Found by John Ligums.

  1. Uncle Patso says:

    33 Father:
    “who is going to pay for your world of plenty?”

    In an ideal world, everybody. In an anthill, as an example, every ant contributes in some way to the health and well-being of the community; some by foraging for food, some by building and maintaining the tunnels, some by caring for the eggs and pupae, etc. For their efforts, they all get to live in a protected, air conditioned, flood resistant nest, an ant’s heaven-on-earth.

    Are we less than ants? In some ways, yes. We live in a protected society with an extensive infrastructure dedicated to keeping us well fed, comfortable and healthy, yet many of us chafe and complain at having to contribute money and/or effort to maintain this community. Some even foster rebellion, not suspecting (or not caring about) the chaos that always ensues.

    I say to those: Grow up! You did _not_ get to where you are today all by yourself, without anybody else’s help. You were aided by the effort and treasure of untold millions of others. Have some regard for them, and for future generations, or else move to an uninhabited island and truly do it all by yourself.

  2. LibertyLover says:

    #65, In an ideal world, everybody.

    So, everybody plunders everybody?

    Sounds like full-fledged communism to me.

  3. Uncle Patso says:

    That’s right. Under Communism, everybody plunders everybody. Whereas under Capitalism, it’s the exact opposite.

  4. LibertyLover says:

    #67, I agree.

    To further expound on that for those who don’t know, under Capitalism, everybody engages in the free exchange of goods and labor, unfettered by government coercion.

  5. I don’t put much stock in these sort of predictions, there’s no way they could strongly be backed by any sort of science.

    That being said, I do find it interesting that he mentions Progressive Libertarians. He doesn’t say much about them though, so I have to wonder exactly what he means when he uses that term. Hopefully he’s speaking of them in a limited government manner.

    If anyone is interested in learning about the Progressive Libertarianism principles, they can find them at

    This is actually a movement that I started, and as mentioned further above, it is not affiliated with a party, especially whackjobs that advocate for mandatory sterilization.


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