Notice that Nintendo is at the bottom, being the least green company. Think about this the next time you are playing with your Wii.

  1. SparkyOne says:

    BFD, it is Greenpeach

  2. MR says:

    I get the impression that someone at Greenpeace is a little bitter that they stood out all night for a WII and didn’t get it.

  3. Angus says:

    How can Microsoft be so non-green? Their products are software only, except for the Zune, which nobody buys, hence no pollution from it’s materials.

  4. I read a while back that Greenpeace gives Nintendo a rock bottom rating because Nintendo doesn’t publish any information in regards to their “greenness.” Hence it’s not that Nintendo are worse than any other company but they simply refuse to talk about it.

  5. jim says:

    This only makes me want to buy more Nintendo products. TX greenpeace.

  6. Unimatrix0 says:

    Hey Greenpeace…..blow me.

  7. fab says:

    Does not seem very robust:
    – Trends don’t match the previous ranking (Dell is moving UP compared to version 12 ranking)
    – Looks very unstable. Companies move from very high score to very low too quickly (look at Lenovo)
    – Refusing to disclose information gives you the lowest score (Nintendo).
    – Subcontractors are not evaluated (only the policy in place between the company and the subcontractor)

    I’m convinced by the need for such information to be available, but I don’t trust their rating.

  8. jescott418 says:

    Considering how well Nintendo sells. I don’t think too many give a crap about how green or lack their of they are. Even corporate biggies still buy computers from Lenovo and Dell. Even Apple is kind of on the bubble.

  9. Jim says:

    Trust != Greenpeace.

    Note the odd scale that relates to … nothing.

    Sounds exactly like greenpeace.

    I keep waiting to run into one of those super-talkative greenpeace signup people and discuss why they hate third-world countries because of their anti-GMO activities.

  10. nolimit662 says:

    Who gives a crap? I buy products for what they do, not if they’re green or not. WTF? Greenpeace are a bunch of kooks!

  11. sargasso says:

    I checked out their web site and the ranking criteria seems to be based entirely on corporate policy statements of “Green Governance”.

  12. ECA says:

    “Notice that Nintendo is at the bottom, being the least green company. Think about this the next time you are playing with your Wii. ”

    Interesting comment..NOW where is MS?? not that far away.

    For you others.
    The pollution from using plastic is enough to kill 1/2 the planet.
    Bleaching products for WOOD, is so much fun..
    I hope you all live long enough to float in benzine bath..

  13. Faxon says:

    Green is new Fascism.

  14. MikeN says:

    How about having fewer electronics and less development?

    A big screen TV costs 1c a minute at current cheap power rates. How about we limit the production of large screen TVs and ban laptop screens larger than 14 inches? This would reduce power usage by several power plants worth.

  15. ikelleigh says:

    I wonder if they know how green the hardware is that are hosting their web sites? Or how much energy/resources it takes to keep said web sites operational?

  16. Dr Dodd says:

    #14-ECA-The pollution from using plastic is enough to kill 1/2 the planet.

    Oh Really?

  17. Faxon says:

    #16 How about jerks like you not deciding what the fuck I buy?

  18. Hugh Ripper says:

    #19 Faxon

    Jerk than knee much? No-one’s telling you what to buy. It’s advice, nothing more. If buying ‘eco-friendly’ floats your boat, pay attention. If not, don’t. What fascistic about that?

    A lot of people (mostly non-American people from what I can tell) actually give a crap about pollution (pun not intended) and the environment and try to live accordingly. Personally I don’t really go for the Greenpeace dogma, but I do consider the environment when I buy and dispose of stuff.

    Reducing pollution and increasing energy efficiency are desirable outcomes.Why the redneck ‘dont tell me to stop polluting’ attitude?

  19. soundwash says:

    um..Gasparrini…i hope you do realize that the entire “Green” movement is a farcical PTB inside joke.. the “Green” refers to $$$MONEY$$$ not anything related to energy.

    It is a nice little [pointless] flash-app though.


    When we see the personal, over-unity power units whose design has been around for the better part of century, THEN you’ll have something truly green.

    That would be right around when Western Science uses Einstein as their excuse for holding back their progress in energy and space for 80+years, denying that the Aether exists and not “discovering” that gravity proper is nothing more than a helical, polarized electromagnetic wave produced by the spin of electrons in the atom.

    [The Russians will probably out that shortly]

    Like i been saying, in the very near future, resonant electromagnetics [and perhaps tuned toroidal coils] will be the *only* thing that matters.

    It is the one and only unifying force that ties the entire universe together and powers all Life within it.
    -and soon, it will power everything on this planet. [as soon as someone kills off all the oil families, that is] muhahaa

    -s[enior] froot loopy

    (save those old hard drives. there are rare earth neodymium magnets in them that will become mighty handy in the near future–count on it)

  20. MikeN says:

    Pedro, I’m not being sarcastic. If people think it’s a good idea to ban SUVs because some people drive them with just one person in the car and they burn too much fuel, then it is reasonable to ban other wasteful products. If people want to see brightness, let them go outside and look at the sun. Limit laptops and desktops to 14 inch screens. Ban wireless routers and cell phones.

  21. Todd Peterson says:

    Greenpeace has zero credibility. It is a club for spoiled brats.

  22. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    I am not a huge Greenpeace booster, but I really love the way all the morans like to shoot the messenger.

  23. That’s it. I am supporting Nintendo after this. GreenPeace are a bunch of idiots.

  24. deowll says:

    I agree, this is mainly a way to extort money.

    Yes the issue of pollution is real and needs to be dealt with but all to often the math connected to the green business modals does not compute.

    Well the green business makes a lot of money but the benefit to others/the environment is often rather limited.

  25. verycheeky says:

    SUCKERS!! …. Michigan: Record low temps breaks 1935 cold… Record low tied at Daytona Beach… Cold snap fills up homeless shelters in Idaho

  26. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #28, pedro,

    You truly are a failure. In today’s business world is the written mantra that every successful company write down their priorities and business plan. That some companies refuse to do so in regards to being “green” demonstrates that they have no plan to stop being wasteful. Especially with nonrenewable resources.

    Oh, I forgot. You are some successful businessman who knows all this stuff.

  27. Rick Cain says:

    Going green saves you green, nothing wrong with that.


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