Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week the highlight is a discussion about the Fed, minerals, tech and the Dollar. Interesting!

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  1. roastedpeanuts says:

    Where do I sign up for that rollercoaster ride?

  2. KMFIX says:

    Seriously? You guys are smart enough to know why Obama wants the Olympics in the USA… JOBS / TOURISM.

    I hope he’s successful in helping to win the bid.

  3. ECA says:

    and thats why Im suggesting in the OLD stock market..
    Invest in our FOOD STOCKS.. watch the prices go thru the roof.(they already have)

    What happened to the OLD way of the stock market.
    The MORE people that bought IN, the lower the price?
    It was based on LIMITED products, limited goods and Spreading the VALUE out over many.
    NOW we are investing in infinite goods, with infinite VALUE.
    I thought that the Value of the company was the BASIS of the value of stock. NOT the value of GOODS they were selling, or the IDEA they were CREATING something better..
    YOU SHOULDNT be investing in a company to MAKE it bigger, you should invest because THEY BECAME BIGGER, and WORTH more.
    Investing in corps is like Investing in a Cancer, FORCING it to become bigger, and something happens to make it SHRINK or kills it. The corp GOT YOUR MONEY and you have LESS or nothing.

  4. TabTwo says:

    That wooden rollercoaster is in beautifull South-Germany. As you can see in the background, this area is famous for its wine.

    I live not far from there, can even see thous little hills from my window.


  5. deowll says:

    I keep expecting inflation to take off because of all the money backed by nothing that is supposed to have been dumped into the economy. So far….?

    Then I expected the taxes connected to health care to do crush the economy but if we are lucky that won’t pass because the Dems can’t get their acts together because some of them can still do math.

    As for cap, tax and redistribute the wealth. That doesn’t compute as doing any good unless you think the lose of jobs and industry in this nation is a good thing. Some Greens do. Some Dems can now do math so maybe that won’t pass or not much of it.

    Does this mean jobs might actually start to pick up in a year or two or not?

    Please note as far as I’m concerned as long as jobs are going down the economy and tax base is tanking and trying to make long term investments in the market is darned near hopeless for someone like me. You have to trade hoping you know which way to jump on short term investments.

  6. meetsy says:

    Obama wants the Olympics for Chicago, because his loyalty is to Chicago and the Chicago way of doing business.
    Wake up, guys. The Olympics won’t be in North America two times in a row. It’s in Vancouver, B.C. next.
    Plus, how many low income people can Chicago displace with an Olympic bid? I think that’s the real motive. That, and how much $$$ will Obama and his cronies line their pockets with? If they wanted to HELP an area of the country, they’d try and get the Olympics for Detroit! Talk about a city that needs all the help it can get. But, wait, Obama isn’t about our country..he’s all about paying back favours. I forgot.
    Meanwhile, the Olympics artificially inflates the tourism for a year, then what? A crash? It’s not a sustainable situation. Better to build something that is lasting than put a lot of energy and money into a wasteful situation. Oh, that’s right. Obama isn’t fiscally conservative, nor is he wise with OUR DOLLARS.

  7. Someone says:

    “But, wait, Obama isn’t about our country..he’s all about paying back favours.”

    Yes, but he has been so diligent about paying back his sponsors that I kind of respect him for it.

    Isn’t the definition of an honest politician one who stays bought?

  8. brm says:

    Where the heck did you find the girl who does the intro? Cracks me up every time.

  9. meetsy says:

    Someone, you have a point there.
    So, when someone says he’s a whore, then the proper reply would be, “a very faithful whore”. I like it.


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