retirement.

  18. chuck says:

    Ridiculous product placement, and it’s not funny.

  19. audion says:

    #1 wins, I think.

  20. Jägermeister says:

    #20 – audion

    Agreed. #1 FTW.

  21. GF says:

    Yep, if a product is mentioned by name or you can see it’s trademarked label or profile it’s product placement. You can bet Leno would never have done the Wendy’s bit w/o approval from a bunch of lawyers from both NBC and Wendy’s signing off.

  22. Hugh Ripper says:

    Is all this product placement necessary to make up the shortfall of revenue due to ad skipping and TIVO etc, or is it extra revenue on top of that? Lots of people, mostly older folks, will watch the ads because they like to.

  23. d43pan says:

    Bill Hicks on Jay Leno…

  24. jbellies says:

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  25. zeph says:

    …someone watches Leno?

  26. Animby says:

    Funny you should bring this up. I was watching the tv series Psych and noticed Microsoft has modified the computers on the show to have a big glowing Windows logo. Then, of course, in the credits you see a “promotional consideration” announcement.

    I’m not sure what bugs me more: product placement or product obfuscation. You know, when six people are sitting around a table and, somehow, you can’t see the label on any of their drinks!

    Somebody ought to invent a line of fake beer, soft drinks, laundry powder, etc. for use on TV shows. Sort of like in the 70s when there were all the cop and medical shows set in Los Angeles. You saw a lot of Mayfair Ambulances. I understand that was a real company but they weren’t responding to medical emergencies. They responded only to casting calls by renting a vehicle to TV shows in need of an ambulance.

    As for Leno? He has always been unwatchable. Shill or not.

  27. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Worst piece of product placement I saw was on a CW sitcom where a character spoke the entire voice-over for a women’s deodorant commercial. I thought it was just bad writing until I later saw the actual ad. It was then blatantly obvious the product bought the right to insert their ad directly into the storyline.

  28. FRAGaLOT says:

    Letterman isn’t watchable. I swear the guy is getting too old and must be going senile. He will do a bit, or a gag, and do it repeatedly for a month, as if he forgot he’s been doing that stupid gag for more than a week.

    For a whole month, if not longer, he kept doing this stupid gag where a phone would ring, he pulls it out from under his desk, answers it, and you’d hear what sounds like audio from a police scanner from somewhere in LA. He did this so much, a good month at least, so much that they repeated the same audio bits from 3 weeks ago. I was fed up after that,I just stopped recording his show and never looked back.

    Leno, O’brien, and Fallon have always been much better to watch, even if some of their guests are dull. Yay for Fast Forward!

  29. Carcarius says:

    #26 – funny you should bring that up about the “promotional consideration” on the tv show Psych. Someone must have noticed that one of the characters used a Mac while the other character used an Alienware laptop. Naturally, non-geeks/non-techies may not realize that any PC will more than likely have Windows installed (especially Alienware since it is a hardcore gaming machine), but since Windows is software, it wouldn’t be identified as clearly as an Apple product on screen.

    So they put that silly Windows logo on the laptop cover so people will identify a Microsoft product to counteract the Apple product displayed on the show. I wonder if this annoyed Alienware or if the Alienware product placement contract simply expired allowing MS to use this spot. Regardless, as a techie and geek I saw the Windows logo on the laptop and immediately recognized the tacky product placement by the show. Since when does ANY laptop prominently show the Windows logo on the back of the display cover?

    MS has become incredibly insecure and has gone to some unnecessary lengths to keep up with Apple’s brand recognition.

  30. See B.S. says:

    Props to whomever watched this to pull it in the first place (though someone’s copyright is likely violated). Wonder if due to being posted here on DU that (edited) ep of Jay was seen more on the net than OTA …


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