Found by John Ligums.

  1. soundwash says:


    IMO, you should sticky that Until January.


  2. the Freaky Tiki says:

    We Americans are too lazy to revolutionize anything any more.

    the Tiki

  3. the Freaky Tiki says:

    Hey look, Dancing with the Stars is on…

    the Tiki

  4. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    Define: Revolution.

  5. Jim says:

    Wow, what a condescending asshole. What fun!

    He may be right on a few things but he doesn’t give up anything substantive and helpful and he love to spout “conspiracy theory” BS.

    I also love how her questions are pretty much leading throughout the interview, she isn’t actually interviewing but giving him his talking points.

    A complete waste of my time, thanks John.

    [ed: we aim to please!]

  6. Improbus says:

    A revolution? I doubt it. Some right wingnuts might blowup some buildings and/or people but I don’t think they have enough people for a revolution. A guerrilla campaign? That might happen. Strap in, the future is going to be a bumpy ride.

  7. LibertyLover says:

    Progressive Libertarian.


    There is a also a PL Party. Stay away from those wackos (forced “temporary” sterilization of kids to prevent teen pregnancy — WTF!).

  8. Jägermeister says:

    I’m sure his predictions are as accurate as John C Dvorak’s…

  9. Benjamin says:

    If there is a revolution, it will probably wait until the President seeks a third term. Until then, relax because he is lawfully elected.

  10. jpd says:

    That guy kinda’ looks like Barney Fife.

  11. Improbus says:


    I think he looks like the assassin from The Princess Bride, Wallace Shawn.

  12. GF says:

    Screw gold, I’m stalking up on seed, weapons, solar panels and building a sanctuary. Ok, not really.

  13. Awake says:

    There will be a revolution, but it will be by the 80% of the true Americans that don’t want the American Talibans (aka Teabaggers) to screw up what America really stands for. If there is anyone that wants to impose themselves upon American Freedoms, it’s morons that listen to self-admitted power hungry schizophrenics like Glenn Beck that need to be stopped.

  14. BigBoyBC says:

    Yes, John…

    You and Adam are first on the list to go…

  15. soundwash says:

    oh yeah,, is a great news site for getting news that our MSM is payed to bury or ignore.

    My only qualm is the new, mostly video format of the site. It was much better imo, when it was mostly a textual news site.

    I find it extremely ironic that we have to go to Russian news sites to find real news and straight forward commentary. Their editorials and commentary would look perfectly at home on any genuinely America website.

    Even Pravda has excellent editorials and news. Granted, the site is somewhat tabloidish looking, however, the world news and editorials are first rate. -especially if you get a kick out of the (well earned), smug, Russian flavour of the writers.

    Lastly, Asia Times’s World Economy section is another great news site if want you want the no-nonsense brutal truth about the utter corruption (and who the players are) that are in the process of taking down the U.S. (and it’s economy.)

    The last bit of irony is that in Russia’s case, you could say they (and we) have exceeded beyond all mutually wild expectations.

    They are becoming the freely outspoken economic powerhouse that we once were.

    We, rife with unprecedented political corruption and growing, unchecked government expansionist power, are on the verge of effectively outlawing our once heralded Free [political] Speech, [in the name of inciting “soft domestic terrorism”, of course) and are becoming the bankrupt, corrupt to the core [Fascist] state Russia once was.

    I mean, just this week on Larry King Live, he asked Khadafi, “Do you think obama should be president forever?”

    WTF is that?? -Why on earth would any American news entity EVER ask this question?? -let alone to the likes of Khadafi.

    (in case your wondering, of course, Khadafi said essence because [paraphrasing] “We share the same views..obama’s vision will save the U.S.)

    (kinda makes you wonder about the motives behind that bill introduced by a Bronx assemblyman at the beginning of this congressional session to allow the president to serve indefinitely—which btw, has been introduced in prior sessions as well)

    The sycophant think tanks that created all of this madness must be be so happy for both Russia, -and America.

    –What an odd and ironic spectacle this all must be in the eyes of the world.

    so sad.


    Turn off your TV

  16. ECA says:

    yes, we went from Main street to wall street..
    In what other nation do they sell Synthetic clothing the most??
    Because its CHEAP. why is it CHEAP, because we dont use Wool and cottons as much as other nations. We dont even use OTHER fibers..
    What other country LETS you buy CHEAP goods for OUTRAGEOUS prices. THEY MADE THEM, Our corps brought them to the USA, and sells them MARKED UP 4-100 times the cost.
    OTher nations complain about corruption, we TAX it and make it legal.

    If we started a 3rd party, and EDUCATED THE PERSON we wanted elected..
    AND had 2-4 SUB parties to bring others TO the main party.. COULD we??

    BIG companies FAIL, because they FORGET where they get money from. IF’ they forget that the BOTTOM has to have money to spend to BUY their products or USE their services, they DESERVE to fail.
    Its like the Cast system in India..which we abhor. that the LOWEST cast is treated so badly. But you must understand that the HIGHER casts must be NICE to the lower cast, or they will QUIT what they do. Which is to clean the ABOVE ground sewer system.
    Its an FULL circle, and if you make the circle smaller, and cut off the tail…the TAIL will bite you in the BUTT.

    ANd why do we find better/nicer NAMES for what these folks do?? AND IDIOT is an IDIOT, a CROOK is still a Thief..

  17. Miguel says:

    The man said it can also turn out to be a Renaissance…

  18. Carcarius says:

    #5, you can’t thank JCD for wasting your time… look in the mirror. We all have choice.

  19. Carcarius says:

    I like his mafia rant. Spot on.

  20. Thinker says:

    Was a bit fun to listen to. Who is this guy+?

  21. canucklehead says:

    she looked a little severe, but ** NICE LEGS **

  22. McCullough says:

    #21. This guy…

  23. J says:

    This clown is wrong more than he is right. He uses the same tactics that false prophets have used for centuries. Throw out a bucket of shit and then ignore what you got wrong and focus on what was even remotely close. Any 2 bit psychic is correct as much as this asshat.

    Don’t believe me? Look it up.

  24. GF says:

    stalking or stocking, opps

  25. Jägermeister says:

    He’s like Nostradamus… reads history and current affairs… and then mumbles a bunch of vague “predictions” and then hope that some idiots down the line will say “Hey, Gerald Celente was right”… suppressing the fact that great majority of his predictions were pure bullshit.

  26. J says:

    Thanks Jägermeister. I forgot the vague part.

  27. Jim says:

    #26. and 27. Any evidence or links to back up your bullshit? You Obama apologists are worse than the Bush bunch. But as far as bullshit goes…there are predictions and then there are promises which just turn out to be god damned LIES. you do know the vast majority of Obama’s campaign BS has turned out to be just that.

    Or are you just fucking stupid.

  28. Jägermeister says:

    #28 – Jim

    Read this. I doubt you’ll understand it.

  29. Thinker says:

    #23 Thanks! That was fun…now how do I get on this gravy train?? eh? I hear the freak show pays good.

  30. Thinker says:

    #11 Inconcievable! 🙂


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