Barack Obama’s amazingly consistent smile from Eric Spiegelman on Vimeo.

I thought this was that cut-out of Obama, until I watched his thumb.

Found by William Tildesley.

  1. cornholer says:

    The delay in response is due to the liberals still being unconscious.

  2. bobbo, are we of science or devo says:

    #32–cornholder==nope. Went with guys just like you. – – – – – Unless, unless===are your initials GK?

  3. Hugh Ripper says:

    Like any professional salesman, perfecting a smile is a asset. Great for stoogin’ the public.

  4. cornholer says:

    Its been reported that Chris Matthews will bust a nut at the sight of Obama. Obama smiling like this will probably require Chris Matthews to be treated for dehydration.

  5. Dallas says:

    Only matched by Cheney’s consistent frown.

  6. theBadSteveO says:

    Obama’s smile is pretty consistent, but the other guy is all over the map!

  7. SID says:


    So far, out of 38 posts, eight were by you denigrating the President and blacks in general.

    Your pappy must be proud.

  8. Phydeau says:

    I can tell cornholer was one of those kids who enjoyed flinging his poop around. 🙂

  9. Phydeau says:

    #43 And poor pedro. Mired in that black and white worship/hate mindset. Unable to comprehend that people can like a politician overall without worshiping him. And yes, pedro, we’ve heard you say many times that you didn’t like Dubya. We just don’t believe you. 🙂

    You’re just another wingnut who worshiped Dubya until it was overwhelmingly obvious what a disaster he was, and then pretended that you never liked him in the first place. And then turned your black and white mentality on Obama, and decided to hate him.

    Folks like you are a dime a dozen around here.

  10. cornholer says:

    I see a few of the far left wingnuts have awakened from the stupor of passing out after reading post #23 and are now on the attack as I planned. Funny as hell!! I can play these fools anytime I like.

  11. Phydeau says:

    #44 That’s right, cornholer — when you fling poop around, people will point and laugh. But they’re not laughing at your wit, they’re laughing at your sh*t-stained hands and face. FYI.

    #45 Keep the faith pedro… there will eventually be a Republican politician you can mindlessly follow. 🙂

  12. Uncle Patso says:

    To quote the old joke; “Practice, man, practice!”

  13. kill the niggers says:

    yep a racist nigger. niggers are allowed to be racist towards Whites but do they cry like a little bitch when Whites stand up. just kill every nigger, sand nigger and spic on the planet as well as the gooks. the planet will be in a better shape and people will be happy.


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