Should you listen to overpaid celebrities?

Or the people parodying the overpaid celebrities?

  1. Shenzhov says:

    Wow, you know the Celebrities video actually does a better job of making you want a public option than the Will Ferrell video. I kept waiting for them to say, and you know Jesus actually asked people for an insurance card before he would heal them.

  2. gmknobl says:

    a) i bet they weren’t paid for this
    b) it doesn’t matter because the celebrities were right?
    d) if you have a voice, use it and they are for those who so far have little voice, the majority that want what all other first world nations have, health care for everyone because it’s the right thing to do (and the Christian thing too!)
    d) universal health care really is the only way for us to move forward and anyone who says otherwise either doesn’t understand the issue, is a gullible fool or gets paid by the health care industry making it worth their while to ignore what is good for everyone except rich health insurance executives.

  3. Dallas says:

    The republican video hit “Single Payer option a Communist takeover and Kills Grandma” is my favorite.

  4. gmknobl says:

    yes, i used d twice – DOH!

    in my estimation, Will and crew are mostly b list in this video but they are funny

    the argument by implication that because they are celebrities makes them wrong is stupid. the argument by implication that because they are privileged make the elitist and therefore against the common man is also wrong and is, in itself an elitist argument – which does make it wrong too

    So Gaspar, your apparent point are just wrong!

  5. Benjamin says:

    Celebrities are not rocket scientist or brain surgeons.

    I stopped paying attention to celebrities when I stopped watching broadcast TV. I have been TV commercial free for over a year and a half and I am better off.

  6. freddybobs68k says:

    Listen to them both.

    That said the so called ‘overpaid celebrities’ (aren’t they part of that great free market system – which means everybodies paid what they deserve?), are the more correct.

    Feels like a vicious loop. Going on again and again.

    If every other industrialized nation can do it – that is better health care for less money, then why can’t America? I mean what’s the frickin’ problem?

    And yes I’ve experienced it – ie health care in other countries. And yes Americas system is broken.

    As an aside – my health insurance went up 40% this year alone, and is now about the same cost as half of my mortgage. I and my wife have no illness, and haven’t been to the doctor in years.

    For that and other reasons – I believe people against a public option are either in on it, or just deluded. And yes single payer would probably work best.

    Now cos of all of the scaremongering and idiocy – it looks like we’re going to get some half arsed madness, which as someone posted recently, is probably going to be killed by a thousand cuts by the insurance industry. Pathetic.

  7. jbenson2 says:

    What a fabulous video response and slap down of the sub-moronic celebrities.

  8. freddybobs68k says:

    #8 jbenson2

    Clearly it doesn’t bother you that the ‘sub-moronic’ celebrities are right.

    So what does that make you?

  9. freddybobs68k says:

    #10 pedro

    In light of the fact the universal health care works by providing better, and cheaper health care to all, in all other industrialized nations.

    In light of that, how are they wrong?

  10. right says:

    Filo – #14. Yes, and we in Canada only pay 10.1 %.

    “Two differences between the U.S. and the other countries in the study is that the U.S. is the only country without universal health insurance coverage, and the highest cost of malpractice insurance of any nation in the study.”

    Alfred “first in line for public option” 1 wants the US to continue this trend. Amazing.

  11. Eric Morris says:

    The 2nd video was much better than I expected. I am a Republican and usually we don’t come out with videos produced this well. I hope this video maker keeps it up!

  12. cornholer says:

    You probably play with your own feces if you listen to these fools. No one except for the far left wingnuts listen to the child rapist supporting fools in Hollywood.

  13. right says:

    First in Line #18.
    What do you pay for your health care, or do you have any? Me, I pay $54/month for extended HC which includes dental.
    I love my freedom as well but I don’t have to worry about losing my home if I get sick.
    Can you say Americans are not losing their homes and life savings because of health care costs? No you can’t.

    If I am stuck in a hospital for any length of time, do you think it costs me money? Ummm…come on, I’m waiting…

    Here’s a quote from the above link which might surprise you:

    “Hospital Daily Cash Benefit
    If you are confined to a hospital, we will pay you $20 a day, for up to 90 days, from the 4th day of hospitalization, up to age 65.”

    We get money. No bills. If you had that, how would your freedom be affected?

  14. jbenson2 says:

    freddybobs68k the troll said:
    In light of the fact the universal health care works by providing better, and cheaper health care to all, in all other industrialized nations.

