The video is not clear about where, inside his own body, did the terrorist hide the bomb. It does not seem to be something done surgically, as done in the movie ‘The Dark Kinght’.
Video – New AQ Bomb Tactic
By Gasparrini Tuesday September 29, 2009
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I guess I’ll never say “blow it out your ass” to anyone again …
Bomb-sniffing dogs will treat airline passengers just like other dogs, smelling their butts. We now have a whole new meaning for the term “A-bomb.”
TSA is gonna love this… Bust out the rubber gloves. Everyone is a terrorist until proven innocent.
This is all wild speculation. More likely just a double helping of bean enchilada’s, wait for the appropriate moment, and strike a match.
Gas/Air Bombs are highly effective. You can google it.
Full body cavity searches, X-Rays and paper gowns for everyone. There was an movie in the eighties where middle east terrorists had C4 implanted in their abdominal cavities. It was unclear how they detonated it. I guess you could also implant it in breasts instead of silicon?
TSA: “Security check. Wash this along with the gerbil and run it through the scanner.”
Pretext for having even more intrusion in our privacy.
I’ll bet they’ll gonna go with fullbody x-ray see.through scanners now.
Just proves these terrorists are a bunch of a** clowns.
It’s quite likely that the guards screwed up the search and this is their line of BS to try to deflect beheading.
Geez, I hope the bomb was tapered and well lubed before insertion. You’d hate to suffer from a sore anus before blowing up.
Body Cavity searches for all air travelers. WooHoo!!!
I really hope no agenda covers this, cause this story stinks of so much shit.
1) if the bomb was activated by cell phone then it would be impossible not to set off a metal detector
2) they let a known terroist fly in the princes plane to surrender to the prince in person?
Assuming the report is accurate, obviously the gentle and loving Saudi counter-terrorism head, who was standing next to him, survived fairly unscathed. Therefore the impact was probably taken mostly by the bomber’s body. Therefore it was messy but ineffective.
So obviously we should divert massive resources from health / education and further abuse and degrade everyone that goes anywhere near a security overlord.
Anal probes – coming soon to a TSA line near you.
“House, you can’t really mean exploratory surgery?!?!”
This is going to make Al Quaida look so silly they’ll never be able to regain face.
Just think of the bad jokes that will immediately come to mind, any time people talk of suicide bombers in the future. Ditto any mention of Al Quaida, now inextricably linked in people’s minds with explosive farting or bad food experiences.
Thanks for not commenting Angel. 😉
Where do you think these terrorist got this idea?
Damn it people, THIS IS WHY WE MUST considers ban on using Internet to distribute
bomb-making instructions.
Oh come on noname if you believe that by removing so called bomb making instructions from the net will stop this then your are an idiot!
I would think something in the colon would get shoved out when you had a bm or cause debilitating pain. That rather imposes a time limit on how long it could be there.
The stomach is larger but getting a large bomb inside might be kind of awkward. I suppose a long hot-dog of C4 could be shoved down your esophagus but you still need a detonator without metal and as noted this must have been something that could pick up and respond to radio waves.
Making a small hole through the navel and shoving a long worm of C4 inside might not leave much if evidence.
This would still up on an x-ray machine or ultra sound I think.
This is not low tech.
More BS from the BBC. This is why I don’t watch the mainstream media anymore. It’s just a propaganda machine.
# 21 Gasbag,
Did you watch the video. Inspiring no?
I realized _YEARS_ ago that exactly this sort of thing exposed the entire TSA crap as nearly pointless. Until they start doing body cavity searches on _everyone_ their whole effort is pointless. Until the event described here, I just figured that these _assholes_ had some kind of fanatical religious aversion to shoving such things up their poop shoots. I guess, unfortunately, they’ve overcome that. BTW, women could carry a double load.
It would sure make it easy to spot the terrorists: just look for the sweaty guys with the grimace and the funny walk.
All this means is gay men will be embarassed by the TSA when the dildo hidden in their rectum is mistaken for an AQ bomb.
back in the day, terrorists used to smuggle explosives into south africa inside their/others’ bodies
one mother was stopped on a bus with a dead infant on her back. the baby had 4 hand grenades inside it
I’m taking the train