![]() Late Show character/Staffer Stephanie Birkitt lived with alleged extorsionist |
David Letterman reveals $2M extortion plot; CBS News producer busted in scheme to reveal sex secrets — I find this story fascinating since the girl above, used to play a dead-pan staffer, usually wearing a high school men’s letter jacket while helping Dave give things out to the audience. She always creeped me out and seemed awkward in her onscreen role. I actually expected her name to come up in the discussion. It did in the Daily News report. I’m guessing she was the source of the Letterman deep info.
A top CBS News producer was busted Thursday for trying to shake down David Letterman – threatening to expose the late-night funnyman’s affairs with several female staffers in a movie and book.
The “Late Show” host revealed the stunning plot on last night’s show in an extraordinary confession to viewers – and admitted he had indeed slept with several women who work at the show.
“I’m glad you folks are here tonight, and I’m glad you folks are in such a pleasant mood, because I have a story I’d like to tell you and the home viewers as well,” he said, appearing to set up a comedy bit.
He went on to explain that a man identified by police as Robert Halderman, a 51-year-old Emmy Award-winning producer, found out that he was sleeping with several staff members.
Halderman allegedly threatened to expose the 62-year-old Letterman, who married his girlfriend, Regina Lasko, of 23 years in March, unless he forked over a staggering $2 million.
The take away for me was yet another black eye for the CBS news. It begs the question what else was tainted by Halderman and does CBS care enough to even look into it.
Why would Regina be upset? She worked on the set. I’d assume she had her eyes open. She is the one who snagged a life-long bachelor — so what does she have to be upset about? It’s not like she could have ever thought that he would be faithful. I’d assume she just accepts life with an ego driven talk show host/comic. She is set for life. Why would this make her pissed off? For what reason would she be upset about any of this? I’d think — she’d have come to expect it, and already come to terms with it.
You must not understand the concept of “marriage” (especially from a woman’s point of view) and think those 50’s standards of marriage are something that ever stood up to reality.
Consider: studies reveal that 45-55% of married women and 50-60% of married men engage in extramarital sex at some time or another during their relationship (Atwood & Schwartz, 2002 – Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy)
That is one out of every two marriages. Meanwhile, although, many people cite “infidelity” as the reason for divorce, the secondary reasons are more important. They are, in order: communication issues, physical abuse, financial problems, drug abuse
# 36 meetsy said,”…one out of every two marriages.”
I suspect many of the rest are lying.
Hey, OvenMaster: Why should Regina be pissed off? They’ve only been married for 6 or 7 months. She was probably one of the staff he boinked! Yes, I know they’ve been a couple for 20 years or so. Still, it wasn’t an extramarital affair if they weren’t married! I haven’t seen a timeline so it’s quite possible this all happened years ago.
When the truth comes out, I’d be willing to bet it all started after his heart attack. A lot of men who have MIs (heart attacks) while still young, go around trying to prove they are still vital and macho by taking up high adrenaline sports, fancy cars and, yes, seducing as many women as possible.
There’s no evidence (so far) that he coerced any of the femmes. As a rich man with lots of hats, I suspect he talked to his attorney(s) before going to the cops. Seems like they felt he was not in danger of any legal entanglements.
move along, nothing to see here…
all is fair in love and war?
tbh, you need to talk to the guys who work in the deli around the corner from the studio to get the skinny on the soap opera going on in the studio and get in on the pool.
It’s the equivalent of barber shop talk. this is only news in the mainstream.
there is no studio on the planet who’s crew is not sleeping with each other.
smart move outting this on the show though, it null and voids any future attempts to extort money on this subject.
my father was in show biz…(he lives around the corner from the studio on 8th Avenue) and has done some stunts for the letterman show off the marque on 53rd years ago)
I can’t count how many times i’d cut school and go to his apartment and find some young hopefull looking to break into show biz asleep in his bed while he was on location in the city.
its all standard fair for the industry, nothing major.
Yes, Stephanie was one of ’em. She’s currently “rooming” with the extortionist, and he included parts of her diary in his initial package. How else do you explain her longevity on the show? Started as an intern (wink wink) in ’96 and was hired on full time a year later.
No asymmetry in that relationship. Nope. Nothin’ like that.
In Mel Brooks’ immortal words: “It’s good to be the king!”
I wish someone would try and blackmail be for millions of dollars for multiple trysts with young women. Assuming I had the worth and it did happen.
