Almost like getting elected just so you can help your former employer. Not that Haliburton, via Dick Cheney, ever got an extra contract while he was VP, of course. That would be silly.

A jailed hacker shut down a prison’s entire computer system – after bosses gave him the job of programming it.

Douglas Havard, 27, serving six years for stealing up to £6.5million using forged credit cards over the internet, was approached after governors wanted to create an internal TV station but needed a special computer program written.

He was left unguarded and hacked into the system’s hard drive at Ranby Prison, near Retford, Notts. Then he set up a series of passwords so no one else could get into the system.

The blunder emerged a week after the Sunday Mirror revealed how an inmate at the same jail managed to get a key cut that opened every door.

  1. bobbo, I can't program either says:

    “You know”–those jail people are just mostly “lazy.” Given desire vs budget, I can see calling on prisoners to help==but not without supervision.

    Science without understanding = magic.

  2. ECA says:

    computerized TV system??
    and it wasnt SETUP as a separate system, AWAY from the main computer??

    HOW is it that SOME PEOPLE think that 1 computer is ENOUGH to do everything.
    I find it much better to FOCUS 1 machine to do 2-3 TYPES of things only.
    If its for ART/Scanning/Picture storage/Fax/… THATS enough.
    If its for GAMING/NET.. thats enough.
    If its a business machine.OFFICE/SPREAD sheets/Letters/Taxes/book keeping THATS ALL I want it to do.

    You have the Main computer setup to control DOORS for the inmates..and you have it doing OTHER things?? Things NOT related to control of the installation as a PRISON control…NOPE. nothing more should be on this machine.
    I understand that there PROBABLY is a manual system(THERE BETTER BE).

    Automation is a wonderful thing. EXCEPT when you think that THIS 1 device can DO EVERYTHING.
    Expecting your VHS recorder to record a DVD is just silly.

  3. rumor_swill says:

    Don’t know it it was BS or not, but years
    ago weren’t hackers said to have been given
    jobs at the corporations they hacked into?

  4. jbenson2 says:

    Uncle Dave needs to get back on his meds.

    His BDS is out of control.

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    BDS? You mean Blower Drive Service? Ballroom Dance Supply? Big Drum Smoker? Business Dynamics System?

    Oh, you must mean Bush Derangement Syndrome. I’d forgotten about that. I had already decided that like you, I now believe Bush & Co. did nothing wrong and shouldn’t be held accountable for anything.

  6. ECA says:

    If you show’d you were better then WHAT THEY HAD, you got a job.

  7. deowll says:

    Being smart is not a substitute for being wise.


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