    Why are hospitals spring up along the northern USA border to service the Canadians?

    Why do Canadians travel to the USA for their major health issues?

  15. Mike says:

    I can’t believe anybody could be against the health care bill. Sure it is over a thousand pages and very few have read it, but Congress would never do anything stupid. We always send the smartest people to Washington.

  16. freddybobs68k says:

    #22 jbenson2

    So you couldn’t answer that simple question then.

    As to why do some people come to the US health reasons – its not rocket science. Because if you have lots and lots of money you can get great health care. You can cherry pick. The US is a big place, and has some of the best surgeons + doctors and hospitals in the world. IF YOU HAVE THE MONEY.

    Thats great and all. But that doesn’t help 99.9% of Americans, or anyone else for that matter.

    How do I know that? Because America pays more for worse health care. And I know that because I’ve experienced it – _actually living in other countries_.

    So I’ll ask again…

    ‘In light of the fact the universal health care works by providing better, and cheaper health care to all, in all other industrialized nations.

    In light of that, how are they wrong?’

  17. RRD says:

    #17 cornholer said “You probably play with your own feces if you listen to these fools.”

    It’s always refreshing to listen to the reasoned and intelligent arguments from the American right. They always sound the same.

    If I lived in the USA and with my wife’s emergency medical condition, private insurance would have covered some then droped us like a hot patatoe (yes that’s the correct english spelling) and the rest would have cost us our home, business and car.

    In Canada none of that happened and guess what, we get to chose whatever doctor we wanted wherever we wanted.

    I thank God every day I don’t live in the USA, and yes I am a conservative to boot.

    #22 jbenson2 said “Why are hospitals spring up along the northern USA border to service the Canadians?
    Why do Canadians travel to the USA for their major health issues?”

    This is a totally false claim proven to be a lie and spread by the American Medical Association which is an organization working for doctors well being (money) NOT the public’s.

  18. pfkad says:

    Strictly anecdotal, so not worth much, but I’ve lived in five countries and used the health care in four. In my experience, I’d rank the US system near the bottom, both in cost and quality of care.

  19. Wretched Gnu says:

    Face it, the celebrities are funnier.

    And I love this idea that the insurance giants who are fighting healthcare reform are not “overpaid celebrities”.

  20. Wretched Gnu says:

    Celebrities are not doctors, people! Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh – *they’re* the doctors!

  21. jescott418 says:

    Do these celebrities even concern themselves with health care? Do then even know what they have? I love how every so often they feel the need to stand up for the little people about a issue they probably know very little about personally. What a joke no matter which side they are on.

  22. raster says:

    A parody of a parody, what a great idea!

    Too bad the morons that made the follow-up quoted lies and never bothered with facts.

  23. GF says:

    Any Soviet Union pensioners/retirees here? How’s that working out for you?

  24. Miguel says:

    I am amazed that you Americans don’t want public healthcare… Speechless…

    Have you ever wondered what it’s like to have a car accident, be taken to the hospital, be treated there for a few days, and then getting out and going home…

    … without paying a dime?

  25. bobbo, where is sargosso when we need him says:

    In Soviet Russia: we retire YOU.

  26. J. Pennybags says:

    Or should congresspeople listen to overpaid lobbyists?

  27. freddybobs68k says:

    #35 GF

    ‘Any Soviet Union pensioners/retirees here? How’s that working out for you?’

    Is that your intellectual gambit?

    The Soviet Union no longer exists. So the answer is no – there are no Soviet Union pensioners/retirees out there, and that’s a guaranteed fact.

    Worth broadening your horizons – there are some other significant countries out there like Germany, Japan, France, United Kingdom, Sweeden, Norway, Russia etc. Perhaps you can go find how their pensioners/retirees are doing.

  28. cornholer says:

    So how is it that the same people that justify the drugging, rape, oral copulation and sodomy of a 13 year old child would have any credibility to discuss anything?

  29. GF says:

    # 37 “freddybobs68k”

    Wow, you mean the Soviet Union was crushed by it’s debt and could no longer fulfill it’s obligations to it’s citizens? That’s terrible. 🙁 Maybe we should get together and create some kind of NGO and call it Remember the May Day Pensioners or something. You’ll be the first to pony up some cash, right? Can you cut a check for $3,800 bucks? Thanks!

  30. freddybobs68k says:

    #40 cornholer

    Going by your posts here – it seems like you have some kind of perverted fixation on such subject matter.


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