He did the right thing. Never negotiate with terrorists… er… extortionists. Good for Letterman, another guy I don’t watch (i.e Leno).
So whats next ?? He is a dead beat and needs to get a job and get ready to pay about 30,000 in child support or month or else go to jail…
Dave would make this girl come on stage and let him insult her. I think Dave likes to watch people squirm, he’s not really twisted, but maybe quarter twisted.
I’ve always thought Dave and Paul might have… well, Paul strikes me as the submissive type.
I think Sarah Palin was right on the money calling him a pervert.
Since when is screwing a lot of women weak behavior? I think it’s strong….real strong. I’ve bagged about 40 women in my life, and I’m hoping to double that number before I shrivel up and settle down with some baby raiser. The more the better. Ugly losers who can’t get laid always think it’s perverted when hot people get screwed alot – lol. Sorry losers.
[When is your book coming out? – ed.]
John, on NA you complain about these non-stories being used to take our minds off the “real” issues…and your blog is now full if them; manufactured stories about whether Obama losing the Olympics is a crushing defeat for his administration, how amazing it is that Letterman slept around…who cares?
You’re no different than any other media whore, you’re just not getting the good-paying johns and you’re jealaous.
I wonder if she saw or touched Letterman’s monkey . . .
What am I missing? If I was with coworkers at my employment I would be FIRED. If a politician did a coworker he would resign. Why are people joking about this, fire him.
Ok, I stand corrected. Stephanie apparently goes down like a submarine too.
#47: You’re missing the point. In most businesses you might be right. In show business fooling around is a fringe benefit, for both males and females. Read some of the other messages. Letterman will only be fired if his Nielsen ratings drop a lot.
Come on people! This is a classic ratings grab. Leno show is beginning to wane, do something to bring the viewers over. Is there anyone who thinks this wasn’t planned?
Didn’t like him before, don’t like him now.
In any other business, what he did would be called sexual harrassment. I can only hope the other victims choose to take their complaint to the EEOC, rather than choose the make your own retirement route. Maybe the girl can still go down that route.
Letterman has routinely victimized and ruined other peoples reputation through his commentary. I can only hope his reputation is likewise ruined. That would be Karma.
Why do rich guys sleep with their staff members? Or politicians, too?
There is no shortage of women who would willingly sleep with them.
But, instead, they sleep with underlings and mess-up their workplace and get into all kinds of problems.
I never have and never intend to cheat on my wife.
But, if I did, it sure as heck wouldn’t be with one of my employees. What a mess that always ends up being.
>> Mr. Real Big said,
>> I’ve bagged about 40 women in my life, and I’m hoping to double that number before I shrivel up and settle down with some baby raiser.
Man, that’s gonna be one lucky lady.
Why would Letterman do this to his son?
He is a scumbag, always has been.
It may well be that Letterman didn’t break any laws.
A more serious question is how much will it cost him if his wife decides to leave with the kid? That might depend on when the sex occurred and of course his partners might decide to see if making a claim now will fill up their bank accounts.
Not my problem.
I guess we could call this story:
Stupid Human Tricks
Oh please. There are likely dozens of women lined up to try out the “casting couch” to get any sort of position in Tv. And Letterman probably ain’t the only Tv executive using it. Some low self esteem young females might even idolize Letterman to point that they’ll sleep with a 62 year old man, simply because he is such a big Tv star. Or their “backstage” mothers put them up to it. And while they may not have been harassed into sexual favors. The hiring system at CBS, might favor females willing to tumble to executive requests. And those that don’t, may have a shorter stay. Letterman’s case may just be the tip of the Iceberg at CBS, or the other networks as well. The producer that thought he could extort some bucks out of him. Might have tried this with other CBS execs. And Letterman was chosen to take the public heat of omission, to take him down. Or said producer may have planned a “tell all” book about CBS, they found out, and set him up. It’s Letterman’s word against his, that blackmail took place. Said producer would have made a lot more money, legally, just publishing the book. But CBS probably has friends in the publishing biz, who stalled it.
How are you going to walk into a bank and expect to cash a 2 million dollar check?? bad move, idiot deserved to get caught.
#58, pedro
I’m sure your wife would feel reassured shall she gets a load from post.
And I’m sure your husband would feel the same way.
Heck, I sleep around with women from work. This is hardly an unusual thing in the workplace.
Halderman’s life is over, and people are looking at Letterman with increased regard. On the show the next night, although he said nothing of the incident, he looked and acted almost giddy with relief.